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Plans For Welsh Mad
THE LONG-AWAITED Gove ment statement on Welsh roe policy has been published Secretary of State for Wales cholas Edwards. Main priority is the A55 No Wales trunk road, including......
Ferry Refit
TOWNSEND THORESEN boasting greatly increas accommodation for drivers its Felixstowe-Rotterdam cro ing, following a refit on its Ba, Ferry. The 6,455-ton vessel had be refitted......
That's The Spirit
NORCO Transport Ltd, a subsidiary of the Mersey Docks and H; bour Company, won a contract to move rum from Liverpool Avonmouth. The spirit had matured in the vaults of the dock......
Down Comes Rental Rate
GILFLEX has responded to the recession by cutting its trailer rental rates and increasing its fleet. It claims that demand for trailer rental will increase as long as economics......