Light fingers, heavy losses and old flamet
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Triple security — from fire, thievery and injury — was on display at this major exhibition last week and Mike Rutherford and Tim Cobb were there to discover the latest aids designed to help you sleep a littl easier at night
OLYMPIA'S International Fire, Security and Safety Exhibition and Conference '83 (Ifssec) gave industry the opportunity to assess some of the very latest equipment to stem these losses, niques available to combat its losses — losses which are costing industry hundreds of millions of pounds each year.
It makes sense for management to invest in methods and equipment to stem these losses and in addition, as IFSSEC director Ken Barnes explained, there is strong pressure from Parliament to do so — the majority of commercial and industrial concerns must maintain a minimum level of protection for both fire and safety.
Ken Barnes also gave a reminder that, in certain circumstances, the insurance world offers financial inducements in the form of reduced premiums if management instals proper protective systems. And given that many companies installed their systems and equipment some years ago, Ken feels the time is now ripe for them to be reviewed or updated.
As Ifssec '83 proved, there is no shortage of manufacturers, suppliers and advisors who can help companies improve their fire, safety and security measures.
Of particular interest to the transport industry was the Camrex stand. The company believes that the theft of fuel from companies' own fuel supply tanks can now be eliminated thanks to the Camrex petrol/diesel identifier. The "identifier" simply colours the fuel a distinctive blue or green. This, backed up by warning notices on the pumps, is claimed to provide an effective deterrent to wouldbe thieves.
The identifier is a harmless powder which is supplied in individual polythene packs, each sufficient to dye 500 gallons of fuel. The powder is dissolved in about one gallon of petrol or diesel (as appropriate) and then added to the tank before a new bulk delivery.
If a suspect is found with coloured fuel but claims that the colour change was caused by an additive he used himself, a simple test can be carried out to prove conclusively that the coloration is due to the presence of the Camrex identifier. A simple kit is available to enable this test 'to be carried out on the spot.
With the increasing number of privately-owned diesel cars now in use, the Camrex identifier may be the answer for hauliers who suspect their staff of interfering with bulk fuel supply tanks.
Also exhibited was the Camrex Camgel Grafitti Stain Remover which obliterates paint spray or felt-pen marks from brickwork, concrete, tiles, marble, stonework, in fact almost anything. Available in large (5 litre) or small aerosal containers, Camgel is now used by several local authorities, and would undoubtedly help bus operators with grafitti-stained vehicles.
Carmrex also manufactures identification paint for vehicles and tools. If the markings made on property are defaced, the ownership of the marked object can still be established, says Camrex.
Camrex, PO Box 34, Sunderland SR1 20A. Tel: 0783 70811. Products distributed in UK by E. Aldridge and Son, 30-34 Eagle Wharf Road, London Ni 7E8. Tel: 01-251 4791, and at John Street Garden Lane, Salford M3 7AU. Tel: 061-834 1676.
High security systems for vehicles and premises are the speciality of Davco Instrumentation and Security. The company has a vast range of equipment, some of which can be designed to meet customers' specific requirements. A free consultancy service is also offered.
Davco's Higuard Automatic alarm system protects commercial vehicles carrying high-value loads and incorporates "anti-hijack facilities". Equally suitable for rigid or articulated vehicles, the alarm sets itself automatically when the driver leaves his cab. To gain entrance, a key switch has to be operated but additional security can be achieved via a coded key pad in the cab which can be used in conjunction with the external key switch.
The Higuard Automatic is linked to two protected sounders and the vehicle's headlights and brake lights. With its "battery sensing" device, any unauthorised attempt to disconnect the vehicle's battery will also cause the alarm to fire. The Manual is a similar system but has to be set by the driver on leaving his vehicle.
Another Davco product, "Higuard sidecurtain security", has been designed and patented by Davco and protects curtainsided vehicles, as its name suggests. If the curtain is opened or even cut, the alarm will go off which thus allows high risk loads to be carried with confidence on curtainsided vehicles, says Davco.
