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The wheels
of wealth; Will be slowed by ad difficulties of transport at whatever pairits arising, as a carriage is tql • • the roitglaness of the roads over which it rune."—John Beattie Crozier. •
A Committee to Consider Parking.
yhe Minister of Transport has appointed the following committee to eon• eider the regulation and control of hackney vehicles and the parking of road vehicles in Great Britain, viz. :—Sir Henry Maybury, C. B., chairman (Director General of Roads, Mimstry of Transport); Mr. A G. Asher (Association of County Councils of Scotland) ; Sir Thothas Berridge, K.B.E. (Royal Automobile Club) ; Mr, F. H. Berryman (County Councils Association); Major Stenson Cooke (Automobile Association arid Motor Union) ; Mr.' F. L. D. Elliott, C.B. (Police Authori ties) ; Sir Robert Fox (County Boroughs Association) ; Mr. A. Grierson (Scottish Counts* Burghs); Mr. R. J. Howley, M.Inst.C.. (Provincial Char-a-bancs Interests); Mr. W. Rees Jeffreys (Society of Motor Manufacturers and Tradtsrs) ; Sir Walter Nicholas (Urban District Councils Association) ; Mr. F: Pick (London and Provincial Omnibus Owners' Association) ; Mr. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith, C.B.E. (Commercial Motor Users Association); Mr. C. W. Tindall (Royal Agricultural Society) ; Mr. Seymour Williams (Rural District Councils Association); a representative of the Ministry of Health. The terms of reference are as follow
(1) To consider existing legislation and practice in connection with the use, construction and regulation of road vehicles (other than tramcars and trolley vehicles) employed for the purpose of carrying passengers for reward, and to report thereon.
(2) To consider and report as to what, if any, powers it is desirable should be conferred on local, police or other authorities to make arrangements for and/or to require road vehicles to be parked either on public highways or elsewhere in the interests of the owners or drivers of such vehicles, and with a view to the reduction of traffic congestion.
National Benzole Mixture.
The directors of the National Benzole Co., Ltd., have recently made au astute move which is likely to prove .of inestimable value to meter .vehicIe.Users. •: The company have concluded a' .working agreement with the Agwi Petroleum Corporation which ensures a supplY of 'British-controlled petrol, of a grade .whieltis said to be higher than the average quality. • They have aecordingly arranged to supply _National lEleniole Mixture, which will consist of a mixture of henzole and petrol in., the proportion of 50-50:-.1 This spirit will be sold at the same price 'as No: 1 'petrol, the variohs wholesale and retail pric'eS ',per. gallon being as follow :-2-gallon tins, 2s. 2d. wholesale; 2s. • 51d. retail ; 15-gallon drums, 2s. id. wholesale; 2s. .4d. retail; whilst in bulk the, price of the mixture will be 2s. 01d.wbolesale.. • • . There is one other point a prime importance. The working agreement already referred to is not likely to be hampered by a shortage in the. supply of
010 crude oil. In fact, it is stated that supplies are guaranteed by the Atlantic Gulf Oil Corporation, who_own large oil tracts, pipe lines, wharves, etc., in Mexico, where they have a number of wells in active production.
• -It is, of course, known that some Mexican oil wells suffer from the influx of salt Water ; but., nevertheless, the output to-day is over 2,000,000 tons per year, so that there should be ample supplies available for the development of this new British enterprise,.
Leeds Rail-less Results.
The tramways department of the Leeds Corporation has recently issued Some informative statistics 'concerning the operation of the rail-less traction systein for the year ended March 31st. The date of inauguration of the system was June 24th, 1911, when 31 miles of route were opened up, whereas there are now 4 miles of route in operation. The number of vehicles in service during the year was 10, and they covered 206,758 miles, as against 195,401 the previous year, and carried 1,033,507 passengers, a figure which, in spite of 11,000 miles' extra running, is lower than that for the previous year, viz., 1,076,409 We shall in our next issue include particulars of the working of the system during the past year.
