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INDERCUTTING of haulage rates could rob Britain of a road aulage industry when the recession ends, warns the Road laulage...
HESTAIR DENNIS is the only UK manufacturer currently working a five-day week with overtime, according to chairman David...
HINO importer HCV Motor Vehicles Ltd says it is undaunted by growing criticism of its British operation, and boasts a growing...
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OPERATORS in the Eastern Traffic Area must let the Licensing Authority know about any changes in their maintenance contracts...
A SUDDEN boom in the growth of piggyback operations and containers going by rail was reported from West Germany this month,...
IRISH haulage drivers steno to gain from a forthcoming new national understanding on wages, and look certain tg break the £1r80...
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IS "a bit sad" that operators moving into the Government's oposed enterprise zones will be exempt from training board...
MOST EMPLOYERS see industrial training boards as bureaucratic watchdogs, sticking their noses into company business and...
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1‘111 OPERATOR whose vehicle exceeded the permitted gross Neight and the permitted second axle weight has submitted a Nritten...
kS THE trawlermen's blockade of French ports continued this meek, operators were being forced to use ports in Belgium ■ nd the...
BECAUSE a weighbridge was not available when its vehicle was being loaded with timber, a haulage company has been fined £30 by...
EUROFLEET Rental Ltd is extending its 500-strong trailer rental fleet with the purchase of £0.75m worth of new stock. The...
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MEMBERS of British Road Services Group Policy Committee have been appointed to the main board of the company and will continue...
AN OPERATOR was fined a total of £195 at Grays Magistrates Court in Essex last week for exceeding permitted weight limits, for...
NORTH-WESTERN BRS haE named Andrew Callaghan aE manager of its Great Howard Street, Liverpool branch. MI Callaghan was...
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PRODUCTION of the Dennis Delta 1600-Series (CM, June 28) has now begun at the Guildford factory, reports STEVE GRAY. Initially...
axle. The fourth option under offer is, strangely. the naturally aspirated Fiat 8360.05. This, says Dennis, fills the gap for...
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A NEW electric lift truck is to be introduced at the PEMEC exhibition by STILL Materials Handling Ltd. The manufacturers,...
NEVILLE CHARROLD Ltd is marketing an airlock-dropflap tailboard known as the Clampit. It comprises a standard top swing...
A NEW "sealed for life" maintenance for cv and car batteries will be available from October. Produced by Tungstone Batteries...
THE BELLOFRAM type-70 regulator is a new high-flov precision air regulator currently being marketed throughou the UK by Hymatic...
A NEW RANGE of low-cost twin-arch drive-through vehicle washers suitable for light commercials and cars is being produced by...
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CARBON-FIBRE leaf spring offering considerable weight lavings over a conventional metal spring will be shown at the lilotor...
A MINIMUM 12 per cent reduction in fuel consumption by using a Fidus diesel emulsifier is claimed by National Carriers Ltd....
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A SPECIAL meeting of tht West Midlands Count) Council is to be held on Sep tember 3 to discuss WM PTE plans for a ten per cent...
DEVON County Council i expected to decide oi October 23 whether th areas covered by Mid-Devon Exeter, and East Devon Die trict...
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FOLLOWING requests from local parish councils, East Midlands independent South Notts Bus Company has applied to the local...
DISABLED PEOPLE using bus services have special requirements, and to consider these the National Bus Company has set up a...
RISING UNEMPLOYMENT and factory closures are proving to be a dark cloud with a silver lining as far as some bus operators are...
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IF THE 1979 haulage drivers' strike and periodical skirmishes among oil tanker drivers have done nothing else, they have...
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I BUY CM every week, particularly as I am interested in all forms of road transport, and especially as I own a half-share in an...
AS A professional driver I am shocked and offended by the naivety of Tony Howell's recent letter (CM, July 26).Does Mr Howell...
REGARDING the letter from Mr F. R. Chandler of Wilstead, Beds, I think CB radio is far more important than remote controlled...
IN HIS LETTER to Commercial Motor, Mr Evans (managing director of Yewpalm) stressed that the Automobile Association tests on...
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1HE EFFECTS of the unpre:edented attack on the British ;ommercial vehicle market ;ince the late Sixties are still )eing acutely...
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FOR MANY communities deep in the heart of rural England, the bus was not unlike the village hall. It was, and in a few places...
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THE F616, the latest addition from Volvo, introduced last November at the Scottish Motor Show but which only became generally...
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THERE ARE at least 200,000 people breaking the law on broadcasting in the UK today. They call themselves Breakers or CBers and...
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by Graham Montgomerie BECAUSE of the work a tachograph is called to do and the ' information it can provide, it is essential...
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This is a group of study i - awards valued at ESCY00 and: . co-sponsored by six other companies. The awards are being made to...
Designing vehicles, and the infrastructure for the use of intermodal transport. The thesis should take account of the cost,...
system for a fleet of articulated vehicles with particular emphasis on ensuring adequate maintenance for the trailers. The...
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for use in conjunction with the proposed scheme to ensure adequate control. The scheme should be adaptable to all types of...
and development 01 the commercial vehicle in the next 25 years. The thesis will look at the design of cOmmer cial vehicles...
To examine the development of European road transport against the present situation where there are differences of policy in...
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The author should consider the warehousing and distribution functions as an extension of the production line, and design a...
The development of the diesel engine, its components, the case for and against alternative fuels. The thesis will trace the...
and six copies of the entry. They should be typewritten to 50 characters and double spaced. The thesis should be of...
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TO MEMBERS of the Left, the Freight Transport Association undoubtedly trepresents bloated capitalism and all the evils...
IT IS an appalling commentary on so-called civilisation that personal protection should justify a four-day international...
ANY SUM over £11,000 paid for a Leyland Terrier 16ft dualpurpose horsebox-livestock transporter is to be given by Lambourn...
ONE TENDS to think of the USA , as a young man's country where xecutives are likely to be thrown on the scrap heap at 40 and...
JOHN WELLS, national secretary of the Commercial Moto, Lorry Driver of the Year Competition, found himself with a sleuthing job...
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Guarantee payments WHERE EMPLOYERS are unable to provide work for employees, they must still make certain guaranteed payments...