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NORTH-WESTERN BRS haE named Andrew Callaghan aE manager of its Great Howard Street, Liverpool branch. MI Callaghan was previously regional manager for Laing Freight at Heywood, Lancashire.
Raymond Day has succe eded George Harvey as secretary / accountant of Trent Motor Traction, the National Bus Com pany subsidiary. He was previousy cost / management accountant with British Rail Engineering Ltd. Mr Harvey, whc joined the bus industry in 1950, is retiring due to ill-health.
Currently docks engineer at the British Transport DockE Board's Merseyside port cy Garston, Colin Silvester, hat been moved to the post o' assistant docks manager at thE Humber port of Goole. He suc ceeds A. Ray Klinck who wil
shortly be leaving to take up E.
new position of docks manage] in Lowestoft. Mr Silvester hat been with the BTDB for fifteer years, having started as an en gineering assistant at Hull ir 1965.
Trailermann, a member o. the Mann group of companies
has named Andrew Manser at its UK sales / marketinc manager. In his new role, M Manser will assume overall res ponsibility for all UK booking!
for the company's daily service!
to Belgium, Germany, Holland Luxembourg, Austria, Switzer land and Italy_ He was pre viously working for the corn pany as trailer administratior manager.
Tony Graham has beer named as a director of Eurovar member, Trenchards Ltd o Poole. Mr Graham joined thi company in November to talo up special responsibility fo business development and in ternational road removals. He i. a former chairman of the Britisl Association of Removers mid southern area.