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Britain at 18 Miles to the inch

30th December 1955
Page 28
Page 28, 30th December 1955 — Britain at 18 Miles to the inch
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A NEW map of Great Britain on rA the scale, of 18 miles to the inch has been produced by Foldex, Ltd., 45 Mitchell Street, London, E.C.1. England is shown on one side of the sheet and Scotland on the other. It is folded in such a way that any section of the country can be consulted without unfolding the whole map.

• It is printed in three colours, and shows trunk roads, other class A and class B roads numbered according to the latest Ministry of Transport classifi cation, and minor roads. Distances between points are marked on all A' and B roads. Railways and county boundaries are shown.

It is inevitable on a small-scale map that the lettering should be minute, but reproduction would be clearer if the publishers had omitted to mark woodland areas in green. As it is, the peppering of the sheet with small green spots is confusing to the eye, without conveying useful information. In other respects the map is admirable. A copy printed on paper, which The Commercial Motor has received, is priced at 3s. 6d.