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T HE example of the Milk Marketing Board in their dealings with hauliers engaged in the bulk collection of milk from farms...
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Jame )errick Slater T ‘ 4 HE boy—what will he become?" that catchphrase of years ago has been echoing through my mind. though...
C ANNOT Mr. Marples put a bit of friendly pressure on k--ihis colleague, Mr. Peter Thorneycroft, who, as Minister of Aviation,...
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From our Parliamentary Correspondent E drafting of regulations controlling the movement of vehicles with long and projecting...
From Going Through a City G DODS vehicles exceeding three tons unladen weight are now banned from using certain roads in...
THERE was good reason to believe 1 that the Minister of Transport would act to bring into effect anti-noise legislation, Mr. D....
A N application by Contract Hire (Bath), Ltd., to take over five Alicensed vehicles from Edwards Transport (Frome), Ltd., who...
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A FTER extensive investigations of York third-axle conversions three important German vehicle manufacturers —Krupp,...
FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT T HE Motor Vehicles (Passenger Insurance) Bill met its expected end in the Commons last...
F OUR South Wales hauliers objected, on appeal to the Tribunal, to a decision of the Western Licensing Authority granting an...
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Mr. H. J. Northeast, general sales manager of Dunlop Chemical Products Division, Birmingham, has been elected chairman of the...
A FLEET of over 700 vehicles figured in a take-over bid last week. It was the haulage company of Nicholls and Co. (Brighton),...
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A N agreement has been signed under the terms of which F. Perkins, Ltd., may manufacture NSU-Wankel rotary engines under...
LOYDS TRANSPORT AND WARE1 ---1 HOUSING (MANCHESTER), LTD., appealed to the Tribunal against a decision of the deputy North...
A THIRD attempt to get permission to operate double-deck buses on express camp services by Silver Star Motor Services, Ltd., of...
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Granted A PROPOSAL that a flat rate per mile be introduced on bus routes as "the only answer " to increasing fares was put...
From Our Political Correspondent IN an attempt to prod the Government 1 into helping country bus services, Mr. Rupert Speir...
" Red" company fast week have been granted by the East and West Midland Traffic Commissioners. The increases include a rise in...
Interchangeable Coupling THE York Trailer Co., Ltd., announced last week the intro' duction of a new Corm of interchangeable...
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D EFUSING to grant an appeal by Taylor's Transport, of Bacup, Lancs, the chairman of the Transport Tribunal, Sir Hubert Hull,...
London Fish Merchants Win 14-vehicle Appeal I N London on Monday, the 'transport Tribunal granted the London Wholesale Fish...
A N appeal by Griffiths Contractors. Ltd., against the refusal of the South Eastern Licensing Authority to grant A licences for...
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A N application by C. W. Jones (Fuel and Haulage), Ltd., of Sherborne, Dorset, to vary their A licence by adding four tippers...
O VER the past few months, the total registrations of new commercial vehicles in this country have fluctuated a great deal...
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THERE was little emphasis by I exhibitors at this week's International Plastics Exhibition on automobile applications of the...
rARMANS TRANSPORT, LTD.. Scholar Green, Stoke-on-Trent, were partially successful at Macclesfield last week when they asked the...
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T HERE is little prospect of air transport superseding road transport within the foreseeable future, according to Mr. J. H. H....
"THEN there is the question of diesel smoke, which I am sure is shortening my life." The Duke of Edinburgh said this at a lunch...
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thinking of other countries is before it considers whether to enforce a reduction in the intensity of rear direction...
From our Parliamentary Correspondent I F the cuts in public spending implied during last week's speeches by the Chancellor of...
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Slow Progress Whose Fault? A Complex Mixture of Problems Involving Both Farmer and Merchant Appear to be Behind the...
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O NE important point may not receive even a reference during the deliberations of the Road Haulage Wages Council next week,...
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Christian names and are organized to accept their instructions from 7 a.m. to 10.30 p.m. daily." In these words Mr. W. L...
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1 ,ollection by P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. W HILST relatively few of the milk tankers seen on the roads today are...
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Wide Range of • Steel Buildings T HE range of standard steel framed buildings made by Sanders and Forster, Ltd., of Barking,...
by Rupert and Co., Ltd., Demmings Road, Cheadle, Cheshire. The spanner works on a locking wedge principle, without either screw...
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By Ashley Taylor, Assoc.Inst.T. F ROM thousands of farms in the six counties of Northern Ireland hundreds of millions of eggs...
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By A. C. Brockington, S INCE the old Gloucester Corporation cattle market in Market Parade was closed down in October, 1958,...
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pRELIMINARY information on I exhibits at the Royal Show, which is to .be held at Cambridge from Tuesday to Friday next week,...
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Holiday Crowds Watch Lorry Driver Heat nRGANIZATION was the secret of success at Southend last Sunday where, in almost...
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By C. S. Dunbar, M.Inst.T. W ORCESTERSHIRE FARMERS, LTD., exists primarily to supply its .members with all their business...
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A NOTABLE example of a small r - k standard van being .successfully converted to the carriage of livestock is provided by a...
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A GRICULTURAL net output continues to increase—and with it the, demand for transport services. Although last year output...
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IMPROVEMENTS in valves controlling I the pressure fluid in a powered steering system form the subject of patent No. 865,759....