• Tuffnells Parcels Express decided against sculling and instead went
30th June 1988, Page 28
30th June 1988
Page 28

Page 28, 30th June 1988
— • Tuffnells Parcels Express decided against sculling and instead went
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for the more obscure. The firm collected a mind-boggling 105,613 knitted squares from 800 points in Britain during four days in a national charity's attempt to knit the world's longest scarf.
Weighing in at 20 tonnes the world-beating scarf, all 30 kilometres of it, was knitted by over 10,000 residents and friends of the Abbeyfield Society, which renovates and builds homes for the elderly.
Norris McWhirter of the Guinness Book of Records declared the scarf a record-breaker (and very warm to boot, no doubt).