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We continue to urge attention to the claims of coalgas, the best of home-produced fuels. We are able to record interesting new...
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Interest in the possibilities which attach to the use of coal-gas for road-traction purposes is undoubtedly growing. The bulkof...
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Suggestions for Suitable Designs. Improvement of Existing Stationary Plant in the Direction of Weight Reduction Necessary. The...
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" Let's all turn to gas." Of many new buyers in waiting. That Glasgow means to make gas go. That tissue paper is often a...
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The Pneumatic the Ideal in Effect for All Vehicles Operating On All but the Best-surfaced Roads. Considerations of Commercial...
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" The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points . ariSing, as a carriage is by the...
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Eight per cent. for Companies; Nine per cent. for Other Proprietors. The Provincial Omnibus Owners Association (Incorporated),...
For the Promotion of Commerce Between the British and Russian Empires. The above company was registered on the 23rd ult, as an...
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In modern buildings appearance, fire-proofness, lighting and ventilation are all factors which must be considered. The degree...
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With An Ambulance Unit in the Vosges. THE END OF THE LINE, October, 191C. (Continued.) The period of inactivity has given '...
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£537 Reached Us In One Week. Indications that Woollens are Coming Along. The Official Fund for the Mechanical Transpert...
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B y E. A. BrayIey Hodgetts, Assoc.Inst.C.E., Hon. Vice-President of the Russia Society. In my last article, I demonstrated how...
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for Light Vans. The commercial-vehicle user who uses pneumatic tires has need to exercise care in the selection. The' man of...
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Joining the C.M,U.A. [4041] (Notts.).-21 is. entrance, and 21 us. 6d. annually. Repairs to Ball Bearings. [4042]...
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Where to Buy Your Necessary Supplies and Accessories. Goodyear Cushion Tires. It is generally agreed that for satisfactory...
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We revive this popular "CM." feature in connection with our "Keep Your Lorry hit" Series, and offer a prize of ONE GUINEA for...
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Adjusting Wear In Brake Shoes. Vandervell Non-distributor Magneto. Roller Bearing Construction. Improved Sparking Plug. Copies...