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Let's Have A New Spray Standard Mi You Raised Some
very pertinent points in your Comment column "Undue Optimism" and in your piece "Damp reply to wet speed limit" (Commerical Motor 16-22 June). It is particularly significant......
Where Have All The Jobs Gone?
• I have just read the article in Commercial Motor (9-15 June) "Driver shortage hits one in two". I am a 44-year-old HGV 1 driver, out of work for two years following a knee......
Tarred With The Same Brush • A Thug, Well Known
to the local police, appeared before Bury St Edmunds court on 9 June for the breaking in and theft of CBs from lorries in the locality. His record includes assault on police and......
Raising Standards Of New Drivers • In February Of This
year I wrote to your colunm giving my views on the standard of Class 1 drivers applying for work, and their unsuitability, due to little fault of their own, rather the driving......