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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Rule Nisi Addressed to the Minister of Transport.
A particularly interesting situation has arisen regarding the proposed ban put forward by the Minister of Transport to prevent motor coaches from entering certain areas of London.
One day last week an application for a rule nisi, addressed to the Minister of Transport to show cause why a writ of prohibition should not be issued to prohibit him from making certain regulations, was made by Mr. Conoyns Carr, on behalf of the Skylark Motor Coach Co., Ltd., of Acton, of which Mr. Charles Dobbs, who has become prominent as a champion of the independent coach proprietors, is a director.
• Mr. Cornyns Carr remarked that the Road Traffic Act of 1930, without repealing the 1907 Act, confounds confusion still more, because it gives the Minister several different powers—all inconsistent with one another.
The rule nisi was granted by a King's Bench Divisional Court.
The Speed of Test Chassis.
There have been doubts in the minds Of many as to the possibility of police action in connection with the road testing of chassis, and in order to ascertain the position we recently directed an inquiry to the Minister of Transport. .
He states that he is unable to give any authoritative opinion on the point raised. It appears to him, however, that a vehicle which is carrying only test weights need not be regarded, for the purposes of the first schedule to the Road Traffic Act, as constructed for the conveyance of goods or burden.
If this view be correct, he adds, a vehicle loaded with weights for the purpose of testing may be conSidered to be constructed for the carriage of passengers (i.e., the driver and the tester, if any), and its maximum limit of speed, if it be a heavy motorcar running on pneumatic tyres, will, in that case, be 30 m.p.h.
The reply concludes with the observation: "It does not, of course, follow that a Court of Law would necessarily take the same view as the Minister."
Armstrong Whitworth and Sourer Agreement.
In our issue dated December 9th last we exclusively intimated that there was a possibility of the Armstrong 'Whitworth concern engaging in the production in England of a well-known foreign make of heavy-oil engine. It therefore comes as no surprise to us to learn that Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth and Co:, Ltd., has entered into an agreement with the Saucer Co. of Arbon, Switzerland, to manufacture heavy-oil-engined commercial vehicles at Scotswood Works, Newcastle. For this purpose a new company has been registered under the title of the Armstrong Saurer Co.
New Green Line Motor Coach Services.
With reference to the map of Green Line Coach services published in our issue for last week, it may be noted that the services to Dartford and Earning• ham were commenced last Wednesday. Earningham is connected with Poland Street, London, by an hourly service, the fares being is. 9d. single and 2s. 9d. return. Dartford is linked with Ascot and Sunningdale by a 30-minute service, alternate coaches going to Ascot and to Sunningdale. , The fares are 4s. 3d. single and 5s. 9d. return. On Saturday last two new Green Line services were put into operation. One connects Charing Cross with Riekinansworth wit4 half-hourly departures, the fares being 2s. single and 2s. 6d. return and the route being via Edgware Road, Wembley, Harrow, Pinner and Northwood.
By the other, Byfieet is linked with Poland Street, London, with half-hourly departures via Cobham, Esher, Malden, Roehampton, Hammersmith and Notting Hill Gate, the fares being 2s. single and 3s. return.
A.J.S. Service in London.
A. J. Stevens and Co. (1914), Ltd., Walsall Street, Wolverhampton, the maker of A.J.S. commercial vehicles, has opened a service station in London at 260-266, High Road, Balham, S.W.17. A full stock of spare parts is carried and facilities are available for carrying out minor adjustments and complete overhauls.
Insurance for Unregistered Vehicles. The Minister of Transport points out that a registration number can be obtained for a new motor vehicle by production of a covering note from the insurance company concerned. This was the point discussed by representatives of the insurance companies before the Regulations under Part II of the Road Traffic Act were made.
Twenty Buses Required.
The municipality of Zagreb is calling for tenders, which have to be presented in Jugoslavia by February 7th, for the supply of 20 motorbuses. Those concerns in a position to offer British-built buses can obtain further particulars by applying to the Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London, S.W.L. reference GX.10914 being quoted.
• It is estimated that, during the past year, 40,000 goods vehicles were produced in France as compared with about 45,000 in 1929.
Karrier Moters, Ltd., Huddersfield, is paying a dividend at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum for the six months ended December 31st last.
With a view to examining their claims for motor-vehicle use, the Great Western Railway Co. has ordered two heavy-oil engines for experimental work.
Motor Legislation Committee for Northern Ireland.
