In a Line or Two
Page 32

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The Bristol depot of the National Benzoic Co., Ltd.. is now at Albert Road, St. Philips. Bristol.
As from next Monday, the Road Passenger Executive will be housed at 10, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4.
The retail price of Woodhead Monroe I-in, shock absorbers has been reduced from £2 15s. to £2 I Is. 8d. each.
A total of 585 safe-driving awards was recently made to drivers of the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd.
An extra charge of :id. per journey has been permitted by Hull Watch Committee for first-class taxicabs in the town.
The transfer of the London divisional offices of A.C.V. Sales, Ltd., to 3, Clifford Street, London, W.1, is only temporary.
Glasgow expects .this year to make a profit of about £3,000 on its trolleybus services. These, it is hoped, will soon be extended.'
Headquarters of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Reseach are now at Charles House, 5-11, Regent Street, London, S.W.1.
Safe-driving awards were recently presented to drivers of the Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society, Ltd., by the Scottish Licensing Authority, Mr. W. Quin.
Seventy dealers of A.N.A.. the A.C.V. Group distributors for Sweden. recently visited the A.E.C. factory at Southall. They toured Britain for five days in an A.E.C. coach.
Bangkok wishes to replace its trams by trolleybuses. Interested . British manufacturers should contact the Commercial Secretary, British Embassy, Bangkok, Thailand.
A thousand members have now been enrolled by the Bus Workers' Antinationalization Society, started by Mr. A. Tegerdine, of Wallsend, who states that the Society had no quarrelwith the unions.
New Leyland agency, appointments are as follows:—Denmark, Dansk Oversiosk Motor industri, Clostrup: Canary Islands. ,Estacion Servicios Canarios, Los Martinez De Escovar, 55, Puerto De La Luz.