Steam Vehicles, Steam Tractors and Rollers.
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Two steam wagons will be shown by William Allchin, Ltd., one being a 6-ton platform lorry and the other a threeway tipping wagon with hydraulically operated gear. The chassis will embody the characteristic features of Allchin design, such as the mounting of the locotype boiler in the main channels, patent double-pin drive to the rear road wheels, Ackerman steering, three-speed gearing with a single-lever clutch, and an improved water heater. The Stephenson valve gear is employed and the cylinder has double H.P. gear.
Aveling and Porter, Ltd., will stage three road rollers and a steam tractor. Two of the rollers are propelled by steatri, one having a compound pistonvalve engine and the other a singlecylinder engine with the same type of valve gear. The third roller, which is known as type R, works on crude oil, and has a single-cylinder horizontal engine and a total working weight of 10/ tons. A feature is that the wheels have renewable rims. The type M tractor has a compound piston-valve engine, Belpaire boiler, and is spring mounted. The outfit includes a winding 040 drum and rope, and solid rubber-tyred wheels.
Three types of motor roller are being sent •to the show by Barford and Perkins, Ltd. The largest of these is a light , three-wheel motor road roller weighing 8 tons empty and 91 tons full. It is propelled by a 28 h.p. petrol or Paraffin engine, the drive being taken through a three-speed gearbox. The second on the list is a quick-reverse motor l roller of the same horse-power and also having a three-speed gearbox, which, in this case, operates in either direction. The weight empty is 6 tons, and ballasted 71 tons. This roller is specially built for bituminous carpeting, a smooth reverse being obtained by the use of double-plate clutches. The smallest machine weighs 21 tons full and is a handy type for all kinds of grass work, doing the work of three horse machines at a much lower cost.
A 5 h.p. general-purpose traction engine and. a 6-ton compound doublecrank three-speed steam wagon form the two exhibits of Charles Burrell and Sons, ,Ltd. The former is suitable for thrashing and other farm purposes. It also has double-crank compound cylinders and double gearing on the last motion. All gearing is of cast steel, and the first and second motions have inachine-eut teeth. Two speeds are provided and a winding dram with 50 yds. of wire rope. The wagon has a double H.P. converting valve, operated from the footplate, and a balanced crankshaft with roller bearing eccentrics. There is a powerful brake inside each rear road wheel and another on a drum keyed to the rear axle. Flywheel and trailer brakes are also fitted. The steering is on the Ackerman principle, and the cast steel road wheels have extra heavy rubber tyres, the body having hydraulic end and side-tipping gear.
,Four wagons, each of 6 tons capacity, will form the exhibit of Fodens, Ltd. These are all repeat 'orders—a striking compliment to the quality of Foden products. One has a trailer, the second has a body fitted -with stanchions and chains, whilst the third has a hoist gear driven from the engine flywheel, so that, by means of ropes and pulleys, the wagon can be quickly loaded by its own power. Last, but not least, is the standard three-way tipper, the hydraulic mechanism for which works from the feed-water pump. It gives an angle of side tip of 45 degrees and 38 degrees for the end tip. The stand of John Fowler and Co. '(Leeds), Ltd., will, as usual, contain many exhibits of interest to our readers,
The compound steam cable ploughing engine is too well known to require much description, it operates on the twin engine system, and has a winding drum carrying 600 yds. of special rope coiled on the drum by an automatic gear ; improved adjustable rope guide pulleys are embodied. The engine is equipped with duplicate injectors, and Las a brake fitted on the ploughing clutch. One engine, a compound springmounted road locomotive, has been built specially to the order of Norman E. Box, Ltd., of Manchester, for the haulage of heavy electrical machinery, etc. It has a feed water pump worked at half crankshaft speed, three road speeds, with cut gearing, whilst the spring gear has plates enclosed in a dristproof oil-bath.