• •
A Useful Gift.
We have received from S. Wolf and. Co., Ltd., of 115, Southwark Street; London, S.E. 1, the makers of the wellknown Solex carburetter—a popular type with commercial vehicle. users—a very useful little steel rule, which the company are prepared to present to any motorist or agent who applies to the above address. The rule, a six-incher, is of a handy size for the pocket or tool kit, and is graduated in inches, 16ths, 32nds and 64th3 on one edge and in centimetres and millimetres on the Other edge.
Sir Eric Geddes, G.B.E., was appointed, on Friday last, a director of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd.
The membership of the .Institute of Transport is now 1,300, not 300 as was incorrectly stated in our report of the ,Ileme, Secretary's speech at the Institute dinner. .
Fellows Magneto Co., Ltd., Cumbers land Avenue, Park Royal; Willesdea, 10,have put on the market a use1.61 'magneto file, which is Well-finished atirl can be carried in the pocket
-Relax (Motor Accessories), Ltd. Rotax Worke, Willesden' Jundtion,` Linden, N.W. 10, have appointed the College Green Motor Co., College Square, Bristol, to be their official service agents.
We 'are informed that the MaxwellJohnson lead indicator described by us in the issue, of rite Commercial Motor for Zianitaisy 10th, is now being marketed by the. Westminster Manufacturing and Marketing Co., 'Ltd.. of 100, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1, which company is also dealing in other motor accessories.
Petrol Motor Traction for French Railways.
For some time past the State railways of France have-been carrying on eiperiments to ascertain the possibility of using petrol-driven mote trains on lines where traffic is limited, these trials have given 'very satisfactory resells, and it Uns,been ascertained that a 60 hp: motes weighing 14 tons and drawing a carriage weighing 10 tons can 'easily reach a speed of over 50 miles an hour, the speed being • very slightly reduced when a second carriage is added. On local lines of normal gauge it is estimated that. motor traction would, enable a saving of from five to ten francs per kilometre to be made, the present figure (steam traction) being more than 14 francs.
M. Le Trecquer, Minister of Public Works, who has been following the experiments with interest, considers that the results obtained are suiciently satisfactory to warrant a circular being' sent to all prefects of departments, asking them to study the possibility of applying traction by petrol motors to the departmental railways. Local railways have been much affected by the present high cost of working, which is not balanced by the increase in fares.
A New Avon Tyre.
The Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., whose works are at Melksham, have just placed on the market a new superiesilient solid tyre, which has been specifically designed for service on the rear wheels of the Ford ton track, either to replace the 32-in. by 31 iti. solid or the 32-in. by 4k-in. straight-side pneumatic. The new Lyre is of deep section, ensuring maximum cushioning effect, and the tread has tivo well-defined circumferential grooves which have been introduced to prevent skidding. This tyre will particularly appeal to those users who find the Ordinary tyre equipment fitted on the Ford twiner unsuitable for their particular needs. Ibis made of high-grade rubber of, softer and more resilient character . than the ordinary solid.
C.M.U.A. at Aberdeen.
Al a recent, meeting of commercial vehicle users in Aberdeen it was decided to form an Aberdeen and district branch of the Scottish Commercial Motor Users Association. Mr. JimeS Sellars presided, and Councillor Es Graham Guest,' Of,"EdisibUrgh, president of the Association, explained the Object of the associa
The following office-bearers Were
ted for the– division :Preritlente Mr. ;fames Sellar;':„vice-president; Wilkie secretary;' •rbire John A. Nicol, advocate, 189, Union , Street, Aberdeen, Committee: . Messrs. A. 5: &die, W. Wisley,' Jun., 'Peter Smith (Claud Hamilton's, Ltd.), J. Crawford (John McAdam and Son), Gardiner Mitchell (Barry, Henryand Co., Ltd.), and J. Sutherland, contractor, Peter
head. ,
All commercial. users in the 'north of SCotland desirous of joining the association should apply to the area secretary, Mr. John A. Nicol, advocate, Aberdeen.
