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I N a panel which we included last week we referred to the progress made by the Ministry of Transport in working out details of...
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That new brooms are helping the " Brush " to sweep clean at Loughborough. That many " secret " plans for c.v. organization, in...
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IMPORT AND EXPORT UPS AND DOWNS IN AUGUST. The Board of Trade returns for August, 1938, show that the value of commercial...
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FEARS OF THE MEAT TRADERS. Collusion between London carriers and "a powerful organization" in the Metropolitan Area in regard...
I N these troubled days Mr. W. Chamberlain, the North-Western Licensing authority, might be called upon to take up a new series...
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Details of the Programme and Visits at Birmingham and an Appreciation by Mr. Leslie Burgin, Minister of Transport A T the...
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By C. Le M. GOSSELIN, M.I.A.E., M.Inst.T., President of the Commercial Motor Users Association O NE of the features of...
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By Frederick G. Bristow C.B.E., M,Inst.T. I T is an unfortunate fact that it seems well nigh impossible to secure more than...
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AST Monday, the Appeal Tribunal justified the revocation of the A licence and the A-contract licence of Mr. Henry William...
WHEN Mr. Robert Muir, haulage VV contractor, Cowdenbeath, applied for licences, in respect of two additional vehicles, to the...
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and QUERIES MAKING TWO OFFENCES OUT OF ONE. [5455] As a regular reader of your journal, I think, perhaps, the case which I...
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A Forward-control Four-cylinder 5-tonner with 16-ft. 6-in. Platform and a 20-26-seater Six-cylinder Passenger Vehicle A...
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S TANDARDIZATION has been developed to a high degree by Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd.; accordingly, full advantage can be taken,...
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)FIT from ROAD TRANSPORT HOW clueing his company to the roadFate played a hand in introtransport industry is recounted by Mr....
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The Gas Light and Coke Company Runs a Fleet of 10 Lloyd Cars, Specially Converted for "Goods" Work S EARCIIING for a truly...
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A New Scheme, the Perkins Perpetuity Plan, Eliminates the Heavy Depreciation Factor and Makes Smaller Oilengined Vehicles...
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As a Preliminary to His New Duties with the A.R.O. Mr. J. L. Kinder Addresses a Big Meeting at Manchester A S recently...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT NO ALL-DAY TICKETS FOR EDINBURGH O N September 23 Edinbur g h Corporation Public Utilities Committee...
O N Thursday of last week, a party, .-o/comprised, in the main, of members of the mana g ers' section of the Municipal Tramways...
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A ReS11111 of Patent Spedfications that Have Recently Been Published, T1E device shown in patent No. 4 1 90,514 has for its...