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Last Charade For !di Wetzel?
THE THANET Council leader who had to resign after persuading a friend to pose as an Arab sheikh to induce Sally Viking to restore its RamsgateDunkirk ferry service had an idea......
This Equation Is A Relief
ALGEBRA has always defeated me but I have at least learnt that SBRS + VLF126X x 21/ 2 = rescue, where SBRS is Southern British Road Services, VLF126X is a Ford Transit Luton van......
'transportants' On The Loose
IT'S HAPPENED at last. The dreaded "transportant", to describe a transport expert, has escaped into operational service. National Carriers' group managing director, Brian......
A Strike Couldn't Keep Them Away
IT SAYS MUCH for the esteem in which the Press holds Bertil Haggh, Volvo's chief engineer, that, despite the strike of London bus and Underground railway workers on March 10,......
The Same — Only More So
WAS Cecil Parkinson, Paymaster General and chairman of the Conservative party, speaking of Peter Thompson, director of the National Freight Consortium, when he said "His kind of......
Down To The Sea In Buses
SEALINK has solved the Christmas-cracker-type riddle of how to travel nine miles in a stationary bus. MV Freshwater, which normally plies between Lymington and Yarmouth, Isle of......