' More names lined up for ETMC
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BENDIX, Crane Frucha Leyland Trucks and Rena Vehicules Industriels are 1 latest vehicle and compom manufacturers to agree sponsor this year's Europt Transport Maintenance Cot cil conference.
This year's conference, third event of its kind, is be held in Strasbourg's Pal des Congres from Decant 1 to 4.
Registration forms and cc ference brochures are availal from Roger Denniss, ETIV chairman and Bass distril non director, based at Bi ton-on-'Frent, or Leo V Cauwelaert, ETMC executi secretary, based in Antwei phone (32)(3) 238 4067.
ETMC is registered in B glum as a non-profit maki organisation concerned w. the maintenance needs of t commercial and industr vehicle operator.
The aim of the annual cc ference is to bring togett operators and manufacture to discuss subjects related maintenance. In staging t 1985 conference in Strasbou the organisers hope to attr; more interest from Fren and German operators.
In response to sor criticism of earlier contemn( in Brussels and Barcelot this year's programme i eludes several discussil group technical sessions.