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Racing Transporter "for Scots *Team

3rd June 1960, Page 52
3rd June 1960
Page 52
Page 52, 3rd June 1960 — Racing Transporter "for Scots *Team
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A. TRANSPORTER capable of carrying three racing cars, spare parts and full-complement of mechanics has been Presented to the Ecurie Ecosse motorracing -team by the Ecurie Ecosse Association.. It is based on a Commer 7-ton extended chassis, and has Alexan. 'der bodywork incOrporating many novel aids for the speedy handling and servicing of 'competition cars.

The Vehicle has two decks. The lower deck has a crew compartment at the front, a large Cabin for spares and -equipment, and a 15-ft. space for a car. The Upper deck can accommodate two cars, and light-alloy loading ramps are

provided. .

The chassis was supplied through James Ross and Sons (Motors), Ltd., and _lengthened by John Gibson and Son, Ltd.

JUirriber of companies supplied parts Tor. the vehicle free or at reduced prices. _ Confiriental,type lighting fittings have been .fixed on the transporter, the windScieen of , which is raked forward to reduce-glare when driving at night.