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Repair Kit
The Kollercast Department of Synthetic Resins is now marketing a prepacked epoxyresin repair kit which can be used for emergency repairs on reinforced plastics or sheet metal......
Small-parts Storage
The Lawco Fliptop Stokbox marketed by the Coding and Marking Division, of Lawtons of Liverpool, is designed to provide adequate protection against dirt, dust and direct sunlight......
Hydraulic Pump
Even though it weighs only 6Ib and measures 6in. by 5in. by 3in. the Haskel M Series of air driven pumps introduced by Olin Mathieson can give pressures of 15,000 psi. Six......
Power Source
Power diStribution boards have been included with many Avoncel specialized trolleys for some time. Now Avon Communications and Electronics are making the boards available......