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That a doctor's mistakes may be buried. That those of a road transport engineer follow him around—when they can. That it's...
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Walker Decision Not Limited to General Haulage Applications THE Appeal Tribunal has, in effect, reduced from 17 vehicles and I...
A LTHOUGH the derationing . of fuel r - khas little effect on the volume of supplies to road transport operators, except,...
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" T HErake's progress' attitude of putting things off until to-morrow • has landed us where we are to-day," • said Mr. J....
J UDGMENT was given in the King's Bench Division, last week, in an action which arose because three lorryloads of scrap lead,...
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INTENTIONS of passengers after 1 reaching their destination had no bearing on the terms of an application for an...
MR. A. W. MOTION. Northern Deputy Licensing Authority, is resigning his position to enter the church. MR. GEORGE Scorr has...
The Bristol depot of the National Benzoic Co., Ltd.. is now at Albert Road, St. Philips. Bristol. As from next Monday, the...
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fulANY cancellations of orders as a 1V1 result of the imposition of purchase tax on goods vehicles have been reported to the...
IT is reported that some concerns, 'relying upon the Road Haulage Executive to provide smalls collection and delivery services...
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Sir William Rootes irL a " Paper entitled " The British MOtor Industry," read last week b'eforejlie . :R - ayal SoCieiy,-of...
B ECA USE of the increase in the fuel duty and the imposition of purchase tax on goods vehicles, prices of coated macadam for...
TWICE weekly, during the summer. 1 a bus service is being run from Amsterdam to Frankfurt. It is operated by Nederlandse...
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Buses of Eleetries QEVE.NTY-FIVE vehicles at a depot s- 1 of United Automobile Services, Ltd., have been operating for nearly a...
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P. A. C. BROCKINGTON, A.M.I.Mech.E. I T has been said of factory workers, that there are no bad ones, but that some ate better...
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prime mover of an articulated outfit, the Douglas six-wheeled chassis is driven on all three axles. The prototype model, which...
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I N your issue dated May 19, F. L. Aikman expressed his views on the matter of fitting additional and larger mirrors to buses,...
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the atmosphere of the first four films produced or sponsored by the British Transport Commission. They are competently made;...
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Use of Ingenious Body with Pneumatic " Floor " Enables 4,200 Bricks to be Lifted or Dropped in a Quarter of an Hour A , N...
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The New Outlook on the Sharing of Rewards in Industry D URING recent months I have been present at several meetings where...
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4 "Fl VIDENCE that the mobile show stand and mobile showroom are now well established as practical commeroial propositions, is...
T WO new types of electrode holder, designed to permit easy and neat manipulation of the light-gauge electrodes as used in...
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0 PERATORS appear to have become cost-conscious to a degree hitherto unknown as a result of the increased cost of.fuel and the...
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• -ro mount an engine on rubber blocks The drawing shows part of -loaded in shear is well-knOwn praca ball-journal with the...