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",'ho wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by •
the roughtiesS of the roads over which it riva3."—John Beattie CrOZil/'• Testing London's Cabs. We recently referred to the notice . which bas been issued by the Commissioner of Police to the effect that after September 10th taxicabs plying for hire in the Metropolitan area svould be subjected to a practical efficiency te,st. Such thoroughfares as Edgware Hill, Putney Hill, Shooter's Hill and others will, it is "stated, be selected by Scotland Yard officials for the purpose.: of a-the tests which the vehides,viill•have to undergo ..frmn the above date. .
• All taxicab owners have been notified that the granting of a licence depends ;upon the ability of the vehicle submitted 'for test to fulfil all reaaonable requirements of the public.
4 •
The Society's New President.
, J. A. Cole, after a notable year of affice, surrenders the chair as president of the Society of, Motor Manufacturers and Traders' to. Mr. 'Hamilton .M. Hausa'', 11.'llobson, Ltd., manulaeturers of the Claudel-Hobson carburetter); who has been elected to the post for.the coming year. Mr. .1. Maiighfling (a director of John Thornyercuft and Co:, Ltd.), and Lt... Col. J. Sealy Clarke (George Spencer, Monitor!, Ltd.) have been chosen vi.ce• presidents, and Mr. Frank Churchill (J. and E. Hall; Ltd.) has been elected hon. treasurer. Mr. Rebsen entered the cycle trade in 1896, and in 1903 formed his present company to deal in cars and accessories, so that, on January 1st next, the 21st birth day of the company will .celehrated. During the war, the company supplied carburetters to the Government for engines developing noless than 10,000,000 hoi.:se-power. Mr. Hobson possesses a .genial personality and is respected and greatly. liked . throughout the industry, -and in' every section of the Society's; work, Mr. Maughtling is the retiring score-. -tary of.' the Society of British Motor Manufacturers, b and 1 he also, has' filled the post of hon. treasurer to the Society and is an extremely useful. member ot 'many of the committees.
Mr.. Frank Churchill.is thairmara "of the Commercial Vehicle (i'etrd)) Corn
• mittee and of the Commercial Vehicle Exhibition "Gommittee, whilst. he is alsochairman of the committee dealing with the Society's. collective exhibit at the forthcoming British Empire Exhibition.
The Position of the Agrithotor in Great Britain.
The Ministry of Transport has issued returns which throw some light upon the number of locomotive-type ploughing engines, agricultural tractors, motor ploughs, and other 'agricultural engines in use in Great Britain. The total number of these appliances in use in 1922, no which the 5s. road licence was paid, was 17,293, as. compared with 18,179 in 1921, a reduction of approximately 5 per -cent, In addition to the, motors and engines used entirely for land work,. and which carry a Sc. licence, there must be taken into consideration the tractors and en
gines used for road haulage,. which hear a licence, and also those used for stationary work, which do not come On to the public highway, and therefore pay no licence duty.
Making an allowance for ploughing and other engines, it has been estimated that the total number ofagriniotorS, including motor ploughs, In use in Great Britain at the present time is a little over 20,000. Estimating the average life of an agrimotor at five years, it is calculated that the annual renewals necessary each year are between 4,000 and 5,000. As it. cannot be gathered from agrimotor unanufacturers.and agents, however, that this niaMber of agrirnotors is being sold annually, the conclusion which is arrived at is that either the agricultural motor possesses a longer life than four or five years or that...there is a decrease in the,number employed as machines in service go oat of commission,
Southdown Services Progress.
Ata meeting of the Southdown Motor Services Co., Ltd., Mr. W. Flexman French, the chairman, referred to the .progress made, and,inentioned that last 'veal' the company issued an additional 25,000 shares, and that these were over. eubscribed by nearly 50,000. The company have a further 25,000 unissued shares which they are offering to present shareholders at par: The dividend paid by the company on last year's working is at the rate of 15 per cent., and, after tarrying forward 111,000 to the reserve account, there tomaings £15,824 to be carried forward.