Some months ago Mr. Albert E. Cave, J.P., secretary of the Motor Legislation Committee, London. called a meeting representative of various motoring interests in Ulster, for the purpose of discussing the question of bringing into being a similar committee for Northern Ireland, so that it could act in conference with the Ministry of Home Affairs in respect of Parliamentary Proposals, Draft Orders, Regulations, etc.
The new committee comprises the following bodies :—The Automobile
Association, represented by Mr. H. Cecil Orr, Area Secretary for Northern Ireland ; the Motor Agents' and Motor Trade Associations, represented by Captain S. J. C. Hutchinson, .P.; the Route Bus Owners' Association, represented by Mr. James M'Crea, M.Inst.T., managing director of the Belfast Omnibus Co., Ltd., the Heavy Commercial Vehicle Interests and Motor Hirers' Association, represented by Mr, A. Melville M'Clare ; the Motor Cycle Union of Ireland, represented by Mr. D. A. Boyd.
The chairman of the committee is Captain S. 3. C. Hutchinson, J.P.•, the honorary secretary, Mr. H. Cecil Orr ; the honorary treasurer, Mr. James M'Crea, M.Inet.T.
Sentinel Dividends.
The directors of the Sentinel Waggon Works, Ltd., Shrewsbury, recommend the payment of the fixed dividend on the 7i per cent. cumulative 'participating preference shares for the half-year ended December 31st, and a dividend of 3 per cent. on the ordinary shares for the year.
Doncaster Desires to Abandon Trams.
It is stated in connection with the Doncaster Corporation Bill that the municipality proposes to establish a trolley-bus service between Doncaster and Edlington, passing through the parish of Warmsworth, along the existing tram route in that parish. It is the Ultimate intention of the corporation to relieve the tramways, but in the Bill there is no specifie provision on the subject, so that additional clauses will be necessary to provide for the conditions with reference to the reinstatement of the West Riding county road after removal of the rails.
Notable Service from Leylands.
From a recent issue of the Australian Motorist we learn that the Metropolitan Omnibus Co., Ltd., of Fremantle, Western Australia, has now in operation a fleet of 31 Leyland Lioness and Lion single-deck buses, the first of which was put in service in May, 1927.
The mileage of the fleet to the end of October last was over four million. The chassis of two of the buses, which have covered over 200,000 miles each, are in such good condition that the company is fitting them with new' bodies. This is a reversal of the usual, experience in Western Australia, where it is considered most unusual for a bus chassis to outlast its bodywork.
A Big Task for Steam Wagons.
The Sentinel Waggon Works, Ltd., Shrewsbury, has just completed an order for 12 six-wheeled three-way tipping wagons for the St. Mary's Wharf Cartage Co., Ltd., of Paddington, London. These vehicles have been built for use in connection with the transport of clay excavated during the construction of the new tunnels which will form extensions of the Underground Railway in North London districts. It is understood that during the execution of this work 300,000 yds. of material will have to he removed from the construction shafts
,T to the dumps at 13rimsdo ei. Trolley-bus and Tramway Statistical Returns.
A return has recently been issued by the Ministry of Transport giving particulars of the accounts and returns of tramways undertakings in Great Britain for the year ended December 31st, 1929, in respect of companies, and March 31st, 1930, for local authorities. In addition to summaries of the year's results, the return contains particulars of capital income and expenditure, volume of traffic and operating results.
The return also gives particulars of the working of trolley-bus undertakings in Great Britain. On the different systems the number of passenger journeys during the year 1929-30 was 127,461,837, compared with 99,065,544 in the previous year—an increase of 28.66 per cent. The return is priced at 2s. 611. and copies can be obtained from the Stationery Office.
Luton's Trams Sold.
After protracted negotiations, Luton Town Council has decided to sell the municipal tramways undertaking to the Eastern National Omnibus Co., Ltd. The trams commenced to run in February, 1908, and the gross capital expenditure to date has been £65,928. The price being paid by the bus company is £64,000, but it does not include freehold properties and other tangible tramway
assets. The tramways will be abandoned by the council, which estimates' that it will secure a surplus of £57,119 after meeting all liabilities. An undert4king not to engage in passenger transport for a period of 21 years has been given by the corporation. Official Orders in December.
Only a comparatively few orders for motor vehicles were given out during December last by Government departments. The Admiralty placed a con;Tact for Morris-Commercial 1-ton lorries, and the Air Ministry one for ambulances of the same make. The War Department ordered a number of Leyland, Garner and Morris-Commercial ehassis, whilst the G.P.O. authorities ordered Trojan vans, The Crown Agents for the Colonies placed contracts for tractors with the Mercury Truck and Tractor Co., Ltd., and for Albion lorries.
