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30th April 1983
30th April 1983
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Page 1, 30th April 1983

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Downplating's eleventh hour

THIS WEEKEND marks another landmark in British road transport history. From tomorrow (Sunday) we take a small step forward on...

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pod news for York Trailer

WEIGHTS increase has given York Trailer its best volume of ness since the start of the recession, and it is predicting a return...

Dutch anger

BRITAIN'S insistance on a 38tonne maximum laden weight for goods vehicles has again sparked off a reaction from a Dutch MEP....

Low tax for big Ulsterman

AN ULSTER operator can look forward to low excise duty rates with this six-axle 38 tonne combination. A Volvo F1220 tractive...

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Lloyds: ETA says 'no'

THE GOVERNMENT should have second thoughts about pursuing its increasingly unpopular plan to sell the 91 heavy goods vehicle...

3+2 favoured

TO AVOID increased road damage from the 38-tonne vehicle, the fifth axle should be attached to the tractive unit, according to...

Aberdeen ban?

GRAMPIAN Region plans a Parliamentary Order seeking a ban on overnight parking of heavy vehicles in Aberdeen. This would...

TGWU plans

THE TRANSPORT and Gene Workers Union will try to ex more national control over n, winter's hire or reward WE negotiations,...

Howe about it, Chancellor

Len Bassett, a director of the Bassett group of companies of Tittensor, Stoke on Trent learned that Sir Geoffrey was talking to...

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3PV export awards

0 SPECIALIST vehicle menu:urers were among the win s of the Queen's Award for rort this year. eyland Vehicles' Scammell tors...

lino deadline

1ECISION on whether or not will buy components from o will be made within the t three months according to s and marketing...

Al/M1 survey

THE FREIGHT Transport Association's northern region members are being asked to cooperate in a survey to back up the FTA's...

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10pc rate cut now

fE SWITCH to 38-tonners will mean a 10 per cent cut in rates larged to one Barnsley company's customers, it told CM this ask....

'&0 firm replaces the lot

In one of the bigger commitants to operation at the new eight limit, the P&O subsidiary spending £4.5m on around 30 three-axle...

One third now

ONE THIRD of New York, Boston, Lincolnshire-based E. T. Morris's haulage fleet has been uprated to 38 tonne operation and the...

Eight-wheelers threatened

THIRTY-EIGHT-TONNERS are threatening the dominance of eightwheel tippers and tankers run by a bulk transport operator, in much...

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M25 to be open in 1986

WORK on the last section of the M25 London orbital route, fro South Mimms to Micklefield Green in Hertfordshire, is expected...


THE SECURITY parcels carri B ees Transport is offering i Scottish customers a qua anteed next-day delivery servi to Northern...

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Getting there is all the battle

the key to your success. "The Government's policies are based upon that premise, and will help our distribution sector to...

Swedish ban

BAN ON heavy lorries in Swen on certain weekends during is summer has been lifted by a Swedish Transport Minister. Following...

Russett bytes RHA chips

THE NEWLY launched Road Haulage Association Computer Services has won its first contract with Premier Transport of Bristol —...

Presto, please

INTERNATIONAL pressure is being put on Italian authorities to try to reduce the disruption caused by Customs strikes on...

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Great preference

for six-wheelers: ERF ERF will offer three basic chassis for operation at 38 tonnes: a 4x2, 6x4 and 6x2. Initial investigation...

SA prototype:

SEDDON ATKINSON is work fast to complete two protop 38 tonne 6x2 tractive units, c based on the 301 model, other on the 401....

The Tachobrai

ZAK COMPUTORS of Tall Road, Manchester has c veloped Tachobrain, a tad graph analysing system wh can be programmed to exam many...

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Jarvis rises at York

IRIS JARVIS has become sales lministration manager of York uck Equipment. He will be ised at York's sales centre at )rby and...

New Tyre services md

GOODYEAR Tyre and Rubber Company has promoted Geoff mrence from marketing manager to managing director of Tyreserces Great...

Obituary Reg Cooper

fE RECORD with regret the eath of Reg Cooper, ex-Road aulage Association, West MidInds area chairman at 68. He was managing...

Ford Credit's new director

THE FORD Motor Credit Company has made Brian Coolaman a main board director. He is currently director of field operations,...

Riley director

NATIONAL TYRE Service has promoted Roy Riley to become director of the national accounts and Earthmover Divisions of the...

Pearson md at Charge Card

BOB PEARSON, director of petrol services at the Motor Agents Association, has become marketing director of Charge Card...

Mennick vice-chairman

ALAN MENNICK is senior vicechairman of the East Midlands Division of the Freight Transport Association, and not chairman as was...