Bus Service Replacing Tramcars.
fn accordance with the decision arrived itt• some time ago by the Wigan Corporation, the tramcar service on the Aspull route from the borough boundary at New Springs to Aspull will tease running: as from midnight on Sunday, July 15th, An arrangement has been arrived at .by the Wigan Corporation and the Aspull District Council under which the corporation. will, sobiect to the consent of the Minis'try of Transport, run a motor omnibus service over the abandoned tram route, and this motor omnibus service will in all probability commence immediately the tram service ceases. 1922 Production in Canada.
According to figures recently issued by the Bureau of Statistics, the number of motor vehicles Manufactured in Canada during 1922 exceeded all previous records and reached a total of 101,007„ or 7 per cent. more than the maximum production of former years attained in 1920, and 53 per cent, more than the output in 1921. The total value of.. theoutput was 81.956,425 dollars, or 14,906,220 dollars greater than in the preceding year, although 19,500,417 dollars lower than the corresponding figures., for 1920.
The output of commercial vehicles was 10,174 in 1920, 5,148 in 1921, and 8,169 in 1922. .
The largely increased productionwas reflected in the employment records, the number of wage-earners employed rising from a monthly average of 4,429 in the previous year to 6,043 in 1922.
Power to Control Traffic..
With regawl to the powers to control. bus and other traffic, the Clerk to the Rickmansworth Urban District Council reports that the council has certain powers under the Town Police. Clauses Acts,. 1847 and 1889, but the, Ministry of Health has doubted how far it was expedient for a local authority' for a district comprising parts Only of omnibus routes to deal with the matter. , In view of 'the limited powers 'under the Town Police Act, and the desirability of treating the question uniformly in its application to the. country. as a -whole, local authorities, should discontinue the making of any by-laws • with regard to omnibuses until the Departmental Core mittee appointed by the Ministry of Transport had reported'on the question of regulation. of road vehicles.
A Glimpse into the Future.
. Speaking at Liverpool a few days ago in support of the .15,000,000 new road project between Liverpool and London, Lord Montagu said that road transport was still in its infancy-. They had at present, as a rule, only four-wheeled vehicles; but already there were vehicles. with six wheels, and before many years they would probably have eight-wheelers. Another. line of development would affect trailer's, 'At present the law allowed only' three trailers, but,' if they had a motor road suCh as that proje,cte;c1, they could have six trailers, and even
more. . •
On the main roads of this country horse-drawn traffic now averaged not more than five per cent, and it was clear that the road of the future must be made for the 95, per cent, traffic and not for the .five per cent. traffic. Roads must be built as enduring foundations of -reinforced concrete, and a surface that would stand this immense and heavy traffic. • The heavy traffic running out of Liverpool was, said Lord. Montagu, well over 10,000,000 tons a year. To Manchester it was over 4,000'.000 tons ; between Manchester and Birmingham 3,500000 tons, and between Birmingham and London 3,500,000 tons. Let theta reflect what this traffic woutd be five or ten years hence.
A Narrow-roads Bus.
The question of narrow roads and a new bus service were discussed by the Wirral Council, when Mr. John Pye, of lies-wall, Made an application to run a regular motorbus service between West Kirby, Heswall, Ila,rnston, Btoreton, Prenton, and Birkenhead. If the application were granted-, small 18-seater buses, suitabie, it was stated, for the narrow roads, would be used.
The council decided "that -permission be granted .subject to the width of the
motorbuses being_ approved." It was ascertained that the width of the buses to be run over the route would be 5 ft. 9 ins. (clearance) against 5 ft. 6 ins.,
which was the width of a taxi. The council agreed to Make 5 ft. 9 ins, the maximum width.
A Promise Unfulfilled.
The Penarth Council has granted a running permit for a motorbus to Messrs. Price Bros., Dines Pawls, for a service between Dines Powis and Penarth, despite a previous resolution to grant no additional bus licence except to Penarth proprietors. It was stated that many children attending Penarth schools would benefit by the service.
The route provisionally fixed was via Redland and Comerswell Road. A hackney carriage licence to ply for hire to Penarth Reach wae also granted to the same proprietor.
Lorry Manufacture in Russia.