The 6-7-ton patent steam wagon was described not long ago in this journal. It has a patent stayless vertical boiler, a V-type engine under the driver's seat, a three-speed gearbox in which the gears can easily be changed while the wagon is in motion, and final drive by overhead worm. There will also he on view an 8-ton compound steam roller, the chief feature in the design of which is the complete steam jacket -which prevents condensation.
Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd., propose to exhibit one of their 6-ton Express wagons and a 6-ton overtype. These will both be standard, the Express having double H.P. cylinders fitted with poppet valves, and with the engine running in an oilbath and fitted across the chassis instead of lengthways for the sake of accessibility, the final drive being by propeller shaft and double reduction gear in the back axle. The overtype has three speeds, a side-fired boiler and is controlled by one man.
Considerable success has followed the nsee of the 60 h.p. motor cable ploughing windlasses built by j. and H. McLaren, Ltd., who will exhibit a set a the Royal, together with a plough and cultivator for working with this tackle. On the same stand will also be a McLaren 8-ton compound steam road roller.
A traction engine and three road rollers will form the exhibit of Marshal!, Sons and Co., Ltd. The traction engine is a 7 n,h.p. single-cylinder model, with road speeds of 2 and 4 m.p.h. It will develop 24 ls.p.h. when belt driving at 160 r.p.m. The equipment includes a cross-arm governor, mechanical oil.
Dump, and other items of Marshall standard practice.
Of considerable interest will be the new Universal-type road roller with a weight of 9 tons empty. This has a double-cylinder engine totally enclosed, and the rear axle is so arranged that the rollers can be inclined to any predetermined camber. The positive adjustment device for this is patented, as also is the automatic lock for preventing movement of the front fork without interfering with the steering. The steering gear is arranged so that the driver can steer by band wheel or by using a steam steering-engine which is automatically controlled so as to prevent any possibility of over-running the steering quadrant. The other ,rollers are an 8-ton, with compound cylinders and piston valves, and a tandem type with rapid reverse, designed for bituminous road surfacings.
Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., will show one of their 6 h.p. compound traction engines whit steel gearing giving two speeds, a winding.-drum and 50 yds. of rope. This engine has springs to its rear axle. There will also be a 7 n.h.p. of the same type, but without springs. These engines arc specially designed for farming and estate work, but are also capable of hauling moderate loads when required. For haulage purposes in particular, a light 5-ton compound tractor will be shown, this being sprung on both axles, and having a canopy over the whole length.
An exhibit of remarkable interest will be found on the stand occupied by the Sentinel Waggon Works, Ltd. This is a tractor-trailer just built for the Bladen Estates. The body is constructed to carry 72 live pigs on two decks. The sides are specially hinged and slatted, and are filled in -between the slats with iron mesh to prevent the animals biting the woodwork. Ample drainage arrangements are provided, a special tank in the vehicle being fitted for this purpose. Tarpaulin bows are arranged so that the load can be covered in and protected from the weather. Apart from the body, the machine is of standard pattern. A standard vehicle, one with a platform body and trailer, and the other with a miller's tilt-van body will also be on view.
The exhibits of W. Tasker and Sons, Ltd., will comprise their B2 Little Giant tractor fitted with Home's patent chain drive, a standard 64on steam wagon, fitted with three-way hydraulic tipping body, and their chain-drive quick-reverse tandem roller, in which the front and back rollers are of the same diameter and width—a distinct advantage when dealing with soft carpeting. This roller has a loco-type boiler, a cylinder mounted direct on the boiler, and renewable roller rims. The roller can work well into the kerb and is sufficiently high to pass over the usual obstructions.
One of their new Advance road rollers of the 10-ton pattern will be staged by Wallis and Steevens, Ltd. This is the first time a roller of this type has been shown at the Royal, although it was produced some time ago, and has been fully described on several occasions in this journal. It was the first roller to embody the principle of allowing the rear rollers to accommodate themselves to camber, and it also has a
method of locking the front roller, so that it is always in a horizontal position. The whole design is carefully balanced so that variations in water and fuel will not affect the distribution of weight, whilst side roll is eliminated. Transmission is by spur gears, and an important feature is that dwell on reverse is obviated. Included as integral parts of the design are a differential gear, water sprayer to all wheels, and a steam cock for heating materials. Also exhibited will be a standard patlern 6 h.p. traction engine mounted on springs On the rear axle.
