Last Saturday's Vehicle Parade
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I N these troubled days Mr. W. Chamberlain, the North-Western Licensing authority, might be called upon to take up a new series of duties, said Mr. C. le M. Gosselin (C.M.U.A. National president) at the C.M.U.A. vehicle parade last Saturday. He hoped that it would not be necessary, but if it were the Association would give the Authority every support. The event was lield at Belle Vue, Manchester, under the organization of the Manchester and South-east Lancashire a reas.
Substantially, all the owners who mattered in the district were members of the C.M.U.A., said Sir Joseph Nall. Sooner or later the rates structure would come into being and those who cut rates now were doing themselves harm for the future.
Presenting the awards, Mr. Chamberlain congratulated the men on -the high standard of maintenance. Commercial drivers had a fine driving tradition and the average road user recognized that transport men as a class were the most immune from accident.
Mr. Chamberlain welcomed the offer of the Association's co-operation and said that, in emergency, the Government would call upon him to carry out very onerous duties and he would depend upon the help of the industry.
There was au entry of 120 machines in the various classes, giving a total of 220 entries altogether. Challenge cups were awarded to the owners of the winning vehicles in each class and in each case the drivers received replicas; in addition, there were cash awards for the men. Many well-known figures in the transport world werepresent.
The results Were
Under Z tons, petrol or nit-engined (A, B and (-1.1, Lancashire Associated Collieries Norris
Commercial); 2, Kemps (Bedford); 3, Lewis's, Ltd. (Coy'. 2-3 Tons, petrol or oil IA or 111.-1, A. Taylor and Son (Alhionl; 2, 13arbers Removal Services froden); 3, J. Hanson and *oils. Ltd. (Albion).
2-3 Tons, petrol or oil 401.-1, IT. Chattell • and Co. (Goy); 2, Kendal, Milne and Co., Ltd. (Albion); 3, Lewis's, Ltd. {Albion).
Over 3 Tons, petrol or nit {A. or B).-1, F. Hackney, Jeer. (E.1R.F.); 2. W. V. Greenwood, Ltd. (A.E.C..); 3, V. L. Morton (Cornwell.
Over 5 Tons, petrol. or oil (C).-1, 'Bentley and Shaw, Ltd. (Leyland); 2, Peter-Walker and Son, Ltd. (E.R.F.); ,3, VTilsoris' Brewery, Ltd. (Thornyeroft).
Steam Vehicles IA, B and 01.-1, Peter Walker rind Son, Ltd. {Sentinel); 2, Bleachers' Association, Ltd. {Sentinel); 3, Bleachers' Association, Ltd. (Sentinel), Oil-engined Vehicles (all weights, A, B and 01.-1, T. Hackney, Jenr. (E.R.F.); 2, Peter Walker and Son, Ltd. (E.R.F.); 3, J. Anclill and Co., Ltd. (roden). • Petrobenglned Vehicles (all weights, A, B and C).-1. Bentley and Shaw, Ltd. (Leyland): 2, W. V. Greenwood, Ltd. I.A.E.C.1; 3, V. L. Morton (Gonuner), Cleanest and best-kept vehicles In first air classee.—Peter Walker and Son. Ltd. (Sentinel). Cleanest and best-kept vehicle on quarry, building and road-material work.—A. Taylor and Son (Albion), ,
Best-kept vehicles in first six claims (restricted to fleets of not more than three vehicles, running repairs and maintenance done by driver only),-1, F. Hackney, innr. {E.R.A.); 2, A. Taylor and Son (Albion); 3. R. Simpson (Morris-Com menial).
Coaches.-1, W. Hankinson (Leyland); 2, E. Ilarsden and Son (Gifford); 3, F. Brewer (Star),
A.R.O.'s Steps to Protect the Country.
Immediately following the notice of the Ministry of Transport's plan for the organization of transport in the event of a national emergency, the A.R.O. advised all its area chairmen to offer the services of the organization to the Licensing Authorities in their .areas. The chairmen were further advised that the Sub Area Committees should be used so far as possible as the nuclei of the temporary working groups."
Important A.R.O. Function.
Associated Road Operators will hold its 'Metropolitan Area annual dinner and dance on Monday, February 27, at Grosvenor House, London, W.1.
Leicester I.T.A. Winter Session.
The general meeting of the Leicester branch of the Industrial Transport Association was held at the Leicester Chamber of Commerce last week. Mr. C. D. Jackson was again elected chairman for the forthcoming year. The winter session opens on October 12. C.M.U.A. SUPPER AT WEST BROMWICH.
An enthusiastic gathering of 200 drivers and operators assembled at the Blue Gates, Smethwick, last week, on the occasion of the drivers' supper, held under the auspices of the West 13rom-; wich and District Area of the C.M.U.A. The meeting was under the chairmanship of Mr. P. Colin Campbell, and the guests included Alderman J. Crump, Lord Mayor Designate of Birmingham ; Mr. J. Blewitt, district secretary of the Transport and General Workers Union ; Mr. E. J._Shoplarrd. clerk to the West Midland Traffic Commissioners; Mr. A. L. Stallworthy, deputy clerk and enforcement officer to the West Midland Traffic Commissioners.
The chairman was also supported by the local committee, including Mr. W. A. Standley, of Chance Bros., and Mr. -J. F. Bishop, of J. Brockhouse and Co., Ltd. Short speeches were interspersed with musical items contributed by drivers and. friends, The arrangements were made by Mr. E. C. Johnson.