The Soviet Government of Russia. has forbidden, for one year, -the purchase of
private motorcars and , parts. The measure has been passed owing to the fact that, as a result of ordering private motorcars abroad through State organizations, the number a private motorcars has greatly exceeded the number of lorries. The Soviet Government has also decided to support the independent manufacture of motor vehicles in Soviet Russia, and it intends to favour the construction of speedy lorries with a capacity of 11 tons, chiefly in the Arno works at Moscow, which has hitherto been used for repair and construction work.
Large Oil Stocks Purchased.
Morrisand Co. (Shrewsbury), Ltd., oil and grease manufacturers, of Welsh Bridge, Shrewsbury, have recently purchased extensive quantities of Government surplus oils, which have now been removed from the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, and various Government, depots, to their works at Shrewsbury. These oils include well-known brands of motor oils, motor lorry oils, motorcycle oils, steam cylinder one., engine oils, and maohinery oils of every description. .
The company are offering upwards of .1,000,000. gallons of oils in the makers' original five-gallon drums for immediate disposal, and fuller particulars can be obtained from their a,dvertisement in this issue.
Oil Fumes at the Thames Estuary. At a meeting of the Southend Health Committee the town clerk reported that, as directed, he had been in communication with the Essex County Council on the &object of the nuisance caused by the oil depots, and that the latter had adopted the suggestion that a conference of the local authorities concerned be held at its London offices, with a view to concerted action being taken, It was resolved that the chairman, Councillors Bockett
and N. J. Osborne together with the medical officer of health, be appointed to attend the conference on behalf of the corporation on such date as may be arranged.
Legislation for Drunken Drivers.
In response to a suggestion by the Arbroath Town Council that the penalty should be increased for persons convicted of drunkenness whilst in charge of motor vehicles, the Scottish Office has replied that the matter will be borne in •mind when the question of new legislation with regard to road vehicles is being .dealt with.
Opening Up in Swansea Valley. New bus services from the Swansea Valleys have been instituted by Mr. J. Evans, Ystalyfera. Services, run to time table, commenced on June 15th, and will run daily from Ystalyf era to Perrhos and Aberrave. whilst the old market-day (Thursday) bus services between Ystalyfere and Neath have been revivedby this proprietor.
A Speed Limit Wanted.
Stoke Newington Borough Council is asking the London County Council to take action-under Section 9 (1) of the Motor Car Act, 1903, with a view to restricting motor vehicles using Church Street, from High Street, to the corner , of Albion Road, to a speed of 10 miles per hour. Bus Progress "Down Under.'
Accordiag to an advice from Mel bourne, there are now 312 moterbuse operating in Sydney as compared wit] 190. vehicles 12 months ago. Th Machines operate On 52 routes in th Metropolitan area, and have a seatire capacity, in the aggregate, for 6,34: passengers. The capital involved in th services is £300,000. • The vehicles a present in use are of the single-decl type.
A conference c.alled by the Railwa: Government Association to consider pro blems associated with Motor traffic 11 New South Wales, and particularly ii relation to buses, has recommended tha the present. overall width' of sue] vehicles—i.e., 8 ft. 6 ins.—should b, decreased to a width nai exceeding 7 it
6 ins., which would bring the regaletionS into line with those whisk are in force in this country.
Hygienic Spring Scats.
We have been asked to point out that the full address of " The Hygienic" Spring Seat and Cushion Co., Ltd., is Springfield Works, Haman Lane West,
Coventry. Although the firm has • received numerous letters as the result ef our description of their cushions, which we recently published, some have apparently gone astray. as the address given was insufficient.
New Tyre Pressure Gauge.
A new and important type of pressure gauge has been placed on the market by the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. The gauge is of the dial pattern, and it fits English, Continental, or American tube valves without the need for the use of an adapter. The gauge is claimed, to be a considerable improvement upon many previous types of tyre,gauge, and it can be easily read. Moreover, the mechanism is particularly robust, and is not liable to get out of order. Thc gaege is convenient to apply, and it ie suitable for disc, wire, steetespoked, or, wood wheels.
An interesting feature of the gauge is that it can be removed from the valve to read the pressure, as the indicating linger remains in place until it is set back to zero.
