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Nicholls of Brighton Taken Over

30th June 1961, Page 50
30th June 1961
Page 50
Page 50, 30th June 1961 — Nicholls of Brighton Taken Over
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AFLEET of over 700 vehicles figured in a take-over bid last week. It was the haulage company of Nicholls and Co. (Brighton), Ltd., the issued capital of which was acquired by the Associated Coal and Wharf Companies Group for £200,000. A.C.W. has also decided to repatriate Nicholls' loan capital of some £300,000.

The founder of Nicholls, Alderman Arthur Nicholls, a former mayor of Brighton and chairman of the Corporation transport committee, will continue to be associated with the company, but will deal with development.

Ewer's Bigger Profit

A CONSOLIDATED trading profit of £153,318 for the year 1960 is reported by George Ewer and Co., Ltd., Stamford Hill, London. N.16, compared with £142,233 for 1959.

In his statement to shareholders. Mr. J. H. Ewer, chairman, says that the company's haulage section continues to expand very satisfactorily, an important new development being the purchase of several maximum capacity road tankers which are now under long-term contract to one of the major oil companies.

Bus Control by TV

I EEDS city transport committee have 1-4 decided to hire equipment to control buses by closed-circuit television at a cost of £1,150 a year. It is expected that the system will be in operation in thrc.: months.

The system is being introduced to secure better control of buses at peak hours, as well as on special occasions.