30th May 1922, Page 35
30th May 1922
Page 35

Page 35, 30th May 1922
Portable Crane On A Chain-track Tractor
W HEN ingenuity is brought into play, uses can often be found for the apparently unusable, and, because one of the aftermaths of war must be the existence of much that is......
A Transport Contractor's Views On Building Haulage.
D 'USSING the question as to whether builders should run their own fleets, or employ hired vehicles, a Midland transport contractor stated that the average builder had little......
Hauling Material For Housing Contracts.
M ESSRS. E. HARRIS AND SON were probably the first builders in Coventry to appreciate the value of mechanilal transport, and during the boom in 1914-15 employed two 5-ton......