It is fitted with an unbreakable transparent front, and the scale reads in lb. per sq, in., and kilogs. per sq. centimetre, The price at which it is marketed is most reasonable.
The Bus Question at Worcester.
. At a recent meeting of the Worcester City Watch Committee a letter was read front Road Motors, Ltd., asking if the watch committee would grant the company licences to run motorbuses. The town clerk said that a representative of ;he company hadtkvaited upon him and iromised to submit particulars of -fares.
It did not seem clear whether the cornpany proposed to run buses in the city only or outside as well.
Maund said that if the corporatom had trams and buses there would be -.congestion of traffic. He looked forward
• to the timewhen trolley-buses would run in Worcester.
• The town clerk said that the tramwayei were not held on a lease, -and that • the corporation had the option of acquiring them in about seven yeas-s. . It was resolved to await further information from the bus company before dealing with the point at issue.
An Interesting Roads Publication.
Seven monthly issues of the new Journal which deals with road engineering and development, under the title of Roadscad Road Construction, have now been published, and the. interesting character has been more than maintained, whilst we feel certain that it has become more and more appreciated .by road. engineers as the months have gone by. Road transportation has grown in the past decade. in an astonishing manner, and yet it has merely fulfilled the pro. pliewes of those enthusiasts whose forecasts, circulated at the commencement of . the motor area, were regarded ac the ravings of the self-seeking company promoter. If one may venture another prophecy, we haves° far merely touched the fringe of the use to which the highways will be put in the transportation of passengers and goods, and it. is truly 'said that already the road has been lifted
from parochial usefulness to national importance. Road surveyors and others must be kept. posted in matters of finance, adininistratien, construction, Use and Maintenance of the highways, and we consider that our contemporary, whose advent is to be welcomed, will accomplish this in a commendable manner. The journal is published by the Carders' Publishing Co., Ltd., at is. per copy.
Buses without Licences.
At. a meeting of the. Bridlington Corporation the town clerk reported that it ,appeared that none .of the owners of the motorbuses plying for hire in-the borough had. taken out liaekney carriage licences, red. he was instructed, to conimitnieete with the proprietors regairing them to take oat such licences 'forthwith:
Collecting Old Bus Tickets.
Asked by the Brighton Corporation to provide boxes on their buses for the reception of disused tickets, Thos. Tilling, Ltd., point out that, eccording to their own experience and that of other publiOservice undertakings it would be an
entirely useless thing undertakings, do, as the public
in general absolutely refuses to he troubled in the matter. Such was the experience on public-service vehicles in London, Where similar experiments were conducted a few years ago.
Brighton and Taxi-sidecars.
, Brighton Watch Committee has further considered an application from Mr. G. T. Barker, of London, for a. licence for a motorcycle eidecar-taxi, and refused to grant the application. With regard to an application for such a licence from Mr. J. R T. Clarkson, however, the committee decided To consider the application when the vehicle is produced for inspection. _ Repeat Orders for Guys. • , Messrs. William Whiteley ;• the -universal providers, if London, have just given. Guy Motors Ltd., a repeat order for 25-ewt. Vehicles as the result of the antisfaction derived from similar vehicles during the past few months in comfietition with other makes of Vehicle: The, company have also been favoured: with an order for 30-cwt. vehicles _from_ Messrs. Terry, of York, the chocolate' manufocturers., We are advised that Messrs. W. D. Foster and Co., 26,• _Hampstead Road, London, N.W. 1, have just been appointed by the Eisemann Magneto Curporation, of Brooklyn, New. York, sole representatives for their electrical peoduets in the BritisheIsles.-e_The company v. ill carry a large stock of Various devices, as well as spare parts, thus enabling them • to give maximum _service:
Traffic By-laws.
Writing to the Barfield Urban District Council, the Ministry of Transport, states that the Departmental Committee which is considering the question of taxation of road vehicles has not yet re-. ported, but that the Ministry, however, would consider any by-laws submitted by the district council, and particularly such as were confined to the fixing of stands and stopping-places and Other measures for the public convenience.
Carriage Licence Fees.