• Wigan's Passenger Transport Report.
The recently issued 1930 report of Wigan Corporation states that the gross profit on the tramways-revenue account was £18,548, as compared with 116,630 for 1928-29. After bringing loan charges and rent of leased lines into the account a net loss of £11,190 was transferred to the appropriation account, as compared with £12,926 in 1928-29. The net profit on the trolley-bus undertaking amounted to £2,301, as against the previous year's figure of £2,855.
The net profit on the bus undertaking, transferred to the appropriation account, was £2,862, as compared with £5,903 for the previous year, the debit balance of this account at April 1st, 1929, being £6,590. A contribution of £7,500 was received from the general rate, and after providing £500 towards the third-party-insurance reserve fund there remains a deficiency of £5,616 to carry forward.
Guy's Bus Progress.
As a direct result of the saving in running costs brought about by the system of regenerative control used in Guy six-wheeled trolley-buses Guy Motors, Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton, tells us it has received many orders during the past year from important organizations, these including Wolverhampton, Rotherham and Walsall Corporations, the Sociote Nationale des Chemins de Per Vicinaux, the Societe Elettrica Bresciana of Milan and the South Lancashire Transport ' Co. Within the past few days the lastnamed has placed an order for 20 Guy six-wheeled trolley-bus chassis, whilst the Wolverhampton municipality is buying a further eight six-wheeled double-deck trolley-buses.
The company's petrol buses are also in demand and, apart from an order n22 from Lowestoft Corporation tor a number of Conquest bus chassis, the Johannesburg municipality is buying Invincible double-deckers and Conquest single-deckers. A 48-seater of the former type has recently been put into operation by the Rose Bus Service between Johannesburg, Germiston, Boksburg and Benoni ; it is said to be the first double-decker in service in the Transvaal.
Argentine Duties on Lorries.
A decree of the Argentine Treasury provides that motor lorries, which have hitherto been exempt from import duty provided that they could meet a certain drawbar test, are in future to be. dutiable at 32 per cent. (including surtax) on the c.i.f. Buenos Aires value, As before, tractors remain exempt from import duty.
A Pocket Book for Engineers.
A work entitled "The Automobile Engineer's Pocket Book," prepared by Mr. H. Kerr Thomas, litf.I.Mech.E., M.A.S.N.E., and published by E. and F. N. Spon, Ltd., 57, Haymarket, London, S.W.1, at the price of 6s, will be found of great use by those who have need for authoritative data upon design. It includes suitable formulae for mathematical work in connection with the design of all classes of component.
A Useful Booklet for Drivers.
One of the most valuable little publications which we have seen recently is entitled "How to Get Home," and it is published, free of charge, by Sterns, Ltd., Royal London House, Finsbury Square, London, E.C.2. It deals in a lucid manner with the most common forms of trouble, such as becoming ditched, and points out how to tow a vehicle, how to get home with a stripped axle nut and so forth, and the diagrams which accompany the text make each operation perfectly clear. The book also contains a list of recommended Sternal oils for commercial vehicles of many types.
Free State Imports Higher.
In the Irish Free State there was during the past year a more active tone in the demand for commercial vehicles. In the 11 months ended November last 1,196 goods motors and chassis, valued at £191,347, were imported, as compared with 974 and £173,564 respectively in the corresponding period of 1929.
Brighton's Bill Withdrawn.
The parliamentary agents of Brighton and Hove Corporations have given official notice of the withdrawal of the Brighton, Hove and District Transport Bill. The Bill, it will be recalled, was recently rejected on a poll taken of Brighton ratepayers.
A few days ago Brighton Town Council rejected proposals put forward by the local Labour Party for running a municipal bus service as an alternative to the transport merger scheme between the corporations and a private concern, Thomas-Tilling, Ltd.
A Yorkshire TrausPort, Bill
Reporting upon the Yorkshire (Woollen District) Transport Bill, the Parliamentary committee of West Riding County Council recently stated that the Bill is promoted by the Yorkshire Woollen District Electric Tramways Co., Ltd., to nAke provision as to the abandonment of the tramways or light railways owned or worked by that company, and to run buses in their
place. Special provisions will be required for defining the liability of the company with reference to the reinstatement of county roads, after the removal of the tram tracks.'
