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Iveco's Angle On Dery Cetane Number
SENIOR engineers from Europe's second largest truck manufacturer, Iveco, are calling for all the implications of the proposed lowering of cetane number of diesel fuel to be......
More From Lucas
TURBOCHARGERS and fuel injection equipment have been added to Lucas CAV's bolt-on replacement scheme and augments the recently introduced range of exchange Bosch, Butec, Marelli......
Load-lok Renamed
PACKAGE CONTROL of Crowthorne, Berkshire, has dropped the name Load-Lok used on its range of security and handling equipment. The company will now market its product as PCL......
One-man Container Loading
BY USING Modular Distribution Systems' electro-hydraulic ISO container transfer equipment, Slington of Reading has been able to make container grounding and loading a one-man......
' More Names Lined Up For Etmc
BENDIX, Crane Frucha Leyland Trucks and Rena Vehicules Industriels are 1 latest vehicle and compom manufacturers to agree sponsor this year's Europt Transport Maintenance Cot......
Flasher Standard Is Introduced
A BRITISH STANDAR BS AU 201 Relays and Fla: ers, has been introduced overcome the problems of terchangeability. Part One, identical w ISO 7588, specifies charact istics for......