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The Parade Committee requests that acknowledgment be given of the nodernoted contributions:— GENERAL FUND.* FIld• the provision of awards to drivers irrespective of the make of machine, and for application to the general expenses connected with the organization of the Parade:— The Society of Motor From start to finish, punctual adherence to the programme was observed. As the clock struck 10, the, judges in a body walked to vehicle No. 1, which was drawn up near Ponsonby Place, and began their vehicle-to-vehicle inspection. A percentage of marks had been reserved for allotment in respect of smartness of appearance on Parade of individual machines, whilst a similar reservation had been made, both for appearance and method of presentation, in respect. of entrants
in the " team" section. We observed. after half an hour had elapsed, that four of the judges were detached, working in pairs, for special inspection duties, and we are able to state that no vehicle escaped the closest scrutiny.
Later. when the Judges Committee held solemn conclave in on' of the L.G.O.C. motorbuses, which was available for office purposes, a remarkable degree of conformity to the markings under the various schedules that had been adopted by the Parade Committee was disclosed—in itself testimony to the soundness of the bases upon which that Committee had been proceeding. In very few cases had men to be penalized for inferior appearance on parade. althour.rh there were instances of the kind.
One point which caused several drivers to fare badly in the mm-k
ing was the discovery that many-and sometimes allof their grease caps were already hard down, and incapable of fulfilling the purpose for which they are fitted. The driver who polishes his lubricators, and disregards the fact that they are tendered for examination in a candition which obviously renders them of no value in running, is asking for trouble on the score of marking, and is certainly guilty of presenting his machine in bad running order. Grease cups are not fitted merely for purposes of decoration, but in order that they may be kept full of grease, and ready to stand another turn or two at any time. The thoroughness of the depot and other inspections, which have been steadily proceeding since January last, greatly relieved the judges on Parade day. Their work was almost limited to examination of externals, but we observed that considerably more care was exercised when it came to differentiating between the several teams
The distribution of the awardcards was personally supervised by Col. Crompton and the majority of the judges, whilst the actual handing-over of the money so awarded was conducted, in rapid succession, by the honorary treasurer, with the. assistance of Mr. T. B. Browne. which had been highly marked already in competition for the cup offered by this journal. None the less, we saw repeated instances of judges on their backs underneath cars, or in positions of close approach thereto.
By 11.95 a.m., the bag containing the cash, which had been temporarily deposited in the officers'
Considerable amusement was caused by the close attendance of two stalwart policemen, and frequent remarks were overheard when it was realized that the money was under the eye of the law all the time. It would certainly have been a difficult matter for anybody to quarters of the Royal Army Medical Corps bard by, was conveyed by the honorary treasurer to the judges movable offict% and this vehicle thereupon was immediately started upon its rounds, with the judges aboard. and with Mr. Bristow ready to hand out the award-cards. This use of a motorbus saved nmeh time.
have snatched the bag, to say nothing of the fact that every driver on parade would have joined in the hue and cry after any thief who might have had the temerity to attempt to steal it.
The official list of winners is given in the columns which follow. The following are the results of e special Ii rot " prizes : — ALBIO.N PRIZES. — First, .22 10s., W. W. Neighbour (No. 31); second, 21 15s., G. Whiting (No. 100); third, 21, H. Warren (.No. 243).
AVELING AND PORTER PRIZES.--First, 12 10s., H. E. White (No. 209); second, 21 15s., W. Cheeseman (No. 192); third, 21, W. J effery (No. 268).
CARLESS, CAPEL AND LEONARD PRIZES. — First, £4 4s., Jarman (Nn. 73); second, £3 3s., A. Wilson (No. 11); third,
22 2s., E. Grover (No. 83); fourth, is., A. C. Hawley (No. 13). CaMMER CAR PRIZES. — First, 22 10s., W. Preston (No. 97) ; second, 21 15s. ; H. J. Jarman (No. third, 21, C. McLaren (No. 98). FODEN PRIZES.--First, 24 4s., W. Smith (No. 62); second, £3 38., A. Clayton (No. 35); third, 22 2s., W. Dark (No. 40); fourth, El Is., H. Rich (No. 36).
