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The Tribulations of Makers who Produce Revolutionary Power Units or Components T 0 long-distance operators throughout this...
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El ROM time to time The Commercial Motor has emphasized the vital importance of adequately securing the loads on vehicles. This...
Chloride Chairman Praises Trade Press nN 24 occasions Chloride Batteries, Ltd., have given their Press lunchedn on the opening...
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⢠That "C.M." was the first journal to press Saturday for the Lord Mayor's Show. ⢠That it appears this may soon be the...
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A YORKSHIRE tanker company and their officials deliberately set out " to defy the law relating to drivers' hours and records,...
A MAINTENANCE foreman at British Road Services' Days Road depot, Bristol, challenged the evidence given by police and Ministry...
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THE danger in allowing hauliers to transfer B-licence vehicles to A liceicce A on the ground of interchangeability was put...
WHEN Ernest Albert O'Connor, VV formerly a haulier at Parrish Hill, Bourneheath, Bromsgrove, appeared for his public...
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COL. T. GREGORY, a member of Hampshire County Council, has joined the South Eastern Transport Users' Consultative Committee. He...
A LTHOUGH the C-licence vehicle will I - 1 remain inevitable in certain spheres of operation, there is good reason for the...
n ECISION was reserved by the Trans port Tribunal in London last week when Peter Rhodes, Ltd., Wapping High Street, London,...
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'F i - HE managing director of L. G. Trigg and Co., Ltd., HE Leics, was questioned by the East Midlands Deputy Licensing...
B ECAUSE C. P. Marshall (Transport), Ltd., had not specified their objections, the Transport Tribunal last week decided that...
industry today face tasks which are more difficult and complex than those their predecessors had to cope with, but when the...
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G LASGOW'S chan g e from trams to buses has brou g ht labour trouble. The transport department have been asked by trade unions...
C ONSTRUCTION work has started on what will be Britain's lon g est crude oil pipeline when it is completed by the end of next...
E VERY lorry driver in the country should be told that it is not a safe practice to throw a spare coil of rope on the back of a...
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IF seaweed is taken to h loeal authority's I tip and mixed with other.refuse there, can it he classed as general . refuse? ....
,cOME combination of road and rail NJ services was part of the pattern of future communications, Mr. H. C. Iohnson, general...
A "SILENT" check on a vehicle operated by Hall, Harding, Ltd., Denmark Hill, Camberwell, London, S.E.5, resulted in the company...
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WHEN Mr. F. P. Arnold retires from Vt . the Tilling Group Management Board on December 31 a number of new appointments will...
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rA A CLAIM that Crosville Motor Services, Ltd., were determined to run the Llandudno and Colwyn Bay Electric Railway Co., Ltd.,...
T WO E.R.F. 15-ton tractors, the first of their type to be adopted by the North Eastern Region of British Railways, are now...
P RODUCTION of the Perkins Four 99 1.6 litre 43 b.h.p. oil engine is to be undertaken in France by Bugatti at their Molsheim...
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WHEN E. E. Howes Transport, Ltd., IN appealed before the Transport Tribunal in London, last week, a g ainst the refusal by the...
QTERNER measures would be taken 'a g ainst lorry drivers who g ave free lifts to workers in and out of Sheffield. This was...
-To cost £5.5m., an urban motorway 1 for Newport, Mon, has been approved by the Minister of Transport. It will serve to link ,...
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NAODEL licences for international goods road transport may soon be finally drafted by the road transport subcommittee of the...
MO organization representative of I 1 employers in the road transport and associated industries has yet given much thought to...
W/HEN Mr. R. W. Burden, Norwell, VII Notts, applied to the East Midland Deputy Licensing Authority last week to add a tipper to...
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By Tom Walkerley " T HE late William Shakespeare had something to say (I believe in Hamlet) about The glass of fashion and...
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By Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. C HANGES in the public taste during the past few years have led wholesale meat contractors to...
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A TTENTION is being given in Sweden PI to the suitability of tractors for short-distance haulage. It is estimated that most...
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R EASONABLY priced and having an attractive appearance, two types of bus shelter are obtainable from the North Midlands...
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First Test of Dennis Paravan 3-ton ParcelsDelivery Van Shows Adequate Performance for City Work, with Quite Favourable Fuel...
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E XPORTS of commercial vehicles in August, St 9,434, Were the lowest for the year so far (excepting June, when there were dock...
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W HOEVER may be hurt by a decline in traffic, one imagines it will not be the British Transport Commission. They are so far in...
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âand Austin horse-power helps to bring it DOWER ENOUGH to keep a town the size of Aberdeen going1. that will be the daily...
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Competition Next Year? Less Emphasis on Highway Code in Eliminating Rounds and on Speed in Final Contest THERE may be 14...
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I N certain oil engines, oscillations from the induction system are the predominant source of noise. This surprising point was...
LIVE times the life between services for I the Glacier GF.1 centrifugal oil filter as compared with pack-type paper and...
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T O help in studying the behaviour of vehicles in motion, engineers of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., are now using open-circuit...
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Which is Cheaper?" S " HOULD we operate a 5-tonner selected from the popular range of vehicles, or a 3-tanner in the...
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T make a brake self-energizing is t ? elatively simple with drum mechanisms, but to apply the same principle to a disc brake is...