Parking in Birmingham.
As a direct result of the efforts of the West Midlands Division of the C.M.U.A. the chief constable of. Birmingham has agreed to allow Jennens Road (off Dale End) to be used as a stand by commercial vehicles passing through the city. The north side of Holiday Street (off Suffolk Street) is also allocated for the same purpose. Both these stands are in the centre of the city, and should be a great convenience to commercial vehicle owners.
Road v. Rail in New Zealand.
The railway authorities in New Zealand, it is stated in advices from Wellington, forecast an early revision of freight charges, in order to enable the railways to meet the -competition of motor lorries. The latter have lately been profiting by the high train freights, and have been engaging to a great extent _in long-distance work. Another report states that the commercial-motor traffic is increasing on the main roads in the Wellington district. • Chars-abanes are competing with the ferries in the harbour suburbs.
Insurance Combination.
The new arrangement by which the liability in respect of policies issued by Premier Motor Policies Ltd., has been undertaken by the Eagle Star and British Dominions Insurance Co., Ltd., is of importance to motor vehicle users. This company, which is taking the place of the International Insurance Co., whose voluntary liquidation is proposed, holds assets exceeding £20,900,000, and is one of the wealthiest companies in the kingdom.
Premier Motor Policies, Ltd., specialize solely in-motor insurance, and have an enviable reputation for prompt and satisfactory claim settlements. The new arrangement makes a very reassuring combination for policy-holders.
Buses on Tramcar Routes.
At a recent meeting of the Sunderland Rural District. Council an application was made by the Invincible Motor Co. for permission to run buses over part of the route covered by the Sunderland District Tramway Co. A member Of the tramway company who was present declaredsthat the traffic could not support the two services, whilst, he added, it was also unfair to the company, who were large ratepayers, and who, in addition, had -to keep part of the road in repair to have another service running in opposition. He admitted that the tramway company were not now in a flourishing condition, and that competition from the buses might force them to abandon the services.
One view is that if the tramways are unable to be operated remuneratively, an opportunity should be given the bus company to ascertain whether the alternative means of transport can be run with success. The council, however, in spite of much discussion, declined to grant the request of the motorbus Company.
Provincial Parades.
The C.M.U.A. has arranged for commercial vehicle parades to be held in Birminghamon July 8th, in Worcester on August 8th and in Nottingham on June 10th.
New Chassis for the M.A.B.
The ambulance committee of the Metropolitan Asylums Board recommends acceptance of the tender of Clement-Talbot, Ltd., of 13arlby lload, W.Kensington, for the supply of six motor chassis at the sum of £3,600.
The price is inclusive of all accessories, but does not include the bodies, which _will be provided and fixed by the Head Works. The committee received nine tenders. There were two lower than the one recommended, but the vehicles offered would not meet the board's specification or requirements.
Transport Conditions in Sweden.
Distances are very great in Sweden, and, notwithstanding a well organized railway system, it is obvious, says •a Department of Overseas Trade report, that services cannot be maintained so frequently as in the case of thickly populated countries.
It is, however, very essential to study local conditions closely. Country roads are, on the whole, poor, and except in the south these roads can only be used during about six months in the year for sleigh traffic or for ligh, t vehicles, although the latter' skid badly on the icy surface, after the snow has been beaten down by traffic. It follows, therefore, that, generally speaking, heavy motor transport is mainly confined to the cities and employed in the country districts only during the dry periods in the summer.
Durham Roads.
Dealing with the new coast road at a meeting of the Durham County Council, Mr. A. E. Brookes (county -surveyor) reported that an expenditure of .£86,300 had been incurred, as against the provisional estimate of £90,000, during the
year ended March 31st. The county council had obtained from the Ministry of Transport £44,050, from the West Hartlepool Corporation .10,000, and from the Easington R.D.C. R-6,250, making an aggregate of £60,303. With a view to accomplishing a further .£90,000 worth of road improvements during the ensuing financial 12 months, the scheme has been adopted without modification.
