loTA's dilemma
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IN 1966, the Institute of Traffic Administration took a decisive step when it decided to organize its own examination scherni.. Before that time, success in other examinations decided its grades of membership. The opinion was put forward that if a professional institute was to remain a force it had to take a hand in setting its own examinations or at least set definite standards within other examinations. It was no mean feat to start an examination scheme but by the spring of 1968, 24 candidates presented themselves for the Graduateship examination—and a further 30 sat the final or Associate Membership. In all, 146 separate papers were completed. In two years this number has been trebled with this year's number of candidates totalling 155 for both sections sitting at 12 centres and working on 411 individual scripts. Although this 1970 figure is still a smE total for a national examination, this shoul
not detract from one's estimation of the fin achievement of the Institute. Indeed, given th same rate of growth by 1975, the lnstitu. will be able to obtain a highly respectab total of examination candidates.
But the I oTA faces difficult decisions in tt immediate future. There are two conflictir pressures concerning its examination schem, on the one hand there are those wt advocate close co-operation with the Institii of Transport, and the Industrial Transpo Association, while others urge the Institute I follow a firm independent line. The two vievs can, however, be reconciled. Currently tt loTA has no formal co-operation with eithi loT or ITA, the two bodies who recent agreed on a common graduateshi
examination. But, in reality, the subjec. studied are so similar that a student followin
the loTA examination scheme is scarce inconvenienced by attending a class arrange for the Institute of Transport syllabus.
I can see great advantages in loTA joinin the ITA and loT, and arranging one comma examination for the Graduateship. This coul be further extended to the first part of the fin; (Associate Membership) examination wher only slight modifications need be made. If th, co-ordination was carried out a number ( class closures could be avoided an examining expertise pooled.
It is in the part 2 of the final examinatio that the loTA needs to strike out in its ow individual way. Indeed, any professioru institute must indicate its own special line c examining approach at this stage. I believ the loTA must redefine its aims more carefull and realize that its chief strength lies in it membership from the road transport indusn)
"Traffic administration" could become mar meaningful with special papers geare, specifically to the needs of road transport. I would also be appropriate if technologiu subjects could be added at this stage for
have always felt that the "administration group of subjects should be joined with th
-engineering" subjects. The basic responsibili
ties of the fleet engineer should be reviewed and here helpful co-operation could be gainei from the Institute of Road Transpor Engineers. The use of computers in transpoi scheduling and the elements of dat processing are subjects becoming mar necessary in transport management studie and for those concerned with urban traffi problems, the elements of town planning ani traffic engineering are of prime importance.
All these subjects could give the Institute c Traffic Administration's final exam inatioi award a strong individual flavour.