Tenders of Interest to Hauliers
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MENDERS are invited by the following {latest dates given in parentheses):-BromIew B.C. for cold asphalt, tarred-slag macadam, dry-slag cbippings, Kentish ragstone, granite kerb, cement, lime. sand, ballast, etc. Apply to Mr. H. Cliffe, Municipal Offices, Bromley, Kent (February18.)
G oole B.C. for slag, granite macadam, bituminous macadam, gravel and sand. Apply to Mr. J. H. Castle, Municipal Offices, Goole. (February 12.) Caterham and Warlingham 11.11.0. for tarred Or bituminous road stone, broken road stone, lime, cement, coal, coke, etc. Apply to engineer and surveyor, Council Offices, Caterham Valley. (February 17.) ...Swansea B.C. for bricks, cement, granite kerb, granite chippings, lime, limestone, sand, slag, ashes, tarrnacadam; alio haulage. Apply to engineer and surveyor, Guildhall, Swansea. (February 18.)
Worthing B.C. for lime, granite chippings, slag, tarmacadam, graded washed beach, sand, flints, sandy ballast. Apply to Mr. F. E. Harvey_ Town Hall, Worthing. • (February 6.) Mansfield B.C. for broken road materials, granite, slag, limestone, .tarmacadam, gravel, ballast., sand, coal. Apply ti, borough engineer, Carr Bank, Mansfield. (February 2.)
sammersmith B.C. for (16) hire of petrol tipping Jollies and drivers; (17) tarred-slag macadam; (20) unscreened ballast; (21) sand; 4221 hoggin; (23) %-in. pea shingle and 3216-in, washed and graded shingle; (26) bricks; {28) granite chippings; (33) gas coke; (34) furnace coke. Apply to borough engineer, Town Hail, Hammersmith, London, W. (February 26.) --Farnham U.D.C. for tarreacadam and bituminous graver, concrete, cement, coal, Win.
clean washed gravel. Apply to Starling, Council Offices Annexe, South Street, Farnham. {February 10.)
▪ anbury B.C. for broken granite and chip pings, tarred macadam, gravel, sand, cement. Apply to Mr. S. Hilton, Municipal Buildings, Banbury. (February 4.) georthampumshire C.C. for tarred and bituminous macadam, broken granite rind dry slag, steam coal, hire of rood rollers, supply of washed pit gravel and sand. Apply to Mr. B. A. Black, County Hall, Northampton. (February 22.)
Leatherhead U.D.U. for coal and coke, sand, ballast, hoggin, shingle, etc.; tarred macadam,
roller hire, bituminous macadam. Apply to Mr. J. L. Davies. Council Offices, Leatherhead. (February 8.) H ove B.C. for broken granite, tarred slag macadam. Apply to Mr. T. It. Humble, Town Hall, Hove. (February 5.1
Bedfordshire C.C. for granite, slag, tarred slag macadam, gravel, cement, coal, coke; also haulage. Apply to County surveyor, Shire Hall, Bedford. • (February 15.4
Shoreham-by-Sea U.D.C. for relined tar, granite iaappinge of various garges, tarred slag. Apply to fir, J, Dunn, Town Half, Shoreham.by-Sea. (February 11.) arietei C.C. for road-surface dressings, granite chippings, pennant chippings. Apply to Mr. H. H. Webb, 63, Queen Square, Bristol, 1. (February 8.) Leeds Highwah Committee for (31 tarred slag;
(4) biturninized limestone and tarred limeatonei
(5) bituminized whinstone; (6) slag nuts, Whinstone or granite chippings, crushed and washed quartzite, or beach shingle; (7) graded sand;' (8) broken limestone and limestone chippings; . (12) sand and gravel or broken stone for concreting. Apply? stating number of schedule required, to highways engineer, 1a, Kirkstall Road, Leeds, 4. (February 4.) Doncaster B.C. for cement, quartzite, roadstone-granite or whinstene-tarred slag, slag or furnace dross. Apply to surveyor, 2, Priory . Place, Doncaster. (February 17.1 Chesterfield T.C. for (2) cement and lime; (3) local steam and anthracite coal; (6) granite chippings; (7) gravel, crushed and washed; (8).-. tarred limestone; (13) tarred and dry slag; (15) motor haulage. Apply, stating schedule required, to borough engineer, 2, Gillman Gate,. Chesterfield. (February 10.)
Watford T.C. for granite chippings, tarred slag. Apply to Mr. W. W. Newnsan, Municipal Offices, 'Watford. (February 17.)
East Barnet 45.11.0. for broken granite, gravel, hoggin, sand. Apply to Mr. C. M. Barnes, Town Hall, New Barnet. (February 15.) Ruislip-Northwood U.D.C. for tarmacadam, gravel and hoggin, sand and screened washed ballast, cement, clean granite chippings, hire of steam roller, supply of coal-house, steam'. anthracite. Apply to Mr. II. R. Metcalfe, Council 5i
ilOffices, Northwood, Middlesex. (Fehru
a Lewisham B.C. for cement, lime, bricks, house and steam coal, furnace coke, granite, flints and ragstone, tarred slag, Thames ballast, sand and shingle. Apply to surveyor's department, Town Catford, London, S.E.6, (February 17.) West /titling C.C. for granite, quartzite and basaltic chippings, including basaltic vrhinstone. Apply to surveyor, County flail, • Wakefield;.
(February 8.)
Cardiff T.C. for limestone, bituminous niac' adsm, sand, gravel and Portland cement. Art,. ply to engineer, City Hall, Cardiff. 1Fel4u-...., ary 14.) Clacton V.D.C. for cement, hoggin, sand-, broken stone, broken flints, broken granite or.. whinstone, tarred limestone, tarred granite, tarring grit. Apply to Mr. Alston, Town Hall, Clacton. {February 5.1 Bundle U.D.C. for granite and slag, also cartage at materials. Apply to Mr. H. W Bolton, aCoryungill Offices, 2, East Road, Oundle. (Febru Bainsbottorn U.D.C. for highways materials.Apply to Mr. A. Plunkett, Council Offices,. R. anisbottom. (February 21.1 Selby U.D.C. for road-making materials. Apply to Mr. W. J. Kay, 5, New Lane, Selby.
Wareffe MDR. for road materials. Apply to., surveyor, Council Offices, Wardle. (February 13.)
Sedgley U.D.C. for stoue, drippings, tar,.
macadam, coal; cement. Apply to surveyor, • Cannon House, Sedgley. (February 4.)