Welsh Road Improvements.
The Cowbridge District Council, the governing authority of a large South Glamorgan area, lais decided on largescale main-road ;-•idening and in/provemeat. The district roads of St. Athens, Llantwit-Major and in the neighbourhood of Gileston are to benefit under the scheme, and deviation routes from the main road are to be laid out,The area is one greatly travelled by inter-town bus services and the chars-it-bancs carryiii the mining population to the Glamorgan resorts, and the improvements will be heartily approved.
Wireless on Paris Police Vans.
The present Prefect of Police in Paris, M. Leulet, is a man of ideas, and the latest has taken the shape of installing wireless telephones on." Black Marias." These vans are in direct communication with a large aeroplane, which flies in a circle in a ventral position above Paris. One of the illustrations which we reproduce on this page show one of three Pan-hard motor vans which, after some preliminary experiments, were put into circulation officially for the first time on May Day. Each of them is equipped with telephones, and can communicate with the Goliath, or with One another via the Goliath. The other picture was taken on board the aeroplane, and shows the service in action. There is no doubt that on big occasions, when crowds collect, the observations which can be received and acted upon by the police in the motor vehicles are of great value, and this-was amply demonstrated in Paris on the first day it'was put into operation. Paris Bus Statistics?
Figures recently issued dealing with omnibus traffic in Paris in 1921 show that the total number of passengers carried was about 246 millions, and that the money received in fares was 83 million francs. The most important route —Madeleine-Bastille—was covered to the extent of nearly two million kilometres; some 18 million passengers were carried on this particular route.
Swedish Commercial Vehicle Law.
A law was introduced in Sweden in August, 1921, containing provisions governing the width of tyres, etc., of commercial motor vehicles. This law, Which, says a recent Delaartment of Overseas, Trade report, is evidently the precursor of further legislation designed to preserve and improve Swedish roads, decrees that no vehicle weighing more than 2,500 kilogrammes shall be permitted on ordinary country roads. The speed of vehicles with solid tyres is limited to 15 kilometres per hour, and the width of vehicles to two metres. The width of tyres must be calculated at
1 centimetre for every 50 kilogrammes of weight 011.the tyre up to 8 centimetres or 400 kilogrammes, and then 1 centimetre for every 100 kilogrammes above 400 kilogrammes.
On the representations of owners of heavy vehicles and tyres which would have been rendered obsolete by this decree, the operation of the law was suspended until October 1st, 1922, but in the ease of vehieles.regiaterecl before that date the law will not become operative before October 1st, 1924.
The County Agricultural Shows.
The county agricultural shows opened a few days ago with the Oxfordehire Society's event at Theme on Wednesday and Thursday, a meeting of the Somereetshire Society on Wednesday, and the Dublin Society's meeting and the Wharfedale show on the Saturday. There seemed to lie a larger colleetion of tractors and implements than is usual at these shows. Most of the implements were exhibited by agents and very few by the manufacturers.
012 At the Oxfordshire show at name, Bertram B. Coxeter organized an interesting stand With touring car, ton truck, sedan and tractor, together with a selection of spare parts. These wore Ford specialities. James G. West (Theme) had a similar stand comprising various Ford vehicles, including the Fordaori tractors and Oliver plough. Martin's Cultivator Co., Ltd., Stamford, were among the tractor and implement makers directly represented. The Crawley agrimotor, Fordson tractor, and International Junior tractors, together with suitable implements, were exhibited by Walter Wilder and Sons, Crowtharsh; Oxford. Tractors and implements were also exhibited by G. Brown and Son, Leighton Buzzard. J. Coxeter and Co., Ltd., Oxford, staged Maxwell specialities. Petroleum and oil firms were well represented, including the British Petroleum Co., Ltd., Sterns, Ltd., AngloAmerican Oil Co., Ltd.
