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W E RECENTLY observed the unloading of some coal wagons in the railway goods siding of a small Yorkshire town, which brought...
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W E ARE rather surprised to find little . or nothing being done in the way of propaganda to counteract the obvious evil effect...
T HE ROYAL Agricultural Show has the effect, every year. of drawing the attention of farmers and others engaged in the...
N 0 OTHER show in the world is of more interest to the farmer•than.the famous Royal, Which has its venue this year at...
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That time tells on timers. Of judges on short circuits. . Of Sherlock Ohms and Dr. Watts. That it's shove that makes the...
Somewhere in London the road had been torn up by one of those.nrivileged bodies who are permitted to tusn order into chaos. The...
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",'ho wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by • the...
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T HE Lancashire County Sorveyor took a census or traffic on the Blackpool-Preston road , during, Blackpool carnival, week. -The...
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The Revolution Effected by Motor Vehicles. The Need for Reliability, to Avoid Loss of the Market. The Betterment of the...
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A Means of Ignition by Flame Propagation mhich, it is Claimed, May Solve, if e Difficulty Attaching to the Use of Heavier...
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The Present Position of the Agrimotor, and Why it is Not Advancing. The Hope of Better Prospects Following Upon Further...
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The public control committee of the London County Council has prepared a report as to the work carried out during the year...
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The Advantages Offered by Mechanical Emptying. Some of the Difficulties that have been Experienced and are now Overcome. • M...
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A Brief Description of the Types which are noW in Vogue. T HE DESIGN of the heavier types of steam road roller of 10 tons to...
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T HE PRINciPLE el ignition used in the Diesel engine, where highly compressed air generates sufficient heat to cause...
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' Greater Comfort for Motor Coach Passengers: Lower Load Lines for Transport Work. T HE. commercial vehicle industry in Great,...
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F OUNDED in 1873, the fiftieth year of the' Institution of Municipal and County Engineers has now been completed. An ever -...
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A Comprehensive Report of the Exhibits of Steam and Petrol Vehicles, Agrimotors, Tractors, Traction Engines, Road Rollers,...
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The Transporting of a Church Marks the Successful Finish of a Unique Feat in which the Property in One Village was Removed to...
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Establishment Charges: What They Are and How They Total to a Substantial Weekly SuM, Even in the Case of the One-lorry Owner...
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How London Borough Authorities are Dealing with the Problem of Wear and Tear of Roads. fr HE MEMBERS of the Institution Of...
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Heiw the Most Expensive Item of a Collecting System can be Made to Develop the Maximum of Efficiency. T HAT THE possibilities...
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How the Motor Lorry Meets the Farmer's Requirements and Conducts His Transport in a Most Efficient Manner. T HE MOTOR lorry...
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Further Details and Illustrations of the 1-ton Chevrolet Chassis, which is Being Built in Canada. I N OUR LAST issue we were...
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The Project for Building a Special Road, Its Use to be Confined to Motor Traffic Between London and Birmingham, Manchester and...
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The Making of Hot Bituminous Macadam in Portable and Stationary Plants for Road Construction. T HE USE of bituminous macadam...
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-gfAITRATED by the Canadian Pacific Railway as a passenger-carrying unit between Montreal and the neighbouring town of La...
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How the Horse is Beaten in the Matter of Costs. Some Definite Figures for Comparison, By " Agrimot." T • HE QUESTION, for. the...
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Co-operative societies not only use the motor lorry for the transport of goods but they also own motor coaches, many usin g the...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. A NEW IDEA IN PASSENGER VEHICLE SEATING. Luxurious Interior...
Another Enterprising Municipality Follows the Lead Set by Other Provincial Authorities. 'V OR some time past the Ashton':...
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Brief Details of a Device which is Simple in Operation. " I T 16 NOT surprising, in view of the fickle weather which now...
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An interesting Development of a Novel idea, Which May Help to Solve a Difficult Problem. T HERE is no end to the variety of...
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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Ford Transport, which will Appeal to the Owner, Driver, and Repairer. I N THIS series of...
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flow to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble. '394.—Valuable Advice on the Lubricating ....
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Simple and Effective Devices Constructed by Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. W E ARE awarding the 15s. prize this week to " of...
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A Résumé of Recently Published , Patents. T HE "JET" in the carburetter, which is described in specification No. 197,825 by...