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"C-Licensees and Hauliers Needed"

31st October 1958
Page 30
Page 30, 31st October 1958 — "C-Licensees and Hauliers Needed"
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A LTHOUGH the C-licence vehicle will I-1 remain inevitable in certain spheres of operation, there is good reason for the existence of the haulier, particularly when he is a specialist, such as a bulk liquid carrier. This was stated by Mr. D. FL Joyce, supplies and transportation manager of Shell7Mex and B.F., Ltd., at -the' 38th anniversary dinner of the Crow Carrying Company, Ltd., in London, last

week: •

. He said the policy, of allowing some oil distribution -to be done by hauliers had been justified by their efficiency._

. Mr. H. H. Crow, chairman,, said that with a present strength of 182 vehicles, the problem of the optimum size for a bulk liquid fleet was receiving close attention. There was a duty to meet a satisfied customer's request for more • vehicles, but there was also a point beyond which further business could not be undertaken without the risk of losing that entity which was the essence of a family concern such as Crow's.

With a weekly fuel tax bill of 11,000 he considered they were giving service B26 to the customer and " paying our corner." An indication of the company's labour relationship was the fact that 12 employees shared 350 years' service.

Presenting safe driving awards, Mr. H. Mills, an insurance broker, declared that the standard of commercial-vehicle driving was far above that of other road Users, and signalling to faster moving traffic was excellent. He gave five main causes of accidents—recklessness, impatience, lack of maintenance, lack of courtesy and selfishness: CARNET STILL NEEDED

ALTHOUGH British coaches may now enter freely into France without Customs documents, the Passenger Vehicle Operators Association have been advised that the French Government will require operators to continue to carry for inspection the Carnet de Hord, which is a log sheet issued by the Association on behalf of the French Government.

Carnets may be obtained from the secretary of the Association at 146 New Bond Street, London, W.I.