The company's Trailerguard is a simple but effective commercial trailer leg which prevents the unauthorised up or down movement of landing wheels. If the Trailerguard is locked in the down position, movement of the trailer will be prevented and, if coupled to a tractive unit, both are effectively immobilised.
Security problems associated with roller shutters fitted to delivery vehicles can be solved with the aid of another Davco product, Shutterguard, which automatically locks the shutter in the down position and requires a high-security key to release it, thus doing away with hasps and padlocks. Davco's Vanguard Executir was designed specifically fi vans, cars and estate cars. It not an alarm system based vibration and is therefore uni fected by vehicle movemei The Vanguard Magnum incorp rates all the features of ti Executive but has some usei additional facilities.
For those wishing to prate numerous buildings or vehicli but not wanting individual ar fixed alarm systems, Davco the answer: the Multigual Portable, which is suitable f vehicles, warehouses ar houses.
Davco Instrumentation al Security Co., Unit 61/8/2 Far day Way, Westminster Indus rial Estate, Woolwich SE18 51 Tel: 01-316 1100.
Lionweld Wheelok is an an theft device which clamps ov one wheel of a vehicle making impossible for the vehicle to I towed away. Fittable in less th( 20 seconds, the British design( and manufactured Wheelok virtually irremovable even wi the help of high tensile hac saws, jemmies, crowbars ar heavy duty bolt cutters.
With a Wheelok padlocked position, wheelnuts cannot I lched and the wheel itself cant be removed. Letting down a tyre pressure has no effect on the security of the clamp, her.
rhe device is a centre plate th integral clamping arm, plus o chocks. As it clamps only ainst the tyre cushion, it cant damage or mar wheel and b trims. Even if a forgetful ver tries to move off with a leelok in place, there is little ance of causing damage.
Ns the Company points out, leelok is useful for more than • anti-theft security. It is also valuable for the safe chocking vehicles on steep slopes, ferry cks and maintenance ramps. 4nd for fixed parking sites in jular use — particularly in exsed, windy areas — Wheelok chor plates can be provided.
e wheels to be clamped are sitioned on the plates (which, len not in use, can be safely iven over) and the Wheelok d into them. The vehicle is en literally anchored to the lot, protected from high winds, 3rms and theft. Civil contracrs with expensive mobile plant ationed on high-risk sites will Id an obvious use for the heelok device.
Lionweld, Marsh Road, iddlesbrough, Cleveland TS1 Is. Tel: Middlesbrough (0642) .5151.
Hotspur Armoured Products is company that specialises in mouring vehicles, mainly for )vernment purposes. It also illet-proofs Rolls-Royces.
Another speciality is to beef ) Land Rovers. It converts the ihide to give a greater payload id improved cross-country perrmance, and fits a third axle id changes it to six-wheel ive.
The Sandringham 6, as 3tspur calls the modified hide, gives a stable ride and ore power. A V8 engine is ed, and the six-wheel driverough axle unit gives each ver)n of the vehicle the ability to rry a 2,000kg payload over ugh terrain with complete rebility.
Hotspur, Ynysygerwn AveAberdulais, Neath, West lamorgan. Tel: 0639 4101.
`ASO Security Systems offers a amplete range of security rstems that can protect all pes of vehicles and loads lainst "violent attack, stealth ad deception," says the cornany. This is done by self powered systems, either manual or automatic, or with open or closed circuit. lmmoblisers include steering locks and an automatic fuel cut-off for diesel vehicles.
Each system is guaranteed for six months and is fitted and serviced by appointed installation engineers.
The electronics of the security systems are housed in a robust steel box which can be installed on the trailer, cab or container.
Waso also manufactures locking fuel caps, for British Leyland, Ford and Bedford vans, a highsecurity steel cash box secured to the vehicle by hidden fixings, and a range of keys with bulb and battery for illuminating that elusive keyhole in doors or ignition.