Lim to LCBS

NEW ASSISTANT secretary and accountant for London Country Bus Services, part of the National Bus Company, is Eileen Lim,...

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Mercedes set for 38-tonne flood

MERCEDES-BENZ expects the number of tractive units operating at 38 tonnes gcw in the UK to increase dramatically during the...

Our new tester

CM has a new test semi-trailer for road tests and operational trials of two-axle tractive units at 38 tonnes gcw. The 12.2m...

Cold water

USING a high-pressure watc system instead of steam cleat ing is saving on costs, claim Stonehouse Rustshield of Wc kingham,...

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Wreckers at work

gECKERS International last Bek demonstrated its and hers' latest recovery equipint at a one-day exhibition at idlett Aerodrome,...

Grease is the word

ROMATIC has supplied an automatic grease lubrication system for a Scania 82 belonging to haulier S. A. and D. Wright of Kirkby...

Dodge drive

KARRIER MOTORS is planning a major sales drive in the Irish Republic for its Dodge range. Dodge truck sales in 1982 were 10...

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National Bus plans

This was revealed last week when National's group marketing manager, Brian Barrett, spoke at a symposium at Newcastle...

TUV inspection

LEYLAND BUS has had most of its fleet demonstration coaches and a number of operators' vehicles inspected and approved for West...

W. Midlands PTE ' rival'

WEST MIDLANDS PTE is facing unexpected competition on a group of services taken over earlier this month from an independent....

Canny Scots

A CHEAP FARE experiment on the Grampian Scottish services run by Alexander (Northern) and Grampian Region in Aberdeen is being...

W. Yorks repot

WEST YORKSHIRE Coun Council has now received tl stage-two report by AmeriQ consultant Booz, Allen ar Hamilton on the management...

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Les 'Guinea-pig' Hughes

LES HUGHES Transport Services has been granted a six-month licence for a circular town service in Colwyn Bay, but the North...

SPTE takes on McGill's

STRATI-ICLYDE PTE is not to challenge the Government's decision to let an independent run from Barrhead to Glasgow, but it...

Fares Fair

CONGESTION and road accidents in London decreased as a result of the Greater London Council Fares Fair policy, according to a...

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Light fingers, heavy losses and old flamet

Triple security — from fire, thievery and injury — was on display at this major exhibition last week and Mike Rutherford and...

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Coaching into Holland

"NO STRIKES — or we'll call an air strike down on you" said a cheeky slogan on a banner when the Royal Navy sailed back from...

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Councils 'plunder' their dustcarts?

A POLICY MOTION in the preliminary agenda for the Nalgo annual conference in the Isle of Man in June reaches new histrionic...

Where's the profit in useless roads?

ANOTHER Nalgo resolution expresses dismay at the possibility of private financing of road construction. "This," it says, "will...

Now a Castle class of bus

MY MIND drifted back to the Great Western Railway's glamorous Castle class of steam locomotive when Merthyr Tydfil Transport...

To those that hath, more shall be given

ANTI-MARKETEERS, already fuming at the astronomical increase in food prices since Britain joined the Common Market, at the...

Boxing not so clever

THERE could have been a "punch-up" at the FTA Annua Dinner this week. The 1,000-p delegates dressed in penguin suits were...

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British bravado makes Brighton rock

Domestic coachbuilding was given a real fillip at the seaside last week, reports Noel Millier. The overall impression is that...

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Do you really know the psv Regulations?

Many coach operators are uncertain about these vital rules, which is a state of mind none too good for conducting business. Tc...

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larry Wilkins vorked for many ears in the Safety )epartment

of the ransport and Road research Laboratory oefore becoming a lartner in a firm of ccident nvestigators. IN THE COURSE of my...

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eggett Freightways pecifies the eight ylinder Gardner for its nnnatched

durability — 00,000km without ttention. But the utstanding feature of he turbocharged in-line ight around CM's ;cottish route...

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Welford goes for a Burton

The strong nerve of Don Burton is paying off. Orders of Elm are being handled by his recently formed company. Bryan Jarvis...

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This is what you want

THE RESULTS of CM's survey on what operators consider to be the most important factors to be taken into account when purchasing...

Hook Reviews

Builders and repairers THE 1983 edition of the Vehicle Builders and Repairers Association Directory of Members (VBRA, £10...

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Punitive action by Chancellor

GREAT CONCERN has been expressed on both news and editorial pages of the technical press about the impact of the new VED rates...

Danger ahead with 38-tonnes?

AS AN HGV driver, can I draw your readers' attention and drivers' attention to the situation looming up when the added axle to...

No replating backlog

YOUR LEADER in CM, April 2 — "Don't Punish Operators" — alleging a backlog of bookings for replating is, I fear, based on...