A.t a meeting of the Bridlington Watch Committee a deputation eons'sting 'of Lamplugh and. Mr: Franks, on behalf of the carriagp proprietors of Brid lington, attended and asked that the question of the...charge of 5s. for hackney carriage licences: should 'be reconsidered with a view to the fee being reduced to 2s. 6d. .
The .depatation further stated that under present conditions separate stands were reserved for hackney. carriages end omnibuses, and they were of opinion that in vieweof the charge now fixed for hackney carriage licences being the elme as these for omnibus licences, they should be allowed to place their carriages on any of the stands in the borough.
The deputation withdrew, and the committee fully considered the whole' matter, and resolved that the charge' of 5s. in respect of hackney carriage licences be Whored to, that hackney carriag.es he allowed to stand on any authorized stand in the borough, and that no distinetion be made between " hackney carriage stands" and " omnibus stands."
A. Useful Present.
The Bootle dock labour members of the Transport and General Workers' Union are subscribing to make a gift of a motor ambulance to the borough hospital. An order has been placed with the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co., Ltd., of Southport, for one of the company's latest type mote r ambulances, specially equipped for dealing with accident or infectious disease cases. The vehicle will be delivered about the middle of August.
. Central Garage for Swansea. .
A committee of the Swansea Corporation reports that it has been suggested that the time has nowarrived when the council should consider the'advisability of setting UP a garage for the housing of all departmental motor vehicles with a view to all ruiminhgetepairs and maietenante being executed therein, and for the vehicles of the various departments to be \ available. for any corpoiation purpose. " The committee has ,not: considered the matter thoroughly, hut it is of opinion . that the suggestion Merits closer examinat
Satisfaction from Albions.
The Albion .Motor Car Co. Ltd., inform us that Jas,Shoolbred and Co., Ltd., the well-known Tottenham Court Road, London, stores, have just placed a considerable order for 25-cwt. chassis of their manufacture, Messrs. Shootbred were one of the first concerns in the country to appreciate the possibilities of mechanical road transport for business purposes, and made their first purchases in 1905. The vehicles then supplied were of Albion production, and during the intervening years regular repeat orders have been placed., which snakes the total purchase of vehicles of this make 68.
New Development in Country Bus Traffic.
The Underground authorities in London are carrying out a new experiment as from July 1st., in order to bring the tanuary into closer touch with London, by the introduction of through tickets from the principal stations in the Central London area to the outlying country districts served by motorbuses in rural service. The tickets will be issued on Sundays and Bank-Holidays and will have the effect of reducing the cost of the journey from Central London and shortening the motorbus -ride through the congested areas of the Metropolis.
All About Bearings.
The new catakigue which has 'just been issued by the Hoffmann Manufacturing CO.; Ltd., of Chelmsford,is -most-comprehensive, and gives in a most lucid form details AI the wide range of bearings which are-made by title •eompany, In the compilation of the book the requirements of the technical -man:have been kept in view, and such is the arrangement of the matter that easy reference can be made. Those who are interested in the production of ball and roller bearings, as well as those who have occasion to use them for various purposes, will' find a host of valuable data in the catalogue.
British Success in Swedish Trials.
We recently referred to the performance, of a Vulcan 25 seater public-service omnibus. which participated in a 1,000mile reliability trial organized by the Royal Swedish Club. News has just come to hand which shows that this vehicle faithfully upheld the traditions of British manufacture, it being awarded 100 per cent. marks, and receiving the gold plaque, which waa the highest award made. As manufacturers from America, Franca, Germany.and Sweden were each represented lay two vehicles, we think it will be aeadily agreed that the result is a clear indication of the ability of the British vehicle to more than hold its own for reliability, ecoriomy, and speed.
Different Fares for Similar Journeys.
The fact that the motor omnibuses operated by the Middlesbrough Corporation took 36 mins. for the journey between Port Clarence and Seaton Carew, whilst for the same journey those worked by the Stockton Corporation only took 25 mins., was commented upon at a meeting of the Middlesbrough trasnavays committee, when if was also mentioned that the Stockton -vehicles only charged 6d., whilst the fare on the Middlesbrough' buses was 9d. It. was pointed out that the bad state of the highway restricted the speed of the busts, as also did the fact that the time-table was arranged to work in conjamction with the teams at Seaton Carew. The meeting resolved to speed up the services provided the West Hartlepool Corporation were in agreement, but declined to make any reduction in fares, one member remarking that if Stockton lost money there was no reason why aliddlesbiough should do the same.