An interesting example of the modern tendency in steam-wagon design will be exhibited by the Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co., in the form of their 7-ton shaft-driven chassis, with a doublereduction rear axle, totally• enclosed. The chassis will carry the company's latest gully-emptying mechanism, which was described in our issue of last week, to which we refer our readers. The second exhibit will be a 6-ton wagon of the chain-driven type, with a body of the run-back tip-over type.
At the time of 'writing we have not received details of the exhibits of Clayton and Shuttlewortb, Ltd., W. Foster and. Co., Ltd., and Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd., butall three companies usually show their wellknown steam wagons and tractors..
Mowing Machines.
Three types of petrol mowing machines with 18-in., 24-in., and 30-in.
cut, and having roller seats, will be shown by the Auto-Mower Engineering Co.. Ltd. The 18-in, model has a Villiere air-eooled two-stroke Angine, whilst the larger models have 21 h.p. and 4/ h.p. four-stroke motors respec tively. The latter also have separate clutches to the cylinder cutters so that they can be used for rolling only.
A 30-in, and two 24-in. machines will be shown by Dennis Bros., Ltd., one of these having a trailer seat attached.
These are of particular interest as both models obtained the highest poSsible award, whilst the trailer was highly commended, as a result of the trials to which we have already referred. The large machine is specially designed to meet the requirements of public authorities, sports clubs, etc.
The cutting cylinders can be thrown out of action for rolling only, and the whole design is the result of 28 years' practice in the motor industry. The clutches are of the cone type and faced with Ferodo, and the power is transmitted through a silent chain.
Three large motor mowers will be on the stand of Thomas Green and Son, Ltd., the largest being the 36:in., with a four-cylinder engine of 9 Ish.p., and a total weight of just over 14 ewt. This machine is a high-class engineering job, built for hard work. It has a lorry-type radiator, and combines a sprung bucket seat for the operator. The front portion is hinged, thus enabling the cutter to adjust itself to any irregularities of the ground. It can he arrested, and moved backwards or forwards without stopping the engine. The 30-in, is of somewhat different design, the radiator being carried in front of the engine instead of at the side. The motor has two cylinders, and the total weight is 9i• cwt. In the 24-in. model a 4 h.p. aircooled motor is utilized, and a trailing driver's seat can be supplied if required. In the lighter category there will be C42 three examples, made in sizes of 16-iu., 20-in., and 24-in.
The well-known Atco mower will be staged by C. H. Pugh, Ltd. This machine will cut 1,000 sq. yds. in 20 mins. and can be fitted with a special cultivator which aerates the roots, removes weeds and moss and keeps the turf healthy.
The selection of 'exhibits shown by Ransomes, Sims and Jefeeries, Ltd., will include three motor mowers of 16-in., 20-in., and 24-in. width. These machines arc of simple construction, and the controls for mAchine and motor are easily operated from the handles. An extralarge grass box enables a long cut to be made without emptying.
J.P. Super Lawn Mowers, Ltd., will show several examples of their popular machines.
Fire-fighting Equipment.
Adequate arrangements for the combating of any possible fires will be made by Merryweather and Sons, Ltd. At their fire station on the ground there will be one of their famous Hatfield motor engines of 350 gallons per minute pumping capacity and a trailer fire pump. There will also be a Valiant steam pumping and fire-engine, and various fire appliances such as the Konus Kemik and Fire Suds extinguishers.
• A new light fire-engine of 300-350gallon capacity and examples of their welleknown trailer pumps will be on the stand of Martin's Cultivator Co., Ltd. The engine is described in full elsewhere in this issue.
Petrol Vehicles and Tractors.