Buses for Calcutta.
Theadminietration report of the Calcutta Municipal Council states that, as the tramways company is not disposed to eXtend the tramway system, the corporation has suggested that, the transport companies should organize motorbus services.
A Co-operative Motor Fleet.
The Ashington Industrial Co-operative Society, Ltd., has expended £8,994 on a char-a-bancs, a Daimler car, two Watscar lorries, two Fiats, a Ford lorry, a Belsize lorry, and a Haney lorry. They stand at a nominal value of £5,142 in the books, and isridee the method of depreciation adopted will, be cleared of in three years.
With reference to the description of the New limit-nal 16-seater, one of a fleet built for the National Omnibus and Transport Coe Ltd., described in our issue of May 16th, we are asked by Messrs. Ff. G. Burford and Co., Ltd., to state that the weight of the bus complete was 49 ewt., and not 58 cwt., is stated by us hi the article to which we have referred. . Prospects in Guatemala. Owing to the absence of good roads in Guatemala, very few motor vehicles are in. ,use in the Republic, the few that are in service being mostly of American make. A few French lorries have also been imported, bat the opinion is expressed .in a Department of Overseas Trade report that it is doubtful whether British vehicles are suitably designed for Central American roads.
South Wales Bus Services.
The service between Newport and Chepetow has been augmented considerably since the agreement with regard to termini between bee proprietors and, the Newport Corporation. Buses now run at less than hourly intervals throughout the day up to 10.15 p.m. from Newport, and from 7.30 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. from Chepstow. A. Stmelay service making three journeys each way has also been instituted. The road service between the two towns is altogether much improved.
-Chance for Lorries in Indo
eh Indo-CChhiinnaa, '
Fren with nearly 6,000 miles of perfect roads, has only 2,300 motor vehielee. This is one of the few coantries where America admits it is beaten for sales. The majority of the Vehicles are of French manutacture. The mother country is greatly favoured both by duty and exchange, but the eolony is so far from saturation point that there Should be a, market for countries capable of competing. There are only about 50 lorries in Judo-China, and this type of vehicle, capable of trailer-hauling, should prove popular with the wealthy rice
An F.W.D. COMbination.
In the centre page group published in our last week's issue, in connection with our article on increasing load capacity per power unit, we showed an F.W.D. lorry with trailer. We have been askedto state that this combination has a three-way hydraulic tipping gear on both the vehicle and trailer, the gears being operated by a hydraulic pump carried on the lorry and driven from the engine, connection to the trailer being through a flexible pipe. One of the most interesting points about the trailer is thatof interchangeability
between lorry and trailer, as by using standard parts on the trailer, the wheels, wheel bearings and brake gear can be interchanged with those on the lorry. The steering is on the Ackermann principle, arranged so that the spring deflection has no effect on the alignment of the wheels.
Misleading Road Notices.
At the instance of the Kent automobile Club, the R.A.C. recently drew the attention of the Ministry of Transport to the existence of notice boards at Margate, indicating a speed limit of four miles per hour, while no such. reduced limit existed. After considerable correspondence, the town council has now accepted the recommendation of the Ministry to replace the boards by red triangle signs.
, Fellows Magneto Co., Ltd., have just Issued to the trade a window transparency,' which will be eent free, together with instructions for affixing, to any trade applicant.
A Vetoed Service.
At a meeting of the Chester Improveinents Committee a letter was read from the Iiilinistry of Transport stating that the Crosville Motor Co., Ltd., had appealed under the proviaions of -Section 14 (3) of the Roads Act, 1920, against the proposed mileage charges in respect of the motorbus service via Canal Street and Garden Lane to the city boundary, and requesting to be informed of the reasons why the corporation requires the company to pay a mileage charge and the power of the corporation to attach such a condition.