Coachwork Nomenclature.
The interim report on British standard nomenclature for automobile coaChwark, Which has recently 'been issued -by the British Engineering Standards Aseaclation-, should prate of value to coachbuilders generally. It is published at 1s. net-, and can be purchased from any bookseller or directfrom the office of the .association, 28, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1.
Theasinual sports meeting of -the London General Omnibus Co., -Ltd., -Sports Association will be held at Stamford Bridge grounds on Saturday, July 28th.
Spares for the Shefflex.
We are informed that arrangements have been made between the Sheffield Simplex Co. and the Sargon Manufacturing Co., of Lock Lane Works, Tinsley, Sheffield, whereby the latter company will, in future, undertake the supply of all spare parts and the execution of repairs for the 30-cart. and 2-ton Shefflex chassis, and all inquiries in connection with such work should be sent. to the address given. Mr. F. H. Bargon has had a wide experience with, arid -was -responsible-for the-manufacture of, the Shefflex chassis.
The Edmonton Decision.
The Metropolitan and Home Counties Road Transport Contractors' Association is circularizing local authorities calling attention to the fact that the Edmonton District Council, which purchased electric dust vehicles two years a-go, has now reverted to its former method of refuse collection, namely, through a contractor, who will use horsed vehicles.
Bridlington Fares.
Bridlington Corporation has agreed to new fares recommended by the Watch Committee, with the exception of the charge for the hire of a -hackney carriage where the distance does not exceed one mile, in -which ease it has substituted a charge of 2s. for that of is. 6d.
A Ford for 44.
In conjunction with Lt.-Col, Grahame Deakin, vice-chairman of Dr. Bernardo's, the Hanger Motor co., Ltd., of 187, Broad Street, Birmingham, oraanized a raffle for a new Ford car at 4d. per ticket. Approximately 85.000 tickets were sold, and the draw, which was made some days ago by Alderman Sir David Brooks resulted in Mr. B. W. D. Lacy, a 173, Woodbridge Road, Moseley, being declared the winner.
Messrs. Lane and Co., of -Eltham, the enterprising dealers in reconditioned Thornycroft vehicles, have opened an office at 15, Cross Street, Manchester.
We shall be glad if " R.M.," of Exeter, who was responsible for a driver's letter appearing on our page devoted to drivers and mechanics, in our issue ofJima 12th, Will communicate with us.
Local Proceedings.
Fakenham .Parish Council has agreed to the purchase of a Hatfield -trailer pinup at a cost . of £600.
The North Wa'sham Urban District Council is considering the question of the purchase of a motor fire-engine.
Bognor Urban District Council is parehasing_a ,Unie 30-cwt, nhaSsis,fitted with -ambulance body at a cost if 2640:
Southwark Borough council has in hand a scheme for the construction of a garage for housing its Mater vehicles.
Calcutta Municipal Council has adopted a proposal to purchase four 1-ton, Ford lorries for refuse collection in narrow lanes.
Preston Corporation Markets Commit
tce has reduced the parking fees • ihe cattle market from is. to 64. per vehicle, Bridlington Corporatioe has asked its health committee to consider the question of the provision of a fully. equipped inotor•ambulance.
Southend Corporation Tramways Cam-mitt es reeommends the purchase, from E-Mctricars; Ltd., of an electric tower wagon at a cost of £995.
. -PrestonCornoration .Health Committee has agreei'd to the proposal of the Preston Royal Infirmary to substitute is G.M.C. ambulance for the present Ford ainbulance:
Cbester Corporation Improvements Committee has passed plans submitted. by Mr. Chas. Junes, for a public-garage on land bet-siren Queen Street and Fro-el: eh ism Street.
Plymouth Corporation has approved proposals for providing covered accommodation for tower wagons and other vehicles at the Milehouse depot at an estimatei cost of £500.
