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£9.3m. Exports-break The Record
OMMERCIAL-VEHICLE exports 1 --• in October were the highest ever recorded for one month. During the month, 28,979 units were produced, the weekly average being 7,245. Of the......
Britain At 18 Miles To The Inch
A NEW map of Great Britain on rA the scale, of 18 miles to the inch has been produced by Foldex, Ltd., 45 Mitchell Street, London, E.C.1. England is shown on one side of the......
B.e.t. £100 Prize Entries Ntries Of Papers For The £100
prize awarded once every three years by the British Electric Traction Co., Ltd., must be submitted to the Institute of Transport, 80 Portland Place, London, W.1, by the end of......
Welding Design Course
A COURSE on the design of welded structures will be held at British' Oxygen Gases, Ltd., Birchgrove Works, Cardiff, starting on March 14. Lectures will be held on Wednesday and......
Volkswagen Profit Doubled
QUBSTANTIAL progress by the German Volkswagen concern was announced last week. Their net profit rose from DM.3.5m, in 1953 to DIs4.7.8m. last year. Turnover for 1955 is......
N.g.t. Improve Tour Programme
T "" popular " tours to Switzerland and a seven-day tour of the Grampians and Western Scotland are among the new features of the holiday tour programme to be offered by the......
New Higii-lift Loader
A HIGH-LIFT version of their Model 2-WL oil-engined hydraulic loader has been introduced by E. Boydell and Co., Ltd., Old Trafford. Known as the Supalift, it has been designed......