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Standard Engines for Land-Rovers

30th October 1959
Page 55
Page 55, 30th October 1959 — Standard Engines for Land-Rovers
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INSTALLATIONS of the Standard I 23 CV oil engine in Land-Rover chassis are being carried out by R. H. Kilner (M.E.), Ltd., Woodhead Road, Hanley, Huddersfield. The modification follows the lines described in The Commercial Motor dated October 2, but with the addition of a special casting to link the block with the bell housing of the existing gearbox.

No alteration is made to the chassis, and the normal engine mountings are employed in conjunction with an additional mounting for the forward end of the power unit.

Suspension remains unaltered, but changes are made to the exhaust system and the radiator couplings. Cost of the conversion, including Ki-Gas or C.A.V. Thermostart cold-starting aid, is not yet fixed but is expected to be about £250.


A PLAN to build an underpass in r-L London to take traffic between Victoria Embankment and Queen Victoria Street came before the Court of Common Council last week. The underpass would tunnel beneath tbe northern approach of Blackfriars Bridge.

Parliamentary powers must be sought for the scheme, but it is hoped that it will be finished in 1964. Eventually the underpass may be extended to form a by-pass to Tower Hill.

Mr. R. Edmonds, chairman of London Town Planning Committee, said last week that the Hyde Park Corner underpass should be open by June, 1962.