The Pontarda.we RuralDistrict Council is seeking tenders for a new steam roller with van and tar-spraying attachment, and quotations should be forwarded tO the surveyor.
Willesden Council's Works Committee. 'recommends the purchase from the Middlesex County Council ',of a 3-tan Foden steam wagon which was used in connection with the construction of the North Circular Road. . Guy Motors, Ltd., have received am order from the. St, Helens Corporation for . a fleet Of 20 seater oneiman-type buses. '
Willesden Urban District Council has deferred for the present consideration of a scheme for the centralization of motor services.
Exeter City Council has a committee considering a scheme for a loop road on the outskirts of the city to which .heavy traffic can he side-tracked.
Huddersfield Corporation is " watching '' the effects of motorbas services which run into the town and compete with the municipal tramwa-ys.
The Mansfield Woodhouse Urban District Council has resolved to apply to the Ministry of Health for sanction, to borrow £520 for the purchasaof a fire-engine.
" The local branch of the National Employers'. Association of Vehicle Builders has asked the Preston Corporation to get a practical engineer to inspect hackney carriages befoee granting licences.
The Takapima Borough Council (New Zealand) is considering the advisability of submitting to the ratepayers, simultaneously with aevierage and roads construction schemes, a proposal for the porvision of fire-fighting appliances.
Harrogate Town Council has given per. miSsion to-the local Road Car Co. to run
motorbuses in connection with evening conceits, although a cunimittee was against such services, because they would jeopardise the business of taxicab proprietors.
Lowestoft Watch Committee has asked the proprietors of omnibuses running Onthe Yarmouth route to commence imine7. diaLely the use of the-. proposed stand ip Waveney Road, and to discontinue the use of the stand on the Royal. Plain, which they have hitherto been using.
The tramways coMmittee of the. Birmingham City Council is open to receive
tenders for the Supply of eight. single
deck motorbus bodies. The form of tender, with general instructions and cod-.
ditions, can be obtained from the general manager at the Tramways Offices, Congreve Street, Birmingham, All tenders, addressed to the chairman of the coro mittee, lima be delivered not laterthan July 7th.
There are 1,600 Motor vehicles used for refuse collection by local authorities. •
Mancnester Cab Fares.
It May be -remembered: that some weeks ago we referred to the fact, that taxicab faxes in Manchester had been'reduced as an experimental measure from 2s. for the first mile and 1s. 6d. for each subsequQnt mile to is. 5c1. with 3d. for each additional passenger over two for the whole journey.
A deputation of those with taxicab ieterests recently waited upon the Manchester Hackney Coach Committee in order, ta point out that taxicabs could not be run profitably at the reduced charges now in force, After a long discussion in private the. committee decided to appoint a specialsub-Committee to in-' vestigate the matter.
. A New Tyre-fitting Depot.
The tyre presses which have recently been installed at the new fitting &pat of the Wood-Milne Tyres and Manufacturing Co ;Ltd., are now in working order . at 43, Johnson Street, Page Street, London, S.W. The best approaches to this , service depot are detailed on a direct-ion map which the company are prepared to send to those interested on applicationi. being made to their offices at 64, -Victoria
Streets London S.W. 1.
, . .
Tenders for a 3-tonner.
"Stepney Council's Works Committee recommends the purchase of a Daimler 3-ton lorry at a cost of £713, and a• Ford van at a cost of £121. . The following tenders were received for the 3-ton lorry The Daimler Co.,. Ltd., £713; -Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., £769; Leylaud Motors, Ltd., £710; Dennis Bros., Ltd., £773; J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., £780;-Laere Motor Car Co., Ltd., £834; Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., £885
Best Petrol for Fire.-engines.
Willesden Council's Fire Brigade Committee has had Under consideration a report of the superintendent of the brigade on the use of the bulk supply of Motor spirit stored at the Municipal Hospital, and after carefully considering the matter, is of opinion that, iu order to maintain the efficiency of thehrigade, it is necessary that only No. 1 grade petrol should be used in the motor appli-ance.i.. The committee, therefore, recommends that such spirit, be purchased in chums for the ose of the fire brigade only.