News of the Week
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FURTHER to our reference last week to the •second meeting of • the organizing committee of the proposed Institute of Road Transport Engineers, this was attended by 13 members of the original 15, apologies being received from two.
It was agreed that Mr, Boyd Bowman, MA., should be appointed as provisional part-time secretary. ,No more definite arrangement can yet be made, as this will naturally comewithin the province of the council to be elected after the Institute has been formed. Mr. Boyd Bowman accepted this arrangement.
The solicitor, Mr. J. S. Neave, who is drawing up the memorandum arid articles of association, is a partner in Messrs. Dalston, Sons and Elliman, 21, Southampton Place, Bloomsbury Square, London, W.C.1.
One matter that came op in the agenda was a reconsideration of the title of the proposed Institute. It had been suggested that the word " Institution " should be employed, but it was decided' that " Institute " should stand, as no particular advantages could be ascertained in connection with the use of the more cumbersome title.
There was considerable discussion regarding qualifications for membership. Eventually, at the suggestion of Captain J. B. Walton, a sub-committee was formed to confer with Mr. Neave on the final settlement of certain difficult points. The members elected to this committee were: Messrs. Mackenzie Junner, Andrews, Beasley, Davenport, Downs, Vincent and Captain Walton. A further meeting of this sub-committee was held on May 31.
A number of letters has been received from those who desire to become correspondent members, and the secretary will send a letter to certain of these asking for further details of the work in which they are engaged.
One interesting move, which was made at the suggestion of the chairman, was the inclusion of a grade of membership; to be known as ".associate," between associate-member and graduate; details of qualifications for this grade are not yet available.
ALETTER has been sent to the M.O.W.T. by the North-western Area Standing Joint Committee in connection with the invitation which has . been extended to C licensees to hire their vehicles to the Ministry under its haulage scheafe, and it is suggested that 'preference should be given to A licensees whose applications were turned down.
It has been pointed out by the S.J.C. that many A-licence operators who previously offered their vehicles were refused at the time, because they were not fully engaged on long-distance work during the basic year ended November, 1942.' owing to the fuel
supplies being cut down. It is contended that these operators should be ...given another chance to offer their services before C-licensees are enrolled.
WE are advised that a new company has been formed by High Duty Alloys, Ltd., Reynolds Tube Co., Ltd., and Reynolds Rolling Mills, Ltd., to collaborate with designers and constructors in any industry to secure the best use of Hiduminium alloys. Further information will be sent on request to Hiduminium Applications, Ltd., Farnham Road,. Slough, Bucks.
TE Heavy Trailer Sub-committee of the S.M.M.T. has resolved, in connection with the Construction and, Use Regulations, to recommend the follow
war-time concessions in regard to gross laden weights and dimensions of trailers and towing vehicles to continue in force; legalization of trailers for passenger conveyance; tractors to . be allowed to draw two trailers. Increases:-L-OveraIl width; total weight transmitted to road by any two wheels; maximum weight for two axles in line; length of articulated vehicles; speeds of special types; compulsory front lighting of trailers.
Mr. R. G. Palmer has been elected chairman of the Trailer Section for the ensuing year, 'following the death of Mr. J. T, Brockhouse. MR. SEWILL DENIES CHARGE OF OBSTRUCTION 'THE Director of A.R.O. points out that hiA attention has been drawn to a report of a meeting of the Yorkshire Employers' Federation, in which it was alleged that the headquarters of A.R.O. was responsible for holding up the merger contrary to the wishes of its Own areas This, he states, is sheer nonsense. There is absolutely no obstruction by headquarters or any section of A.R.O.
The. Yorkshire Federation . should know that there are questions remaining to be clarified and, in some cases, decided (even in connection with the National Federation to which the Yorkshire body is attached). A,R.O., as an association, is doing no more than seeking clarification and decision not only in the interests of its own members but, to its way of thinking, to the general improvement of the existing proposals.
Abusing other associations through the Press, after securing satisfaction of one's individual and personal claims, is emphatically not the wayto bring about a mutually satisfactory merger.
NEWCASTLE CONVERTS ANOTHER TRAM ROUTE A NOTHER trolleybus route, 'cover ing about 2/ miles, is to be opened on June 11 by Newcastle-on-Tyne City Council. The new route, at present covered by trams, is from NVhickham View along Elswick Road into Westgate Road and into Clayton Street.
IVIEMBERSHIP of Halifax Transport liflOwners' Association is approximately 40 per cent, more than it was before the war, At last.week's annual meeting of the Association Mr. A. H. Taylor, the secretaiy, reported that 12 new members had been elected during the year, bringing the membership total to 45. Mr. J. Wild was elected president in succession to Mr. W. Robinson.
