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There is no call for a tedious review of doings and events, but a few of the tendencies deserve mention. The event of the year...
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The addition of a chemical fire engine to the equipment. of a fire station is, without doubt, a valuable one. The majority of...
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By Henry Sturmey. The commercial motor vehicle in its many forms covers a very wide sphere of usefulness, and it is difficult...
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The report of the Coventry Motor Omnibus Company, Limited, for presentation to the statutory meeting of shareholders, shows the...
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This journal fosters, represents, and chronicles commercial motoring in all its branches ; it has the largest and best...
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A fire recently occurred in the offices of John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Limited, and was not extinguished until £2,000 damage...
The three views of a universal joint, which we reproduce at the foot of this page, show one which has been introduced, by the...
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The Value of Competition. The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :—As a' regular passenger on one or other of the London...
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Our readers will be informed by the Editor on axy Points connected with the construction or use of commercial motors. Where a...
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The Traffic Committee of the Munich Corporation has decided to establish a new motorbus line between the Rosenheimstrasse and...
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Contributed by an Engineer-in-Charge. In the following article I shall endeavour to give plain instructions regarding the use...
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A Broken Exhaust Valve. " Driver " (London) writes :—" The following peculiar incident happened to me a few mornings ago. I...
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ELECTR MOTOR CONTROL.— Leitner.—No. 23,889, dated 26th October, 1906.—This invention relates to means for propelling road...