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The need for bringing summonses against hauliers for alleged records offences, where the prosecution admits that the breach was not committed with intent to deceive, was questioned by• a Newport magistrate. In a case before the court, the prosecution admitted that the haulier had not intended to deceive, but argued that failure to keep proper records might be important.
Fines were imposed on the owner and driver.
S.A.R. Buys More Leylands.
Leyland Motors, Ltd., has recently received further substantial orders from the South African Railways, bringing their total number of Leylands ordered this year up to 78; these comprise 56 Hippos, 17 Beaver-Six tractors and five Tigers.
The Hippos are similar to those which the railways have been operating for the past 18 months, but the new vehicles will be equipped with more Powerful petrol engines, developing 145 b.h.p. at 2,200 r.p.m., whilst they are capable of carrying over 11 tons, in addition to hauling trailers. All the Hippos are being equipped with 88-gallon dual petrol tanks, fourgallon Autovacs, tropical radiators and W.D. spring-type drawbars.
A 44,000-sq.-ft. Machine Shop under One Roof.
Turner's Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., is now occupying the premises lately vacated by the Sunbeam Motor Co., Ltd., at Moorfield Road, Wolverhampton. The main machine shop, which is under one roof, occupies an area of 44,000 sq. ft., and is well equipped with a large variety of modern machine tools.
At the moment the company is engaged in work for the War Office, in connection with commercial vehicles, and is manufacturing certain aircraft components. Another section of the business is devoted to the production of machine tools, and specialities are a countershaft drive and motor drive capstan lathe of bar capacity, and a universal tool and cutter grinder.
Prize Scheme for Public Works and Transport Papers.
In connection with the Public Works, Roads and Transport Congress and Exhibition, to be held in November, 1937, the Council is offering prizes for papers which are submitted for discussion. Among the subjects suggested for the cleansing section are the following :—The prevention of dust discharge during the collection of ordinary house refuse, with comparative collection costs; the economics of refuse collection and disposal; the cleansing of streets; the advantages of sound costing, as applied to public-cleansing operations; and the design of plant and apparatus for public cleansing. Electric vehicles for refuse collection is a subject in the electricity supply section. The first prize is a gold medal and 100 guineas, and the second a silver medal and 50 guineas, there being a third prize of 10 guineas.
Further particulars may be obtained from the secretary of the Public Works, Roads and Transport Congress Council, 84, Eccleston Square, London, S.W.1.
A 60th Anniversary Celebration.
S. Guiterman and Co., Ltd., 35-36, Alderinanbury, London; E.C.2, which supplies a wide range of accessories and components used in the motor trade, recently celebrated its 60th anniversary, when the whole staff was taken for a trip to Leamington, and, after lunch, was able to visit Warwick and Stratford-on-Avon. The return .trip was made in time for dinner to be taken in London.
A.E.C. 130 b.h.p. and 115 b.h.p. Oil Engines.
We are asked by the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., Southall, Middlesex, to point out that the A.E.C. oil engine, illustrated on page 104 of The Commercial Motor last week, is the 115 b.h.p. model: The 130 b.h.p. engine is still made, but is really more suitable for use overseas, where varying climates and high altitudes necessitate a big reserve of power. NEW £338,000 BRIDGE TO BE OPENED THIS MONTH.
The opening ceremony of the new road bridge over the Forth at Kincardine is to be performed by the conveners of three counties, on October 29. The conveners are the Earl ofElgin and Kincardine, Fife; the Earl of Mar and Kellie, Clackmannan; and Mr. C. E. Horsburgh, Stirling. The estimated cost of the bridge is £338,000.
A Treatise on Cylinder Wear.
An informative publication on a problem of considerable moment has been issued by Harold Andrews Grinding Co., Ltd., Bristol Road, Birmingham. It deals with cylinder wear in a lucid and authoritative manner and is published to stress the value of austenitic nickel copper chromium liners as a solution of the problem of combating cylinder wear.
Maintenance of the Austin Seven.
To-day's issue of oar associated journal The Light Car contains the first instalment of a series of articles dealing in detail with the tuning and maintenance of the Austin Seven chassis, which some tradesmen use as the basis of small vans. The issue can be .identified by a special cover picture of the engine, partly sectioned.