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Most of us will be aware of the modern phenomenon of personal identity theft a horrible crime that can see you stripped of all...
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SOUTHAMPTON Container Terminals (SCT) is slowly returning to normal operation after one of its cranes collapsed onto a...
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A MULTI-AGENCY roadside check organised on the M1 by Northamptonshire Police, Leicestershire Police and Vosa revealed that...
the CV Show this April and the latest variant goes on sale this week— but you'd be hard-pressed to spot the difference from the...
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=ollowing a heated debate MEPs have voted in favour of relaxing the - egulations governing cabotage. Patric Cunnane finds out...
HARRIS TRANSPORT HAS been fined 228,000 for breaches of health and safety regulations after a forklift driver was run over in...
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UK OPERATORS WARN that drivers are being threatened by would-be stowaways at Calais and are calling on the French and UK...
THE ROAD HAULAGE Association (RHA) is concerned that operators still don't know as much as they should about the upcoming...
Truck drivers have knocked down bollards in Leighton, Beds designed to restrict access for wide vehicles. A county council...
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[he scale of the problem is unknown because local authorities "don't )other" keeping statistics due to the cost. David Harris...
WHEN IT COMES to asking their employers for extra training, truck drivers are among the shyest workers in the UK, according to...
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Despite tough trading conditions, fewer hauliers went to the wall in the ast quarter of last year than in Q4 of 2006. David...
HE ROLL-ON roll-off ferry ik between Ipswich and Ostend about to be resumed, says ssociated British Ports (ABP). The service,...
ITV HAS launched an online traffic service as part of its website wwwitylocal. corn. Among the information available is a...
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A REPORT by MPs that says biofuels are not as green as we all thought has been dismissed as scaremongering by a biofuel...
THE LONDON low-emission zone (LEZ) will come into force in four days' time. From 4 February all vehicles over 12 tonnes...
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The government's transport committee has been briefed on the leeds of the freight industry in the UK Roanna Avison reports....
THE FATHER of a pregnant teenager who died after her car was struck by a Dutch truck is campaigning for a change in the law to...
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;ince early 2006, US-born Pete Selleck has headed Michelin's vorldwide truck tyre business. Tom Cunningham meets him in...
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With the London low-emission zone (LEZ) opening for business next week, ick Flute reviews his tong journey to compliance_ T...
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Europe. Roanna Avison outlines the differences to help you stay on the right side of the law. F or those drivers going to the...
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As CM regulars know, we often review dealers' vvebsites and are ro u d to be associated with TruckNet UK. Now we're going...
on some at the latest topics to be discussed by professional drivers. What's the scariest road for truckers? As you'd expect,...
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TC refuses to return unlicensed vehicle used to carry Range Rovers and questions Vasa's authority to give it back. Mike Jewell...
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WEST DRAYTON, LONDON-BASED Rex Haulage and its directors have successfully appealed against their disqualification from holding...
DRIVERS' HOURS and tachograph offences have led to the licence held by Dazzlehurst Civil Engineering being suspended for 20...
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CAPEL RAIL SERVICES has lost its appeal against the rejection of its application for a 12-vehicle, twotrailer licence based in...
WALSALL-BASED DC Haulage & Storage has lost its second bid for an 0-licence. Its initial application for a six-vehicle,...
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Back-street rogues rather than reputable dismantlers are benefiting from laws introduced to police the scrapping of old...
End of Life Vehicles (ELV) Regulations The EC ELY Directive was introduced in the UK as the ELV Regulations 2003 and 2005....
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T he latest sentencing guidelines refer to the new offence of causing death by careless or inconsiderate driving. It was...
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your CV was considered a luxury. such was the basic level of trim expected. But as we all sat in heavy traffic in the...
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L2D0 is a winner in commercial terms we'd have to say no— its expensive, excessive and not even class-leading in several areas....
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THE With SCR and AdBlue now well established factors in road transport, Colin Barnett reviews the supply situation of this...
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Elle first major AdBlue story of 2008 is GreenChem's evelation that the price is on the move-upwards, of course, evrth a...
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information Sharon Clancy reports. W hat do digital tachographs have to do with telematics? Well, for once, a system designed...
and comes with a rubberised protective blue case. It has a built-in smart-card reader, as well as R232 and USB ports for...
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manufacturer Stoneridge. Using the basic Fleet Viewer device, managers and drivers can view and store driver and vehicle...
Although this software can be installed on a PC, it is designed it to be web-based. Instead of an initial outlay followed by...
the DTCO digital tachograph product range, to Continental AG last November. VDO is making it easier for operators to utilise...
data. Drivers insert their smart cards into the slot and the data is downloaded first to a memory slick and transferred to the...
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Keeping track of fuel costs is no longer a marginal activity: it should be a core e ement of your financial strategy. Louise...
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I are many sources for this -your fuel supplier can give a monthly account, while your telematies or on-board diagnostics...
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Gas and heating oil dominate the domestic and industrial energy markets. But there's still plenty of demand for coal — in fact,...
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but just how do you make sense of it all? Bedford software house Aeromark believes it has the answer, as Andy Salter finds...
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The Shifta pallet mat is a rare bit of kit — not just innovative, but useful too. Dave Young reports. any 'new products'...
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Hauliers can still finance trucks, Steve Banner reports, but there are signs that the moneylenders will tighten their belts...
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Small can be beautiful, as James Clark discovers when he points his browser at the Vantruck website. Company: Vantruck...