Our• Campaign Comforts Fund.
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£537 Reached Us In One Week. Indications that Woollens are Coming Along.
The Official Fund for the Mechanical Transpert Columns and Units of the Army Service Corps.
President : H.R.H. Princess Arthur of Connaught.
Ladies Committee : Mrs. A, R. Crofton Atkins, Mrs, Shrapnelt-Smith, Mrs. If. K. BagnalL-Wild, Mrs. H. E. Main, Mrs. W. E. Donohue, Mrs. H. N. Foster.
Hon. Sec. and Treasurer: E. S. Shrapnell-,Smith. Rosehery Avenue, London, E.C.
PRINCIPAL SUPPORTERSFOR 1916-1917. £120 (October to March): Albion ; Associated Equipment ; Belsize ; Car and General Insurance; Clayton (Huddersfield); Cornmercars ; Crossley ; Daimler ; Dennis ; Hoyt Metal ; Leyland; Thornycroft ; Wolseley. £60 (October to March) : Alley and MacLellan; Ferodo ; Halley ; Hans Renold; Scottish Commercial Cars. £10 Monthly: Foden ; Four-Wheel-Drive Auto Co. ; Pratt's and Taxibus Spirits. £5 Monthly : Lucas ; Macintosh ; Maudslay ; St. Helens Cable and Rubber; Wolf (Solex); Wood-Milne. Lump Sum : Dunlop, £100.
Upwards of .E500 was added to the Fund's coffers during the week ended Saturday last. A welcome lump-sum donation is that of £100 from the Dunlop Co., Ltd., whilst it may be observed that two of the maximum amounts of £120, from the Belsize and the Dennis companies, are also included, as well as 260 from the Commercar Co., this la.st-mentioned amount being for the three months October-December.. It may interest some of our readers to know that the Ladies Committee has, during the past fortnight, issued upwards of 14 cwt. of wool, to be knitted into some 3000 mufflers by the 30th inst. Further List of Gifts in Kind Received Up to 28th October, 1916.
Miss M. McDougall, Lockerbie (1 scarf): Mrs. Leech, Worthing (6 scarves): Mrs. Donohue, Harrington Gardens, S.W. (13 scarves, 12 prs.
of mittens, 7 prs. of socks, 3 prs. cuffs). Miss Aburrow (2 pre. of socks).
The Offices of "John Bull," Long Acre, W.C. (bundle of papers). • No name (2 scarves). Miss B. Drummond, Tunbridge Wells (4 scarves).
Miss Kyles, Edinburgh (1 scarf).
Miss Burroughs, Worthing (2 scarves). Miss Wing, Eaton Square, S.W. (1 scarf).
Miss Heron, Guildford (2 scarves) Miss Gibbons, Tunbridge Wells (2 scarves).
Mrs. F. Henderson Hyde Park Square, W. (3 scarves).
Mrs, Tomlinson, Petersfield (2 scarves).
Mrs. E. N. Tracy, Banchory (6 scarves, 2 prs. mittens).
Mrs. Crofton Atkins (6 scarves).
Miss B. Whalley, Teignmouth (1 scarf, 1 pr. socks). Miss A. M. Mackay, Edinburgh (6 scarves). Lady Enott Drake, Lymstone (2 scarves). Mrs. Balgowrie, Winchfield (6 scarves, 1 jersey). Miss Adlington, Evelyn Gardens, S.W. (3 scarves). Mrs. S. Burrows, Victoria Street, S.W. (1 scarf).
No Name (3 scarves). Mrs. M. A. Gardner, Isle of Wight (1 scarf).
Miss Wade, West Worthing (2 scarves). Mrs. She-well, Southsea (1 scarf). Mrs. R. M. Haines, Bury St. Edmunds (1 scarf, 1 helmet, 1 pr. mittens). Lady Morris, Boseastle (1 scarf). Miss Lewis, Bracknell (2 scarves).
A Typical Letter of Acknowledgment.
"I am deeply indebted to you for the splendid gifts which arrived safely, and thank you most cordially on. behalf of my men, who are greatly delighted with the good assortment. I am distributing them personally." 0.0. — Motor Ambulance Convoy.