MEPs' vote is another nail in the coffin for cabotage limits
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=ollowing a heated debate MEPs have voted in favour of relaxing the
-egulations governing cabotage. Patric Cunnane finds out why.
JNRESTRICTED cabotage noved a step closer last week when vIEPs voted for a regulation that vill allow visiting international iauliers to carry out up to three lonnestic jobs in a seven-day )eriod. This will rise to seven jobs vithin seven days in 2012, with the ntention of scrapping cabotage [milts altogether by 2014 (the soailed 'sunset clause').
However, the vote by the Transion and Tourism Committee at he European Parliament in 3russels is just one of the hurdles hat need to be cleared for the egulation to become law.
The vote followed a heated debate which a European Commission 2presentative said the EC opposes setting a deadline for unrestricted cabotage. Instead, it wants a study in 2012 to find out if the economic conditions are favourable. This would include a review of fuel costs and wages across the member states. MEPs in the socialist group sided with the EC and voted to oppose the changes.
Belgian MEP Mathieu Grosch of the Christlich Soziale Partei is rapporteur (sponsor) of the cabotage regulation. "Pm pleased with way the vote has gone," he says. Grosch believes a deadline for the end of restrictions is needed:"I want to discuss with the socialists to see if we can reach a compromise.
Drivers' wages are rising across Europe but Grosch accepts that three or four member states with low wages could present a problem when their drivers compete in other countries' domestic markets: "In 2012 we want a short study to see if wages are still a problem." Grosch believes the new regulation could be in place by June if approved by the Council of Ministers and the Slovenian Presidency.
However. the Brussels office of the Freight Transport Association (ETA) is mounting a campaign against the sunset clause.
It supports an amendment by UK Labour MEP Brian Simpson to stage a review in 2013, examining fuel duty across the EU and the effects on road safety.
Chris Yarsley, the PTA's European affairs manager, concludes: "I believe the socialist bloc will put its amendments forward again in the plenary session."