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T HE interest aroused throughout the country by our article, published last week, in which part of Section 11 of the Road and...
" system, proposed by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, about which so much was heard at , Olympia, the...
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Of rapidly increasing calls for lectures by our transport economist " S.T.R,•' That manufacturers seem unable to defend...
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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all diffiallties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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MR. L. RUTTENBURG, director and general manager of Consolidated Near East Co., Ltd., the Leyland agent in Palestine, left for...
A DEBATE on alleged trafficking in licences developed between a solicitor and Mr. Henry Riches. Northern Scotland Licensing...
WHEN Mr, J, Farrell, of Watson VV Street, Birkenhead, applied to the North-Western Deputy Licensing Authority, at Liverpool,...
Wortley Rural District Council requires a motor ambulance. Marylebone Borough Council is to purchase two 2-ton terries at an...
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According to a report by Poplar Borough Council's Works Committee, the local licensing authority has intimated that the Finance...
HOLDING that there no longer exists in the Yorkshire Area a conciliation agreement, the employers' panel of the Yorkshire...
Q1-10tiLD the Authority license tonkinage to deal with traffic that had been transferred from one source of transport to...
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Two haulage concerns with fine fleets of modern vehicles are to be disposed of. The first has licences for 80 tons unladen...
T HE contention that an operator should not be limited to a Contract A licence, because the main portion of a generalincrease...
A POINT of national importance to 1 – t carriers was raised before Sir William Hart, North-Western Deputy Licensing Authority,...
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The Northern Ireland Road Transport Board has placed an order with the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., for 40 oil-engined...
MENDERS are invited by the following {latest dates given in parentheses):-BromIew B.C. for cold asphalt, tarred-slag macadam,...
Aluminium by Anodising T HE prevention of corrosion and deterioration of aluminium and aluminium-alloy parts has for a number...
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NEW INTERNATIONAL 31-TONNER AVING been told that the new International 34-tonner was in great demand, we were keenly...
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Within the past few days, representations have been made to the Ministry of Transport by A.R.O. regarding various licensing...
C.M.U.A. Work Commended A DETAIL review of the activities and anxieties of the past 12 months was presented at the annual...
P RACTICALLY 100-per-cent, membership of the C.M.U.A., so far as A and B-licence holders in the vicinity were concerned, was...
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R " AD replanning.on a national scale was suggested by Major R.' A. B. Smith, president of the C.M.U.A., at a meeting arranged,...
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S EATING accommodation was taxed to the uttermost when S.T.R., The Commercial Motor costs expert, addressed a meeting of the...
S TRLKING tributes to the value of The Commercial Motor Tables of Operating Costs were paid by hauliers at a meeting of the...
COME pertinent observations were ■ -) made by Mr. J. H. Toulmin, J.P., chairman of Leyland Motors, Ltd., at the company's 17th...
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P ROGRESS in chassis design depends largely upon detail improvements, these being reflected in enhanced performance, greater...
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of the New Dodge 15-cwt, Van T HE Dodge , 15-cwt. chassis has gained an enviable reputation in thehands of. a large number of...
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R EADERS may recall that in a recent article in our feature,. "Solving the Problems of the Carrier," S.T.17." referred to the...
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Nothing But Amending Legislation Can Right the Wrong. T HE COMMERCIAL MOTOR is to be congratulated on drawing attention to the...
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C ORROBORATION of our view that it would be perfectly feasible and, from many points of view, most advantageous to build...
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IN the document "Co-ordination land Division of Function," issued by the Association of British Chambers of Commerce, it is...
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" rr'HERE are many ways in which 1 motorbus and tramways departments can co-operate with the railway companies to their mutual...
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rTHE hearing of the Mersey Railway Company's objection to the combined ticket (for bus and boat) propOsed to be issued on a few...
FINE RECORD OF D.H.86. • O N the few British internal air lines for which four-engined machines have been necessary, the De...
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I T is most encouraging to observe a growing tendency on the part of hauliers to master the elementary factors governing the...
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and QUERIES HARSH APPLICATION OF THE 1933 ACT. [4733] The letter from Lewis and Co. published in your issue dated January...
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T HE accompanying illustration depicts one of five interesting travelling maintenance units which have recently been put into...
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T HE use of the moving brake drum for increasing the braking effort seems the most obvious method of power braking, but...