An example of the four-wheeled Austin tractor will be found on the stand occupied by Barclay, Ross and Hutchison, Ltd., whilst the International Harvester Co. of Gt, Britain, Ltd., will stage a McCormick-Deering tractor with an H.B. trailer. This tractor has been specially designed for road use, and was fully described some months ago in this journal. In addition to this exhibit, there will be two International chassis, a 25-cwt. speed model with a 10-ft. 4-in, wheelbase and a 3-ton model 63 with a wheelbase of 11 ft. 8 ins.
Industrial Trucks.
The selling agents for the Greenbat electric trucks and trailers built by Greenwood and Batley are W. Goodyear and Sons, Ltd., who stage one example of the truck and one of the trailer.
Other interesting examples of the electric type will be on the stand of H. ii. Slingsby. Some of these will have elevating platforms for loads up to 2 tops, and it is possible that the liftingtiering truck will also be on view. Trailers can be utilized with some of the models.
Popular types of two-wheel trailer are made by the Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd., for the Fordson and other tractors of this type, and some of them will be shown on their stand, these being of the side-tipping and end-tipping types and of 31 tons and 5 tons capacity respectively. In the Eagle trailers the advantages are that the loading height is greatly reduced and they can be backed anywhere. They are also fitted with efficient brakes and screw tipping gears, whilst a portion of the weight being carried on the drawbar, the adhesion of the tractor wheels is increased.
An example of the H.R. patent tinning trailer, built by Sheffield Steel Products, Ltd., will be shown by the International Harvester Co. of Great Britain, Ltd., in connection with their industrial tractor.
Lighting Sets and Stationary Engines.
One of the most useful installations for the country garage, small engine shop or, home is a self-contained lighting plant. In this connection Petter-Light plants are wade in sizes suitable for factories and shops, whilst the AlphaPetter plants, of 650 and 750 watts respectively, are specially designed for use where the consumption of oil and general economy are important features. Plants for all purposes will be exhibited by the makers—Petters, Ltd. R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., will also have on exhibition a number of petrol, gas and paraffin engines, which can be used for all types of agricultural, electrical and industrial work.
A new model 5 b.h.p. petrol engine of the four-stroke cycle type and suitable for lighting sets will be shown by Blackstone and•Co., Ltd., who will also stage larger power units, including a new oil engine which will start from cold. Electric lighting plants will also be found on the stands of Fairbanks, Morse and Co., Ltd., lioulton and Pants Ltd., Bamfords, Ltd., Delco Light Co., Kohler Co., Ltd., National Gas Engine Co., Ltd., English Bros., Ltd.
Petrol, Oil and Accessories.
The Anglo-American Oil Cu., Ltd., is taking 'a prominent part in the Show, and on their stand will exhibit prac tically all their well-known products, including tins of Pratts Perfection spirit, Pratt s gasolene for commercial vehicles, and benzoic mixture. Demonstrations of the use of the golden pumps will also be given. Price's Patent Candle Co., Ltd., have exhibited for over 20 years at the Royal Show, and samples of their lubri cants for steam engines, agricultural machinery, Diesel, gas and oil engines may be inspected, together with their standard motor lubricants and greases. A full range of Sterntrac and Sternol oils for tractors, motors and stationary engines, as well as an actual tractor gear set running at full speed to give effect to the virtues of Ambroieum, will be exhibited by Sterns, Ltd. Users of motor vehicles would be well advised to obtain from the company a copy of their useful little booklet entitled, "First Aid for the Car."
Gargoyle, Mobiloil and greases for the lubrication. of farm tractors and petrol-driven farm engines, Gargoyle lubricating oil and greases for steam tractors, oil engines and farming
machinery of all kinds, and a, stillage installation for the bulk storage of these lubricants will be shown by the Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd.
The principal articles shown by Fastnut will be the World's Champion span ners, taking from four to six different sized nuts and ratcheting without any movable parts. Other exhibits include their well-known Fastnut washers, etc.
A complete line of machine tools, hand tools, etc., will be found on the stand of George Hatch.