A memorandum was read from the city surveyor giving reasons why a mileage charge should be imposed, and it was referred to the town clerk to communicate the reasons to the Ministry of Tran sport.
A Sheffield Division of the C.M.U.A.
At a meeting of Sheffield commercial vehicle users a few days ago, it was decided to form a Sheffield committee of the Commercial Motor -Caere Association. The north-eastern division of the association already has a membership of 1,100, Sheffield and Rotherham members numbering about 125.
Mr. G. F. Box, vice-chairman of the national council and chairman of the division, addressed the meeting, and predicted that before long there would be twice as many motor vehicles on the road. Ile added that it was hoped to treble the Sheffield membership within three mouths.
The following members were elected to the committee :—Messrs, Joseph Gibbins (Joseph Tomlinson and Sons); B. J. Armstrong (John Walsh, Ltd.); J. Heath (John Heath and Sons); G. Caudle (NV. Caudle and Co.); H. Jeffries (T. W. Ward); and W. Wakelam (H. Boot and Sons).
Chilian Farmers and Cultivation by Tractor. • -For-some years past efforts have been made to introduce the tractor into Chili and it is only recently that mechanical means of eulti(,ation have developed. It will take' a long time before farmers .generally decide to adopt these machines. Owing to the general configuration of most of the cultivated land in. Chili, a tractor can only be used in certain districts, and as the working cost of these machines is very high with the present value of fuel, farmers prefer to use their oxen, which are less expensive and easily handled.
. Moreover, farmers who can afford to . buy a tractor are in most &lees owners of large tracts of land with plenty of pasture to spare, where they .can keep their oxen, and so long as they do not Teel the necessity of going in for mare intensive cultivation, they will not, with -very few exceptions, abandon their old methods.
Paris Traffic Signals.
An idea which has been evolved at a recent conference at the Prefecture of Police in Paris, and the result of which will be awaited with some interest, concerns the installation of a system of signals at the corners of most of the chief thoroughfares. This has become very. necessary, as, in spite of the
strengthening of the numbers of police at eruss-roada, the control ofthe traffic leaves much to be desired. A real source of danger exists owing to the fact that in certain streets, and during certain hours of the day, all the traffic goes in one direction only. One set of signals, therefore, will indicate the direction. Coloured signals, red, green and white, will also be placed at points of vantage to indicate what traffic is to be held up to allow that in cross directions to pass. It is estimated that one policeman controlling these signals will be able to replace three. This is a somewhat sanguine estimate, and it is to be hoped, at all events, that more attention will be paid to the semaphores than arepaid to the famous
" bandes rouges, across which all vehicles are supposed to hold human lifo less cheaply than elsewhere.
Engineering at the British Empire Exhibition, 1924.
The British Engineers' Association has lv-een entrusted with the task of organizing the shipbuilding, marine, • mechanical and general engineering sem, tion of the British Empire Exhibition to be held in London in 1924.
Within the limits of the space available--alaout 238,000 sq. ft.—every effort will be exerted to make the engineering exhibits representative of all that is best in modern British practice.
Full particulars, plans, and forms of application for space will he available for issue at an early date. Inquiries should be addressed to D. A. Bremner, director, The British Engineers' Association. 32, Victoria Street., London, S.W. I.,
The Northampton Road Transport Clearing House, Ltd., have been formed with registered offices at St. Giles's Chambers, Guildhall, Northampton, to carry on business which is indicated by the title. Mr. J. F. Shaw and Mr. J. R. Boniface.are the first directors,
Swedish Trade.
During the period a ecanimerciaI pros-. perity there was a. great demand in Sweden for motor vehicles, the. significance of which may be grasped from the fact that the value of motor imports for the two years 1919 and 1920 amounted to no less thari about Kr. 90,000,000. The falling off in demand in 1921 was very noticeable, the imports under this heading amounting to Kr. 27,547,174 only, of which Kr. 22,145,194 was in respect of 4,637 passenger cars and Kr, 5A03,980 in respect of 1,109 heavy vehicles.