HALLFORD PRIZES.—First, 23 3s., H. Burr (No. 42): second, £2 2s.. J. Fairman (No. 111).
-‘1 ICNES-DAIMLER PRIZES. —First, 22 10s., J. Webb (No. 2:12); second. 21 15s„ G. Petrie (No. 156) ; third, 21, P. Haddow (No. 161), PETER UNION PRIZES.— First, 24 4s., H. J. Jarman (No. second, 2:3 3s., F. Doughty (No. 157): third, ,E2 2s.. W. Carter (No. 158) ; fourth, 21 is., A. Southam (No. 58).
POEACK PRIZES. — First. 21.Is.. R. MeKinlay (No. 176) ; second. 3 3s., G. H. 'Watson (No.
-92) third, 22 2s., • J. Collins (No. 2241a): fourth, RI is., J. W. Short (No. 226b).
PRATT'S PRIZ14."S_ — First,
24 4s., S. 'Finley (No. 99): second, -£:1 as.. R. McKinlay (No. 176) ; third. 22 2s., T. Seandrett (No. 116): fourth, 21 Is., C. E. Ransley (No. 149).
SHELL PRTZF,S.—FirF.t, £4 4s., W. Preston (No. 97) : second,
£3 Sc.. J. Robinson (No. 2521; third, £2 28., G. Petrie (No. 156) :
fourth, 11 is., G. Toussaint (No. 242). THORNYCROFT PRIZES. — First, X2 10s.. I. J. Norman (No. first priza, a silver cup, was awarded to Mr. Cooper, of Thos. Tilling, Ltd. ; the second prize, a silver goblet to Mr. Nicol's, of Cannon and Gaze, Ltd. OWNERS' PRIZES.--Tux ComMERC1AL MOTOR challenge cup, for the hest team of six vehicles or tractors, was awarded to the Westminster City Council, in respect of a team of six steam vehicles (three Thornycrofts and three Leylands, Nos. '258 to 263). The judges have not yet made any announcement in regard to any eonsolation prize. Teams were also entered by : Allen and Hanburys, Ltd. ; Motor Express. Ltd. ; Cannon and Gaze, Ltd, ; Chibnall's Bakeries, Ltd. ; Eastern Motor Wagon Co., Ltd. ; Gas Light and Coke Co. ; Lush and Cook, Ltd. ; 'McNamara and Co., Ltd. ; Mark Mayhew, Ltd. ; Manes Daimle.r Mercedes, Ltd. ; (Hiring Dept.); James Nelson and Sons, Ltd. ; Peek Frean and Co., Ltd. ; Pickfords, Ltd. (3); Sun Flour Mills Co., Ltd. ; Thos. Tilling, Ltd. ; Tottenham and Edmonton Gas Co. ; Waring and Gillow, Ltd. ; Westminster City Council (Petrol vehicles) ; and Yorke, Stoneham and Jones, Ltd.
The Continental cup, presented by the Continental Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., for the owner of the highest-marked vehicle fitted with Continental rubber tires, was awarded to Thos. Tilling, Ltd.. in respect of vehicle No. 232 (driver, J. Webb).
THE CHAMPIONSHIP PRIZES.—First prize, 210, C. Tinghesden (No. 60); second prize. 27, A. J. Smith (No. 141) ; .third prize, £5, G. Smith (No. 168). Additional certificates of merit to drivers W. B. Chapman, H. Collard, G. A. Cooper, E. Grover. IL McKinlay. James Scotcher, F. H. Sharp, and R. J. W. Spurrier.
Other Prizes.
Ten fir8t-class speri0 priv:$of each.---A. Clayton (Ni. 35) and W. Dark (No. 40), Cannon and Uaze, Ltd., Foden wagons ; W. Smitn, Eastern Motor Wagon Co., .Foden wagon (No. 62); H. J. Jarman, Gas Light and Coke Co., Commer-Car wagon (No. 73); NN . Preston, Hammerton and Co., L, td.. Commer-Car van (No. 97); A. Sumner, Kodak, Ltd., Leyland van (No. L14); E. J. Sefton (No. 144), Foden van, and I. J. Norman (No. 145), Thornyeroft wagon, Mark Mayhew,
Ltd. ; H. B. White, Rickmansworth and Uxbridge Valley Water Co., Aveling and Porter tractor (No.
