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This equation is a relief

3rd April 1982, Page 45
3rd April 1982
Page 45
Page 45, 3rd April 1982 — This equation is a relief
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ALGEBRA has always defeated me but I have at least learnt that SBRS + VLF126X x 21/2 = rescue, where SBRS is Southern British Road Services, VLF126X is a Ford Transit Luton van and 21/2 is the period in years of a sponsorship.

Without that now memorable vehicle, lent free by Southern BRS to the Transglobe Expedition, the circumnavigation of the world via both poles might have come to a summary halt in northern Canada early in March with the destruction by fire of nearly all the explorers' equipment. But the Transit came to the rescue. During a frantic week it collected gear from all over the place and delivered it to RAF Lyneham to be flown to Canada.

So with a minimum of delay the expedition was again heading for journey's end at Spitzbergen, which must be reached by late May.