An unusual feature of this business is that, owing to the large quantities of American cars imported into Denmark and the stagnation which characterized the Danish market, a large number of these vehicles, especially the cheaper variety, have been re-exported to Sweden, a proceeding rendered easier owing to the difference in the Danish and Swedish exchanges. A large proportionof these cars was disposed of among the farmers in South Sweden. •
The result of the decline in trade has inflicted great hardship on Many firms
who, deceived by the artificially prosperous conditions which prevailed in 1919 and in the beginning of 1920, saddled themselves with motor vehicles and a great quantity of accessories. In these circumstances prices have very much dwindled, and it is not surprising that the Swedish motor vehicle induetrar, which is more or'less in its infamy, has been severely hit by the changed conditines. In normal times there oughl to he good openings in this country for wellmade machines costing a reasonable sum.
Preston Coach Owners,
Preston motor coach proprietors have decided upon rates based upon a mileage of 4d. per 'mile for the first 40 miles of a journey and Id. per subsequent mile. These rates are only operative for a short period, during what is generally regarded as a boom period, • namely, June to September.
The Market for Lorries in New Zealand.
A report has been received from his Majesty's Trade Commissioner at Wellington' New Zealand, concerning the present demand for steam and petrol lorries in the Dominion.
The demand for these types of vehicles, and particularly for petrol lorries, has been considerable since the war. Steam wagons are only used to a small extent as compared with the petrol machine. The number of petrol -lorries in use in New Zealand at the present time is considerably greater than it was in pre-war days, and there is no doubt that the use of mechanical vehicles is capable of still greater expansion. At present financial restrictions interfere with purchasing possibilities.
Moreover, British machines, and particularly the heavier types, appear to have succeeded in ousting the American types, and a further development in this direction may be anticipated.
It is in connection with the lighter types ofvehicles, of from one to two tons capacity, that a development of British activity is desirable, and where increased sales of British vehicles might be found under existing conditions. The Dominions Government is a big purchaser of both light and heavy types, and the various municipalities are also big purchasers, particularly of the heavier types. The carrying companies are _large users of both types, but one or two of the most important of these companies hold agencies themselves for vehicles of this class. An extended field for the sale of heavy vehicles will be found amongst the co-operative creameries as the roads improve, and even at present they are fairly important purchasers. The smaller types are being increasingly used by shops and stores for delivery purposes.
Billings Urban District Council has asked a sub-committee, to report as to the advisability of purchasing a motor vehicle for haulage purposes.
The surveyor to the Portmadoc Urban District Council has been instructed to consider the advisability of procuring an additional motor wagon.
Exports of commercial vehicles from the United States in March totalled 590, valued at 554,292sclollars, di which 110 were imported by Canada, 119 by Japan and six by Great Britain.
Motor Coaching to a "Mystery Tower."
Discussion which has been rife during the past few weeks on the reason for the construction during the war of tlie "mystery tower" now at Shoreham was ended a few days ago, when Lt.-Com molder Kenworthy told, in the House of Commons, the story of the towers. The
towers, which are constructed in steel and ,-concrete, -were originally built for the express purpose of preventing German submarines from getting through , the Straits of Dover.
Two such towers were built, and before the one that is now stationed at Shoreham is demolished the public are to be afforded an opportunity for inspecting it. Major G. F. Sexton, who has undertaken to organize the inspection, and in so doing assist the funds of the Royal Sussex County Hospital, has, in order to facilitate visits, solicited the ser vices .of a fleet of motor coaches owned by the Silver Star Services, Ltd., of Brighton, who, in turn, are running a service direct from London, in conjunetion with the Samuelson Transport Co., Ltd., who make an inclusive charge for the journey by road and admission to the tower.
To the curious the opportunity is a unique one.