Customers Will be Cheek on Drivers
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A"SILENT" check on a vehicle operated by Hall, Harding, Ltd., Denmark Hill, Camberwell, London, S.E.5, resulted in the company being fined £28 10s., with £4 .4s. costs, at Lambeth on • Tuesday: They-admitted 40 charges, 17. of them cOneerned 'with drivers: hours and the rest -relating to
: records. . • Mr: -I:: Barker, -prosecuting, _said .the 'company operated at least 501 vehicles,
and one • of thern was nOticed at Wittering, near Stamford. • Subsequently records were checked at the -company's office and they purported to show that the driver. Of this lorry _finished work at Newcastle on the night he was seen in Lincolnshire. He later admitted that he had driven the vehicle back to London that evening. .
7 While the records were being exarnined, other offences 'came to light.
Mr. D. Tudor Price, defending, said they had made every' effort to comply with the law, and circulars had been sent to branch offices and drivers. In future, the movements of drivers would be checked by telephoning 'customers.
The magistrate, Mr. Geoffrey Rose,
• imposed a £1 fine for each of the hours offences and a 10s. .fine for. each of the records offences.
NEW VEHICLE GRANTED AFTER . STERN WARNING A SEVERE.' warning was given on Tuesday by Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western Licensing Authority, to the Sandford Hanlage Co., Nye. Road, Sandford, Somerset. Before doing -so, he. granted their application to replace a vehicle of 44tons by one of 6 ton-6 cwt. The additional unladen Weight' arose because the vehicle was specially cOnstrueted to
carry hot tarmacadam, •
Mr. R. K. Bassett, a traffic. examiner, gave evidence that on four occasions this year the Sandford Haulage Co. had carried goods outside the terms of their licence.
Mr. Nelson said that he could have brought proceedings in the magistrates' court, but he had decided to deal with the company personally. I-le would not warn them again and would not hestitate to revoke their licence if they continued to infringe the conditions.
QINCE its 'launching by the Minister of Transport last week, the Traders' Road. _Transport Associations • "Kerb Space is`Precions campaign has received the whole-hearted simport,of more than 40 civic authorities ' in and around London. . . •
The voluntary code,. Which is designed to reduce _waiting time by . commercial vehicles .in' bpSy city streets, has been partictilarly welprOthed
by the traffic committees Of WeStmins!er City Council .and the ItigliVvays and works' eOrritnittee of Holborn--both areas in which congestion is acute.