Waso Security Systems, Whiteway road, Queensborough, Kent ME11 5EQ. Tel: 0795 665181.
On the same line is Simba Security Systems, which offers protection systems for every type of commercial vehicle. It can provide an automatic alarm that is set when the ignition is turned off and the doors closed. A person trying to break into the vehicle will set off a siren.
Simba also offers steering locks and diesel fuel locks.
Simba, Security House, Occupation Road, London SE17. Tel: 01-703 0486; The Garage, Marston Road, Knowle, Bristol. Tel: 0272 711993; or 2 Commercial Road, South Gosforth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Tel: 0632 855549.
Securing the vehicle itself is one way of protecting your assets. Another way is to secure the warehouse or depot by fences, gates and metal grids.
The Expanded Metal Company specialises in steel mesh for every kind of safety and security application, for example window guards, fencing, barriers, machine guards and security partitions.
The Expanded Metal Company, Ashburton Grove, Holloway, London Ni 7AD. Tel: 01607 9981. Another style of fencing came from Lochrin Palisading and Security Products, which offers a range of fences and gates that look positively hazardous to one's health. One fence head, the splayed head, consists of three prongs branching out in different directions. The fence is recommended for warehouses and factory complexes.
Other products offered by the company include the Tripe] Head — the three spikes are turned in to offer no risk to the passer-by but considerable risk to anyone attempting to climb it — and double and single gates. The gates can be made to match any type of fencing, and can be fitted with electronic opening and closing devices and locking systems.
The company can be contacted through William Bain and Co. (Fencing), Lochrin Works, Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, Scotland ML5 3SS. Tel: 0236 23471, or through Sampson and Partners at Aubrey Works, 15 Aubrey Avenue, London Colney, Hertfordshire AL2 1NE. Tel: 0727 22222.
Pitts Security Gates offers a range of motorised and manual boom barriers in addition to conventional security gates. Sliding gates, with or without tracks, are offered for warehouses and depots. The gates can be fitted with anti-climb spikes or serrated edge strips, while the slats in the gate can be made of profiled sheet, mesh or just metal bars.
Pitts Security Gates, Bonehurst Road, Worley, Surrey RH6 8PP. Tel: 02934 2545. Please note that the company will be changing its address in June to Persec House, Kelvin Lane, Crawley, W. Sussex RH10 2ND. Tel: 0293 548301. A folding security grille to fit over windows was one of the products exhibited by the Bolton Gate company. Xtraguard gives a high degree of security when closed and is easily folded away when the premises are in use.
Another was the Face Fixed Fire resisting roller shutter, which provides a stable, reliable and efficient door for industrial warehousing and factory units. It is designed to suit UK and European roller-shutter design needs, is easy to install and requires no special masonry work. It offers fire resistance of up to four hours.
Bolton Gate Company, Turton Street, Bolton BL1 2SP. Tel: 02043211.
AT the lfssec Conference, which was being held at the same time, informative speeches on fire protection, safety and health, and security were made and copies of these can be obtained at £5.75 (plus £1 post and packing) from Victor Green Publications, Cavendish House, 128/134 Cleveland Street, London W1P 5DN. Tel: 01-387 5050.
The speeches included topics such as fire detection and alarm systems: the international scene; the effect of new building regulations on fire safety; modern developments in protective systems; reducing lifting and handling accidents; the siting and selection of electronic measures for external perimeter protection; and how secret are your secrets?.
If the last topic interests you, have you ever thought of enlisting the services of the Burton Agency of Commercial Detectives?
The agency, which is made up of senior ex-police inspectors, believes that detection and security tend to be "prickly problems". It offers personnel screening and background checks; undercover exercises; counter-industrial espionage, security advice and interrogation; and point of sale security investigations.
Individual commissions or overall security strategies can be discussed with Paul Burton on 0525 715765. Conversations will be "informal, but discreet," the Agnecy promises. And if the telephone is too open a medium, the Agency's address is Burbank, Orchard Way, Flitwick, Bedford.