Other appointments included:—Viee-presir dents, Councillors Charles Holdsworth and Wizen Haigh, and Messrs. T. E. Rhort, H. H. Beaumont and W. Robinson• senior, vice-chair-. man., lifr. W. Scott; junior vice-chairman, Mr. H.
' Browaridge; hon. treasurer. Mr. H. Bell; executive committee, Messrs. J. Comersall, S. D. Goldthorpe, J. Gibbs, T. H. Short, F. NormanLoft, J. Hirst, T. Hoyle, C. Pickles, E. Shackleton, N. Armitage, J. E. Halstead and G. Moss.
-rim next London general meeting 1 of the I.A.E. will be held at the Royal Society of Arts, John Adam Street, Adelphi, W.C:2, at 6.15 p.m., on June 6, when Mr. H. Fossett will read a paper 'entitled " Petrol—Its Development, Past, Present and Future—with some notes on the Potentialities of High-octane Fuels for Road Yehicles." The paper starts with a statistical and historical review of petroleum products, followed .by notes on the chemical nature and properties of crude oil and finished petrol with. a survey of refining method's and distillation Properties of various hydrocarbons used in motor fuels and the anti-knock properties dl individual groups are then discussed.
, The second part should be of par ticular interest as it concerns the use of high-octane fuels in road vehicles, • first, by an increase in compression ratio; secondly, by the application of supercharging; and finally, by a combination of both methods, Those wishing to attend as visitors should apply to the acting secretary, I.A.E., 12, Hobart Place, London, S.W.1, enclosing a stamped envelope.
ROAD ACCIDENTS SINCE 1926 TN a return given by Mr. P. J. Noel' Baker, Parliamentary Secretary,
M.O.W.T., in the House of Commons last week, it is shown that, in 1926, the number of persons killed in road accidents in Great Britain was 4,886,
whilst 133,888. were injured. In 1930, the number rose to 7,305 killed and
177,895 injured. The figures in the intervening years did not rise sharply until 1939, when there were 8,272 killed and 125,303 injured, representing • seven months' casualties. .
The numbers of injured had risen from 202,119 in 1931 to 226,711 in 1938. In 1940, there were 8,609 killed, no figures of injured being available. For a period of nine months in 1941, the number of people killed was 6,926, and of injured 140,618In 1943, the total of killed was 5,796, and 116,740 were injured. The figures since 1940 are not complete. .
TN respect of the year 1943, Albion 1 Motors, Ltd., is paying a dividend of 12/ per cent, on the ordinary -shares less income tax.
THE B.R.F. says that great interest has been aroused throughout the country by Mr.. P. J. Noel-Baker's announcement that the Government has accepted the principle of motorways, and that suitable lengths will be constructed as soon as practicable. It seems posSible that such a plan may be based upon ' the County Surveyors' Society's scheme introduced in 1938, and endorsed by the Institution of Municipal and' County Engineers in 1942.
rAs one of the proposed motorways runs from London to Swansea, skirting Cardiff, Bristol, Bath and Reading, the B.R.F., responding to many requests, is sending an official to the westcountry to discuss this matter with the local authorities.
Chambers of Commerce, including those particularly affected, have been asked to give consideration to this question of motorways. It may be said that the majority is in sympathy with the proposed scheme.
BUS OPERATORS' VOICE IN TOWN PLANNING DUS companies operating in the Tynemouth area have been supplied with particulars of Tynenaouth Corporation's town-planning proposals, especially with regard to bus routes. ,Discussions are to take place between the corporation and the operators regarding the provision, after the war, of a ceotral bus station. PERSONAL PARS MAJOR F. S. EASTWOOD, Northeastern Transport Commissioner, is also acting in a similar capacity in the North-western Region pending the appointment of a new Regional Commissioner in the latter area to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Sir William Chamberlain.
MR. F. JENKINS, F.I.M.T., of Armstrong Whitworth (Vehicle Service), Ltd., has been awarded the Lord Wakefield Silver Medal by the Institute of the Motor Trade for his paper on the " Relative Responsibilities of Employers and Employees to Each Other," Mr. Jenkins controls, from headquarters in Chase Road, Willesden, the spare-parts side of the company's activities.
MR. R. B. STOCKDALE, Of Liverpool, retires to-day from the position which he has held for three years as Northwestern Divisional Road Haulage Officer in the M,O.W.T. He will immediately resume direction of Motor Carriers, Ltd., of which concern he was the founder. It is certain that his great interest in the politics of the roadtransport field will bring him into the limelight once again. His successor in his previous position will be MR. W. A. BRIDGE, who was Assistant Divisional Officer.
