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the campaign which we have conducted for over a year against the persecution of drivers, particularly in respect of...
A FTER nearly two years of trouble concerning the wages and conditions of road goodstransport employees, a first-class crisis...
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A GAIN it has been stated that it is unnecessary for a person about to use a pedestrian crossing to signal his intention,...
Go Round . . . Mr. Hore-Belisha remarked . that it was a pity that more drivers of cars did not try to answer the question...
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Of those who prefer to by-pass a by-pass. That one bad mechanic can spoil the reputation of a garage. That there are some...
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Unanimous decision has, it is understood : been reached among the employers concerned, who are members of the C.M.U.A. and...
The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
MR. HARRY LAMBERT, of Jack Olding and Co., Ltd., is making a business trip to America, and sailed in the " Queen Mary" on...
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A lorry driver decided at Falkirk Sheriff Court, last week, to go to prison "as a protest against the rules of this town." Mr,...
been scored in a test case before the Industrial Court. The Court has decided that, although the Transport and General Workers...
Q NLY now are some builders' merchants feeling the sting of the position which has arisen under the Road and Rail Traffic Act,...
A N application for the continuation of a been' e is, in fact, an application for a new licence, which may be challenged, thus...
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The adoption of modern compressortype refuse collectors, together with modified methods of 'disposal, have resulted in...
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livestock and produce was once more in evidence last Friday, when Mr. Henry Riches, Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, sat...
R OAD transport does in three-quarters of an hour what the railway requires three days to perform. On an occasion when every...
COMPLAINTS of railway methods to '...,obtain information concerning the operations of road hauliers were vigorously aired at a...
" WM view with some alarm the VV attention that is paid to letters when no objection has been lodged," said Mr. 1-1....
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Inquiries show that the general policy of the large body of. A and B.-licence holders in the Yorkshire Area who have supported...
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The need for bringing summonses against hauliers for alleged records offences, where the prosecution admits that the breach was...
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3RIDGES THE GAP ADEQUATELY This Chassis of Uncommon• Rating, Powered by the Maker's Own Oil Engine, Proves Itself a Worthy...
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1) Watch Bouts-Tillotson Mr. Ashton Davies Admits that Railways Wish to Crush Long distance Road '.Transport Without...
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Operation in Basic Year Gives No Right to Licence for " Time Immemorial " A PPLICATION of the Enston ruling formed the...
A N interesting point with regard to " transfers " under Section 11 (3) of the 1933 Act was made at Liverpool, on September 25,...
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A HOUSE DIVIDED UNTO ITSELF . . . [4888] In your notes concerning operating aspects of passenger transport I read that at the...
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'Brighton—and After By S. H. Jardine, Secretary, C.M.U.A. Metropolitan Area S.T.R. Addresses B.S.A.T.A. By special...
'THE new factory of Garner Motors, 1 Ltd., at North Acton Road, Park Royal, London, N.W.10, is a fine, spacious building, well...
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National Daily Press Discovers Disagreement Between Road and Rail. A Shock for Complacent A-licensees p'OR those others like...
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Latest Hopkinson Filter which Incorporates a Means for Removal of Impurities by Positive Water Washing F "purifying all forms...
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Government Committee of Inquiry into Wages and Conditions Hears Evidence of National Joint Conciliation Board T HE committee...
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A TRAILER, incorporating a novel ti.idea, has lust been built by R. A. Dyson and Co., Ltd., 76-80, Grafton Street, Liverpool,...
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ES NOT EXIST! Charges Cut on a Progressive, Rates Necessary to Ensure. Provide a E cending Seale. A .Standard of mic...
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Discussion on Mr. Winson's Paper at the C.M.U.A. Conference Stresses Need for Careful Records D ISCUSSION on Mr. W. A....
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Morris -Commercial Tractor Unit with Brockhouse Semitrailer. Duple Body Fully Equipped for Postal Services A LREADY the...
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QTOKE - ON - TRENT City Council is considering seeking powers to operate bus services in the city. At a meeting, last week,...
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Railways Allege Disregard for Official Decision. Road Operators Complain of Rail " Spying A CCUSATIONS that bus companies had...
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A T a special sitting, in Aberdeen, on Monday, of the Northern Scotland Traffic Commissioners, permission was ref ased a Dundee...
How Would London Men Like This? T HEprize for doing most things at once should go, not to the "oneman band" performer, but to...
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Q INCE it was introduced, towards the end of 1934, the Trusty 8tonner, made by John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., Basingstoke,...
T HE extensible trailer is one of the best and , safest media for dealing with exceptional long loads, its ready adaptation for...
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Heating and Ventilating A High Degree of Comfort is Demanded in Passenger Vehicles To.-day, and Marked Progress has Been Made...
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A N impressive demonstration was recently given in London by Polaroid Products, Ltd., of the application of polarized light in...
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Surface Hardening How Efforts are Being Made to Increase the Strength and Hardness of Standard Metals to Offset the Costliness...
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A N engine design possessing many novel features is shown in patent No. 452,2.40 by A. G. Michell, 4, Bank Place, Melbourne,...