New Motor Coach Publicity Methods.
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The last word in motor coach publicity is uttered by Marshall Garages, Ltd., Liverpool, who have just organized' • a competition which takes the form of an essay for children under 14 years, on the following subject :—" The place I should choose to go to if I were given a free motor coach ride." The competitors were expected to .give the reasons for their choice, and to mention the places of interest along the line of route, and as the children were permitted to seek • the assistance of teachers, parents, guardians, etc., in obtaining information as to the places of interest, it is reasonable to suppose that the fame of Marshall Garages, Ltd., will have penetrated into many homes. The value of the prizes totalled about £10.
A Valuable Coach Organization.
Despite its short period of existence, the Northumberland and Durham Motor Coach Owners' Association, which was formed about two weeks ago, and which is under the wing of the C.M.T.J.A, has already proved its value, and has iade a number of important steps which should—be for the good, both of the owners and of the general travelling
The most essential of the initial activities has been the niing of a minimum rate ou which to base -charges for the entire district. This has been fixed at 1. per passenger per mile for the first 50 miles of all runs, and 1d. per pas-. senger per mile for all additional mileage above that distance. In-view of the -fact that already 70-per cent. of tlusaproprie-, tors in the two counties have allied themselves with the new organization, the. de-7 eisions arrived at will'have great weight: Local e,ommittees are al,so to be 'fora-Led later in various Plazes, within the two counties, and these will, at a'aubSequent date :draw, up full apple's Of Charget for all teurs Operatea from their Own particular cliStrieti. The rule adopted 'by the asSeelation are calculated to eliminate the undercutting of fares, which has in many instances been tarried on viously, and generally the organization is likely to be a great boon andwill tend to, develop the motor coach as a high-. class Mode of locomotion for apleAsnee.: purposesin this thickly peopledneighbourhood.
An interesting innovation is the establishment of a bureau at the offices of the secretary, Mr. Murray, at 16a, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle, where owners having a surplus of vehicles for any particular date can register, and undertake .work for other proprietors who require extra machines for the day, thus sharing out the work.
The Season's Welcome.
To inaugurate the 1922 motor coach season, the directors of the Wirral Motor Transport Co., of Birkenhead, entertained a party of picks on a tour through North Wales. A new 18seater coach was put into commission, a feature of which is that the old " livein-a-row " seats are abolished, and in their stead are comfortable seats to accommodate two persons. A centre aisle runs the length of the coach. At the luncheon the guests were welcomed by the chairman, 'Mr. W. H. Thompson, who referred to advances made • in road transport as against railways. Mr. G. P. Snape and Mr. H. P. Fletcher acknowledged the welcome on behalf of the guests, and the latter expressed the opinion that, to long as there was competition' between railways and road transport, so long would we have cheap rates. He thought the common sense of the nation wonld insist that Parliament would guard those who had sunk heavy eapitaisa hi road transport venture's, to develop the roads of the country, and to take people at cheap rates to the beauty-spots of the country. . All-weather Leylands at Blackpool. _ • In a fleet of nearly h score of vehicles Measrs. S. and J. Wood, of Blackpool, have two very smart Leyland ealoon coaches, one of which is illustrated on this page. In every detail they are sumptuously furnished, and create an impression wherever they are seen. Sealing 26 passengers there are two &impartsilents, which are quite separate and are approached by separate doers, one leading directly te the driver's seat and the other to the fore end ef the passengers' compartment. There is a central gangway between the seats, which are arranged transversely and are leather covered. The vehicles a-re deep red in colour, outlined with gold, and the name of the owners is painted 011 side panel in small letters of gold enclosed in a wreath of latirel leaves, These tiS,V0 coaches, we understand, have been largely used during the winter months, and the comfort and weather protection they provide have been greatly appreciated. As nearly as posobi° the sides are clear glass, and the passengers have a good view of the country through which they are passing.
Accommodation at Wigan.
Having considered a request for parking accommodation for motorbuses and other vehicles coming into the town, the Wigan Watch Committee has arranged that Market Square shall be available subject to a small charge per vehicle.