Another Goodyear Factory.
The eighth tyre factory of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. has recently been opened at Buenos Aires, Argentina. The contingent of rubber workers, who have been gathered from different Goodyear factories and sent to Buenos Aires to train the new employees, have all had to learn Spanish as part of the preparation for the task. Mr. Fred Purchase, an employee of the Wolverhampton plant, is one of those chosen for the work.
The new factory will have a capacity of 1,000 tyres and tubes per day.
Important Chassis Makers Combine.
In Germany a new company has just been registered. with a capital of £200,000 and the title of the BussingN.A.G. Vereinigte Nutzkraftwagen Gesellschaft, to carry on the coach, bus and lorry-manufacturing business of the H. Bussing Co., of Brunswick, and the commercial-motor section of the National Automobil Gesellschaft (N.A.G.), of Berlin. The headquarters of the new concern, which is building chassis of 11 tons to 8 tons capacity, are in Brunswick. A Useful Brake Tip for Oldtype Maudslays.
There are in this country thousands of Mandslay machines of older types incorporating flanged brake shoes on which the friction material is riveted in multiple segments. A quick method of refacing these shoes, which has been devised by one of our readers who is the works foreman of a well-known contracting concern operating a fleet of Maudslay five-tonners, will be interesting to many of our other readers.
In the first place, he has devised a steel strap with a tightening arrangement, by which be is able to hold the segments in position. Secondly, his method is to drill the inner flange of the brake shoe at points directly in line with the existing holes in the outer flange, each pair of holes then being available as a guide for the drill used to make the holes in the segments of friction fabric. Finally, he has made a simple but robust steel clamp, the adjustable end of which is screwed into an inner-flange hole, so as to bring a small boss on the other jaw squarely and firmly against the head of the rivet. When this is in position it is a simple matter to hammer over the inner end of the rivet against the inner face of the flange.
The Humber P.pridge Scheme.
The Humber Bridge Bill has been promoted by Hull Corporation and Lincoln (Lindsey) County Council for the purpose of obtaining 'Parliamentary powers for the construction of a road bridge across the River Humber, extending from Barton on the south side to Bessie on the north bank. The estimated cost of the bridge is £1,789,330, part of which will, it is understood, be met by the Ministry of Transport.
The Bill provides that the bridge shall be maintained by Hall Corporation, Lindsey County Council and East Riding County Council, the cost to be borne equally. After completion of the bridge it is proposed that a controlling. board be established, to be styled the Humber Bridge Board, which will consist of six members appointed by each of the municipalities named, other contributing authorities appointing one member between them.
It is understood that the bridge is to have 16 spans (the main span being 900
ft.), two spans of 375 ft. and several others of 350 ft. The headway under the main span is to be 105 ft. above high-water mark and the lowest headway (at the Lincolnshire side) about 35 ft.
Telephone Numbers Important.
It has been pointed out to us that quite large numbers of advertisers do not give their telephone numbers. It is advisable that these should always appear in both advertisements and in letters. Business may be lost through their omission.
L.C.C. Supports the B.SA.T.A.
It is stated that the London County Council is prepared, so far as possible, to require suppliers of material sold by cubic measurement to deliver it to the council in vehicles marked in accordance with arrangements made by the Ballast, Sand and Allied Trades Association.
Free State Tractor Exports Lower.
During November last 547 _tractors were exported from the Irish Free State, a figure which indicates that there has been a marked falling off in the trade during the past 12 months, for in the comparable month of the previous year 1,517 tractors were exported, their value being £159,344, as against £55,334 for the exports in November last.
A New Junkers Engine Co.
We learn that to Chemnitz, Saxony, a new company has lately been formed with a capital of #375,000 and the title of the Junkers-Diesel Kraft-Maschinen Gesellschaft. Herr J. S. Rasmussen, of the D.K.W. Motor Co., is interested in the new undertaking. It is stated that the manufacture of heavy-oil engines is to be taken up at the D.K.W. works at Scharffenstein, Protectomotor for Ford Vehicles.
We are advised by c. G. Vokes, Ltd., 95-97, Lower Richmond Road, London, S.W.15, that the well-known Protectomotor air filter can now be obtained for current-type Ford vehicles at a cost of £1 'Ts. 6d. for the filter and £1 for the cast pipe. connecting it to the carburetter.
• Great care has been necessary in the design of the pipe to ensure that no restriction can occur. Fitting is a matter of a few moments, it being necessary merely to attach the pipe to the carburetter by means of one contracting clip, The filter, of course, incorporates the well-known mesh-encased pad v,hich gives a high cleaning efficiency and, owing to its large area, an extremely small resistance.
