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Permit changes?

3rd January 1981
Page 5
Page 5, 3rd January 1981 — Permit changes?
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

A DRAFT regulation aimed at simplifying the EEC's arrangements for road haulage quotas -and which may benefit British firms in particular has been tabled by the European Commission reports our Brussels correspondent.

Under the present system, some EEC countries, including Britain, grant permits only in respect of the trailer or semi-trailer, while others do so only for the tractive unit. In Italy's case, a licence is required both for the trailer and the unit.

This has given rise to long administrative delays at borders of countries employing different rules, especially in cases where the trailer is registered with one owner and the tractive vehicle with another.

Now the European Commission is proposing that all countries should follow the same policy and issue the licences only in respect of the tractive vehicle. Commissior officials claim this will be in the interests of all road hauliers as ii will permit them to do more work with their licences.

"One tractive unit woulc then be able to work with severe trailers at the same time, usinc_ loading and unloading times,' an EEC official told CM. "ThiE will make a big contribution to. wards liberalising road transpor in Europe.

"British firms, with lorrieE operating a long way from base are badly affected by the presen. haphazard system. With onE licence for the unit, they woulc be able to bring several trailer: over to the Continent and keel: them well employed."

France, which fears the advan tages for British firms in thE proposal, is opposing the plan So is Italy which sees it as mon competition for its state rail ways.