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Lighting (3)
NO VEHICLE may show a red light to the front or any light to the rear except a red one. (Road Transport Lighting Act 1957, Section 2). If certain conditions, described in a previous article, are complied with a white reversing light may be used and lights for the internal illumination of a vehicle, lights for illuminating a number plate, taxi meter, direction indicators or public service vehicle route boards are exempt from the requirement that only red lights must be shown to the rear.
All threeand four-wheeled vehicles must be fitted with two sidelamps and two red rear lamps. The sidelamps must be fitted with bulbs not exceeding 7 watts and must have frosted glass or other material capable of diffusing the light. If two or more bulbs are fitted to the same lamp the total wattage must not exceed 7 watts. The lamps must be fitted on opposite sides of the vehicle and except in the case of public service vehicles and snow ploughs must not be more than 5ft from the ground. Except in the case of motorcycle combinations they must be of equal height. Sidelamps must be fitted so that no part of the vehicle or its equipment extends laterally, on the same side as the lamp, more than 12 in from the centre of the lamp. Doors, hinged sides or other adjustable parts of the vehicle when opened or extended, or any mirror or direction indicator need not be taken into account when this measurement is made. Sidelamps must be carried on trailers if the distance between the towing vehicle and the trailer exceeds 5ft or if the outer edge of the trailer extends laterally more than 12 in from the centre line of the sidelamps fitted to the towing vehicle.
Goods and public service vehicles must be fitted with two red rear lamps of the same appearance with an illuminated surface of not less than 2in in diameter. They must be wired so that if one fails the other remains illuminated.
Goods vehicles over 30 cwt, unladen weight must have the rear lamps fitted not less than 21 in apart and not more than 30 in from the outer edge of the vehicle.
The lamps must be ,mounted at the same height not less than 15 in or more than 3ft 6in from the ground and not more than 3ft ein from the rear of the vehicle.
Similar requirements are laid down for goods vehicles under 30cwt. unladen weight except that the distance from the outer edge of the vehicle is reduced to 16 in and that to the extreme rear to 30 in.
Double-deck public service vehicles with an entrance at the rear but without a door must have rear lamps not less than 21 in apart and not more than 2 ft from the outer edge of the vehicle. The offside lamp must be mounted between 15 in and 3 ft 6 in; the nearside lamp must be fitted between 15 in and 8 ft from the ground Neither lamp must be fitted more than 30in. from the extreme rear of the vehicle.
Other public service vehicles must have the rear lamps fitted not more than 24 in from the outer edge, not less than 21 in apart, at the same height between 15 in and 3 ft 6 in and so that no part of the vehicle projects more than 2 ft 6 in to the rear of the lamp.
Additional rear lamps are required for overhanging and projecting loads. If a load projects more than 3 ft ein behind the tail -lamp an additional rear lamp must be carried in such a position that no part of the load projects more than 3 ft 6 in behind it. If the load overhangs laterally more than twelve inches an additional lamp must be carried so that it is not more than 12 in from the extreme outer edge of the load. In the latter case an additional white light showing to the front to indicate the projection must be carried.
New Companies
Wayall Transport (Bedford) Ltd. Cap.: £1,000. Subs.: 3. F. Malone, 55. Chiltern Avenue, Bedford. Beds. P. J. Kelly, 65 Poplar Avenue, Bedford, Sols.: Bertram F. Chapman, 208 St. Nicholas Circle, Leicester. Reg. Office: 108 Washbrook Road, Rushton, Northants.
N.L.C. (Auto Supplies) Ltd. Cap.: £10,000. Object: To carry on the business of distributors and manufacturers of and dealers in spares, accessories and component parts of motor cars, commercial and other vehicles, etc. Dirs.: T. Golightly, Oakmead, Croxdale Bridge, Durham. W. L. Cogle, 26 Seabuni Gardena, Whitbure. Sec.: T. Brambald. Reg. Office: Garmondsway, Bishop Middleham, Ferryhill, Co. Durham.