209); If. Wyatt, Westminster City Council, Thornycroft wagon (No. 25Sa). l'a.c y.tirt-rlus prizes of A,1 Tw, ach.—A. Wilson, Alien's Motor .ExLtd., Belsize van (No. 11); H. inch (No. 36) and W. Russell (No.
:;7), Foden wagons, and H. Bur.' (No. 42), Hallford van, Cannon and Gaze, Ltd. ; F. Bunyard (No. 63) and G. Young (No. 65), Eastern Motor Wagon Co., Ltd., Foden wagons; E. Grover, General Post Office, Maudslay van (No. 83); S. Tinley, Harrods Ltd., Dennis van (No. 99) ; J. D. Pearson (No. 142), Foden wagon, and J. Ward (No. 146), Ley land wagon, Mark Mayhew, Ltd. ; G. Petrie (No. 156) and F. Doughty (No. 157), Milnes-Daimler pantech nicons, and P. Haddow (No. 161),. Milnes-Daimler van, Milnes-Daim ler-hiereedes, Ltd. (Hiring Dept.): R. McKinlay, Parke, Davis and Co., Ltd., Milnes-Daimler van (No.
176); H. Cann. Sun Flour Mills Co:, Ltd., Foden wagon (No. 222); W. B. Chapman (No. 227) and J. Webb (No. 232). Milnes-Daimler mail vans, Thos. Tilling, Ltd.: G. Toussaint, Tottenham and Edmonton Gas Light. and Coke Co., Arrol-Johnston van (No. 242) : J. Fox (No. 252b) and P. Gaskin (No. 259a), Thornycroft wagons, Westminster City Council.
One hundred second-class prizes of Li each.—G. E. Johnson (No. 1), de Dion-Bouton van, A. Burgess (No. 8), Yorkshire wagon, A. Salmons (No. 9), Yorkshire wagon, and W. Winn (No. 10), Thornyeroft wagon, Allen and Hanburys, Ltd. ; A. C. Hawley (No. 12), Geo. Flood (No. 13), and W. Mason (No. 14), Bel-size vans, and R. Cole (No. 16), Foden van, Allen's Motor Express, Ltd. ; W. W. Neighbour, Burroughs, Wellcome. and Co., Ltd., Albion van (No. 31); J. G. Franklin (No. 38), W. Rich (No. 39) and C. Marriott (No. 41), Foden wagons, Cannon and Gaze, Ltd. ; F. Upchurch, Chapman Bros., Foden wagon (No. 43) ; A. Southam, John Dickinson and Co., Ltd., 'Lacre van (No. 58); C. Hughesden (No. 60), F. Grainger (No. 61) and C. v (No. 64), Foden wagons, Eastern Motor Wagon Co., Ltd. ; F. H. Sharp, Frerrilin Bros., Ltd.. Dennis lorry (No. 66); F. West (No. 70), ('ommer-Car lorry. and B. Race (No. 71), Commer-Car van, Friary, Holroyd and Healys Breweries, Ltd. ; S. H. Collings, Gas Light and Coke Co., Commer-Car van (No. 76): G. A. Cooper, General Post Office, Wallis and Steevens tractor (No. 88); G. H. Watson, Guita Percha Co., Commer-Car lorry (No. 92); G. Cooper, Hamilton and Co. (London), Ltd.. Clarkson van (No. 93); C. .MeLaren. Hanamerton and Co., Ltd., Cornmer-Car van (No, 98) ; G. Whiting. Hedges and Butler, Ltd., Lace:lorry (No. 100) ; F. Banks, Idris and Co., Ltd., Foden wagon (No. 14)3) ; C. Young, Jenkins and Francis. Conamer-ear van (No. 105) R. H. '(verest (No. 110) and J. Fairman
