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Bleak Prospect For Hull Transport
• Members of Hull's transport committee at their meeting on Friday (January 24) discussed the finances of the undertaking which foreshadows a loss next year of £298,650, equal......
Leeds Extends O-m-o System
• On January 19 Leeds City Transport introduced one-man operation on five more bus services, employing dual-entrance single-deck vehicles. Four of these routes were previously......
North East Strike Threat
• Strike action is again threatened by bus inspectors and depot clerical staffs employed by four municipal bus undertakings in the North East over the question of extra pay for......
Good Year For Bristol
• Two orders valued at over firn completed a successful year for Bristol Commercial Vehicles Ltd., whose sales in 1968 exceeded those of the previous year by just over 30 per......
Joint Brochure From Nbc Operators
• For the first time the Swansea-based South Wales Transport Co. Ltd. and United Welsh Services Ltd.—both now members of the NBC —have combined in the production of a joint......