A New Fireproof Paint.
One of the most serious dangers arising from accidents to motor coaches, buses, and other motor vehicles is that of fire. It is usually necessary to employ a considerable amount of timber in bodybuilding, and this readily ignites.
Greatly to reduce such risks, a fireproof paint is now being offered, which should interest not only bodybuilders but all owners of passenger vehicles. It is known as Colardo, and is a British material manufactured by Colardo Products, Ltd., 57, Vastern Road, Reading, with London offices at I. Victoria Street, S.W.1. It has the effect of rendering wood or any other inflammable material absolutely incombustible, and has passed a test by the National Fire Brigades' Association, which has awarded this paint its certificate of temporary protection, Class A.
The company also manufactures Colardo heat-resisting paint for use on exhaust pipes, manifolds and silencers. It is claimed that this will withstand the highest temperatures without peeling, flaking off or blistering.
Personal Pars.
Mr. C. A. Proctor, who has just returned from a business tour of Canada, America and the Far East, to take up his duties as overseas director of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., has now been elected to a seat on the board of the company, Mr. Proctor was a member of the board from March, 1919, to April, 1927, when he relinquished his directorship in order to undertake important work with the associated Dunlop companies in Europe.
Mr. Jack Bennett, of S. Smith and Sons (Motor Accessories), Ltd., is on his way to Buenos Aires, where he is taking charge of the company's exhibit and that of its subsidiary concern, K.L.G. Sparking Plugs, Ltd., at s the forthcoming British Empire Trade Exhibition.
Welding Engineers Meeting.
A meeting of the Institution of Welding Engineers will be held at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Storey's Gate, London, S.W.1, on February 12th, when the name of the winner of the Operative Welders Prize Competition, 1930, will be declared. The winner will read his paper. entitled, "Welding Practices and Methods Based on My Ow-xi Experiences," which will be followed by an informal discussion.
Castro] Upper-cylinder Lubricant Introduced.
The well-known oil-refining concern, C. C. Wakefield and Co., Ltd., Wakefield House, Cheapside, London, E.C.2, has recently introduced an uppercylinder lubricant known as Castrollo. It is being supplied in pint tins and quart tins. The latter costs 5s. 0-3. and is sufficient to treat 160 gallons of fuel. The screwed filler cap on the container is cup-shaped and can be used as a measure. The oil is added to the fuel and requires the use of no special apparatus.
Harrier's Works Organization.
Karrier Motors, Ltd. has recently issued a brochure entitled "A Famous Industrial Vehicle Factory," which deals with the works organization and equipment of the company. Since the formation of the original concern, the Karrier company has been engaged continuously in the manufacture of commercial vehicles for goods, passenger and municipal services. At the present time the factory covers an area of approximately 10 acres and finds employment for well over 1,000 persons. The brochure describes the administration of the company and various sections of the works, a number of illustrations of different departments being included.
Holders for Insurance Certificates.
Those commercial-vehicle users who favour the carrying of the certificate of insurance on the vehicle—instead of in a pocket of the driver's clothing— will be interested in the holder which Ramsdens (Halifax), Ltd., Station Works, Halifax, is marketing for the Purpose.
The Fabram holder, as it is named, is intended fully to protect the certificate and to provide a simple means for fixing to the interior of the driver's cab. It has a stout leather-cloth back and is faced with a transparent cover. It can
be supplied to meet individual requirements, but for certificates 10 ins, by 7 ins. the price is 12s. per dozen.
An alternative folding type, chiefly intended for private-car owners, is also available. It is supplied in four colours and in two sizes.
Avon Tyre Price Reductions.
The Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., announces a reduction of 15 per cent. on all Avon solid and air-cushion tyres, with the exception of the very small sizes for industrial trucks. In the case of a 3-4-ton lorry on which tyres of 120 ram. section are used the saving amounts to £4 11s, per set. Concrete Road Findings.
"Some Recent Findings in Connection with Concrete Road Construction" is the title of a brochure recently issued by the British Portland Cement Association, Ltd., 20, Dartmouth Street,
London, S.W.1. In this publication are set forth the conclusions regarding concrete roads which were reached at the sixth International Roads Congress, held at Washington in October last. The paper submitted by the English representatives is reprinted in full, and in this form it affords ample interest to all who are concerned with the subject of road construction.