The Supply Departiirkent.
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Where to Buy Your Necessary Supplies and Accessories.
Goodyear Cushion Tires.
It is generally agreed that for satisfactory commercial use the limit of use of pneumatic tires is fixed by a chassis built to convey a net useful load of 15 cwt. The easier running, the possibility of attaioing greater speed, the diminution of harmful vibration, all resulting from the use of pneumatics, have tempted owners in some instances to exceed this limit. In some cases, where the goods conveyed are fragile, the
extra expense is justified; moreover, where largo fleets are used and there is a possibility, by reason of the employment of an efficient staff, of keeping a watchful eye on the condition of the tires, the opportunities for economical use of pneumatics in this manner are increased, The fact remains that, for the general run of commercial vehicles, a 15-cwt. van sets the limit for economical running on pneumatic tires. It has long been felt that something to bridge the gap between this size and, say, 25 cwt., which should be more durable than pneumatics and have more resiliency than solids, would fulfil a long-felt want. The Goodyear Cushion tire, made by that well-known company, the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. (Gt. Britain), Ltd., Central House. Kingsway, 'London, appears to be just what is wanted in this respect. The illustration which we include on this page will serve better than any verbal description of its construction. The effect of the double thread is considerably to reduce any tendency to skid ; of this feature we made a personal test on a one-ton G.M.C. van, the day chosen being a particularly useful one in this respect, as the roads were very greasy indeed. We found that sudden applications of the brakes and rapid negotiation of corners to an extent which on most tires would have been equivalent to inviting disaster, could be performed with impunity. Apparently when the weight comes On the tire, these two treads are driven apart, and, by reason of their resiliency, tend to grip the road surface ; moreover, this tendency to spread affords additional tractive area in both directions.
As concerning the principal element to be taken into account when considering the relative merits of pneun58
matics and other forms of tire for comniercial use— that of cost—the Goodyear Cushion tire is guaranteed in the same way as a solid for 10,000 miles of running. It is made in various sizes from 3 in. to 5-?,;. in., with a capacity per tire of from 375 lb. to 1450 lb.
Steel Barrel Petrol Storage Plant.
Our illustration herewith .shows a petrol storage installation as made by the Steel Barrel Co., Ltd., of Uxbridge. Some hundreds of these plants -have been made by the company and installed in various parts of the United Kingdom.
The important features of this company's plant of this kind are that absolute tightness of the tank is ensured, so that no leakage of petrol can occur, and accuracy of measurement which is always obtainable. The spirit can be measured into the underground tank in which it is stored and measured out through the distributing apparatus quite accurately.
The arrangement of the Steel Barrel company's system of petrol storage and measurement is exceedingly simple. which in itself is a great recommendation to instal such plant. The spirit is stored in an underground welded tank which will not leak and can therefore be set in concrete. This storage tank is filled either from a tank wagon or from steel barrels in which the spirit is supplied. The filling pipe contains a filter to keep all dirt. out of the storage tank.
If spirit is delivered in steel barrels, apparatus is provided to pump it, under seal, from these into the storage tank through the same filling pipe. In this case there is an additional filter to prevent any dirt getting into the pump. A semi-rotary pump is used to raise the spirit into the measuring tank, from which it is distributed through a flexible hose. The accuracy of each measuring tank is guaranteed by the fact that all tanks are stamped after being carefully tested by an officer of the Board of Trade. The pump and outlet cock are each arranged to lock so that no unauthorized person can obtain spirit from the apparatus. Spirit is handled cleanly and rapidly.