MESSRS. H. F. MINTER AND F. R. ALDRous are affected by certain.alterations made by the M.O.W.T., which states that the post of Officer in, Charge of the Meat Section of the Meat Transport Pool has been upgraded to Deputy Director, and an additional post of Assistant-Director in that Section has been approved. They will be held, respectively, by the aforementioned, Mr. Minter was a member of the London Association Council until transferred to the M.T.P. of the M.O. W T.
MR. GEORGE E. GILBEY, head of Gilbey and Sons, Ltd., Wakefield, has been elected president of the National Association _of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers. Of some 20 years during which he has been connected with the Association, he has served for about 15 as a member of the national executive, and for the past nine years he has been chairman of the Leeds
Centre. Also actively interested in the C.M.U.A., he is a former chairman of the North-eastern Division. His services to road transport have substantially increased during the past 12 months by his becoming honorary secretary of the Yorkshire Area Standing joint Committee and honorary secretary of two county committees representative of operators working under the M.O.W.T. haulage organization.
1943 TRADING OF RANSOMES, SIMS AND JEFFERIES I N 1943 the income of Ransomes, Sims
an Jefferies, Ltd., after charging depreciation and making reservations for E.P.T. and deferred repairs, etc., amounted to £115,064, the profit for the year being £47,314, after deducting £67,750 for interest on debenture stock, transfer to reserve for income tax and directcrs' fees. To this profit must be added £55,359 brought in and profits on sales of investments totalling de32,675.
After deducting £25,000 representing the transfer to staff pensions reserve, and a dividend on the preference shares, less tax, to December 31 last, which accounts for £5,500, there is a balance of £104,848.
A dividend of 71 per cent., less tax, on the ordinary stock will take £18,750 (net), and after £27,240 is transferred to the reserve for post-war reconstruction and contingencies, there remains a balance of £58,858. LONDON AIRPORT COMPETITION
OUR associated journal " The Aeroplane " is offering prizes of 4500, £100 and £50 for the three best designs for an airport for London. Full details of the competition, which is open to all British subjects, appeared in the May 26 issue of "The Aeroplane.'-' Anyone wishing to enter should write to The Editor, " The Aeroplane," Bowling Green Lane, London, E.C.1, marking the envelope " Design for London Airport," when full conditions of entry, names of judges, etc., will be forwarded. A stamped, addressed envelope should be enclosed.
WOMEN'S TRAFFIC CLUB GOING AHEAD THROUGH the courtesy of Fodens, Ltd., of Sandbach, a suite of offices at Windsor House, Victoria Street, London, SAVA, has been placed at the disposal of the Women's Traffic Choi) of Great Britain during its initial stages. In deference to official wishes, the first formal luncheon of the club, originally fixed for Jane 6 at Grosvenor House, Park Lane, W., has been postponed for a few weeks.
The first National Council of the Club now includes, in addition to those meinhers already announced, Miss E. M. Jeffery, of World Transport Agency, London, and Miss A. M. Walker, of Hinders Transport, Ltd., Bixby.
EXCLUSION of Tees-side from the post-war plans for providing about 1,000 miles of trunk roads was discussed at a .meeting of the Tees-side Chamber of Commerce at Middlesbrough, and it was decided to lodge a protest with the Government on the subject. It was explained that the idea of the new trunk roads was to provide better communications between the north and south of England.
It was complained that Middlesbrough's industrial position would be prejudiced if it be placed in an unfavourable position regarding road facilities, as compared with other areas. It was pointed out that one of the greatest obstacles to new industries being established on Tees-side was the inadequate transport system by which it was served. BUS COMPANY'S 10,000,000 MILES RUNNING IN YEAR
°I AST year we operated, on all serI—dvices, a total of 10,000,000 miles, the number of fare-paying passengers
being 67,000,000. This information was given by Mr. Raymond Birch, A.M.I.Mech.E., in a speech he made recently, as chairman of the Potteries Motor Traction Co., Ltd. The occasion was the 46th a.g.m. of the corn pany. • In the eourse of his remarks he referred to the fact that, during the, past year, the company had been able to purchase 35 double-deck buses, but all the war-time purchases formed only a small proportion of the total number of vehicle replacements required on the scale of pre-war programmes.
Regarding post-war spending, the chairm'an said that, at present, the company was paying away in E.P.T. considerable sums of money which it ought to be allowed to keep in the business to provide for the replacement of vehicles at enhanced prices after the war. BRISTOL AREA I.T.A. OFFICERS ELECTED
THE a.g.m. of the Bristol and, District Branch of the Industrial Transport Associationwas held on May 16, when the following officers were elected:—Branch chairman, Mr, P. Scott; vice-chairman, Mr, F. Wells; treasurer, Mr. E. S. Cecil; secretary, Mr. W. G. Bond; committee: Messrs. J. A. Asprey, H. A. Briggs, 0. F. Crane, D. A. Doe and A. E. Peacock; national council: Messrs. Scott, Wells and Bond.