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Tyre law changes

3rd April 1982, Page 10
3rd April 1982
Page 10
Page 10, 3rd April 1982 — Tyre law changes
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NATIONAL Tyre Distributors As sociation president G. M. Bali expects a change to be made tt the tyre law soon.

Speaking to his members a the Association's annual dinnei he said "All traders will benef from the expected upturn business during 1982. Th change in the tyre law, long ac vocated by the NTDA, will, whe it occurs, not be the sole reaso for this improvement, but it wi increase tyre awareness everyone".

The NTDA has made a numbe of representations to Transpoi Secretary David Howell tl change the tyre regulations. Th Association wants the minimur tread depth requirement to b increased from the existini 1mm across 75 per cent of th tyre width to 1.6mm across th whole width.