No. 111), Hanford vans, C. N. Kidd and Son ; T. Scandrett, Lincoln Bennett and Co., Ltd., Argyll van (No. 116); T. Lewis (No. 117) and F. Powell (No. 119), Foster, (Wellington) tractors, W. J. Lobjoit and Son ; James Scotcher, Lush and Cook, Ltd., Lacre van (No. 123): A. E. Best (No. 128) and W. T. Jesty (No. 130). Dennis vans, McNamara and Co., Ltd. ; D. Woodhams (No. 140), Foden wagon, H. D. Colman (No. 143), Foden van, and A. Lush (No. 147), Leyland wagon, Mark Mayhew, Ltd. : C. F.. Ransley, Midland Railway Co., Milnes-Daimler van (No. 149) ; H. Atkins (No. 153) and W. J. Browning (No. 154), MilnesDaimler mail vans, W. Dorman (No. 155) and W. Carter (No. 158). Milnes-Daimler pantechnicons, W. J. Browning (No. 159) and W. Dean (No. 160), Milnes-Daimler
vans, Mettles-Daimler:Mercedes, Ltd. (Hiring Dept.); H. Stringer, J.. Mitchell-, ,Foden wagon (No. 163) ; J. Badrick (No. 165), C. Bennett (No. 166), A. Woodcock (No. 167), G. Smith (No. 168) and R. Spurrier (No. 169), Milnes-Daimler vans, Jas. Nelson and Sons, Ltd. : R. Pluckrose, H. J. Nicholl and Co., Ltd., Alldays and Onions van (No. 174); E. Prior, Parke, Davis and Co., Ltd., Milnes-Daimler van -No. 175); R. Randall, Peek Frean and Co., Ltd., Dennis van (No. 165); R. Carpenter (No. 188), E. S. Hindlev and Son, steam lorry. H. Rolfe (No_ 189), C. Wickenden (No. 190a), G. Giggens (No. 190b), H. West (No. 491), Wallis and Steevens lorries, W. Cheeseman No. 192) and J. King (No. 199), Aveling and Porter lorries, H. England (No. 200), Commer-Car van, G. Simms (No. 204), Thornycroft van, and J. Robb (No. 206), Aveling and Porter tractor, Pickfords Ltd. : M. Tredwell, Polack Tyre and Rubbe/ Co., Ltd., Corniner-Car van (No. 208); 0. Jackson. Selfridge and Co.. Ltd.. Halley van (No. 213); W. Ruse (No. 216), J. Watson (No. 21S), H. Hornsby (No. 219) and J. Martin (No. 2201, Foden wagons, Sun Flour Mills Co., Ltd. ; P. C. Martin (No. 225a). W. Carfree (No. 225b), Karrier van, J. Collins (No. 226a), and J. W. Short (No. 26b), Leyland van, Thompson, McKay and Co., Ltd. ; H. E. Chapman (No. 228), H. Webber (No. 229), J. Worboys
(No. 230), H. Bunning (No. :t3l), Milnes-Daimler mail van, F.. Rayfield (No. 233) and H. J. Derby (No. 235), Thomas Tilling mail van, Thos. Tilling, Ltd. ; A. Barker (No. 238), Commer-Car van, and J; Annell (No. 239), Commer-Car lorry, Tottenham and Edmonton Gas Light and Coke Co. ; H, Warren, Tro!lope and Sons and Coils and Sons, Ltd., Albion van (No. 243); G. Penney Co. 244), CommerCar van, T. J. Stenson (No. 247), Commer-Car van, and J. Colston (No. 218), Commer-Car lorry, Waring and Gillow, Ltd. ; J. Robinson (No. 252a), F. Gregory (No. 259b), J. Mahoney (No. 260a), J. Anderson (No. 260b), Thornycroft wagons, G. Scott (No. 261a), It. Slater (No. 261b), S. Vincent (No. 262a), A. Scott (No. 262b), P. Driscoll (No. 264a), S. Williams (No. 264b) and E. Gascoyne (No. 267), Leyland wagons, Westminster City Council ; W. Jeffery (No. 268) and W. Elmore (No, 271), Aveling and Porter lorries, Yorke, Stoneham and Jones, Ltd.
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