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3rd June 1960
3rd June 1960
Page 1
Page 1, 3rd June 1960

Page 39

The Vortex

I T is not necessary to seek far for the reason for the sharp increase in the number of bankruptcies of hauliers last year,...

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The Wrong Team Spirit

M UCH has been heard recently about the importa n ce of selectin g and trainin g drivers carefully, and of buildin g up team...

Alfred Jam( ettigrew Wright

I T will not be long before all the scattered staff of British Road Services' South Eastern Division are gathered together...

No Bricks Dropped

M R. A. T. WORBOYS, chairman of the London Brick Co., Ltd., seems to be one of the few big industrialists who appreciate the...

Page 42

Coach Companies' Drive to Attract Foreign Tourists

BY OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT B RITISH coach companies are co-operating with hoteliers in the biggest drive ever to persuade...

Safest Cab to be Discovered in Contest A COMPETITION to

discover the cab rTh. making the greatest contribution to the comfort, safety and convenience of the driver will be held in...

P.M.T. Lose Appeal to Minister

T HE Minister of Transport has upheld the grant made to Greatrex Motor Coaches, Ltd., Stafford, to run an express service from...


W ORK was due to start on Wednesday on the construction of the new factory of the British Motor Corporation at pathgate, West...

Page 43

Applicants Brought Difficulties on Themselves, Says Authority

M OST of the difficulties mentioned by Leonard Green (Haulage), Ltd., Rotherham, when they applied to add eight vehicles of 32...

30 " Artics" for B.R.S. at Swindon 'THE fleet of British

Road Services I. at Swindon, which was part of the car industry production line between the factory of the Pressed Steel Co.,...

Page 44

Men in the News

'DR. K. W. BRITTAN has been appointed research manager of the King's Norton factory of the Triplex Safety Glass Co., Ltd. ALD....

Case Decided After Two Adjournments

A N application by Messrs. Senator Transport, Great Elm, Somerset, which had been adjourned twice, was finally disposed of by...

Page 45

Hotorway Contractors Paid Rates Said to be Completely Uneconomic

A LLEGATIONS that completely uneconomic rates were being paid to tipper operators, by the contractors for the Ross Spur...

Inquiry Into Small-bus Operation?

B US companies in the East Midlands are to ask the Minister of Transport to investigate suspected illegal operation of small...

Shorter Working Week Aggravates Peak

C ONCENTRATION of peak loadings, which was aggravated by the shorter working week in the engineering industry, was causing...

Page 46

Future Motorways May Be Toll Roads : Schemes in Pipeline

BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT T OLLS for future motorways are being seriously considered by the Ministry of Transport....

B.R.S. Drivers and Mates Return

A BOUT 100 drivers and mates returnee to work on Monday, following at unofficial strike, at the Ashburton Row depot of British...

A Licence Refused for Local Work

B ECAUSE the company's maintenance facilities were located in Scotland, J. and A. Smith, of Maddiston, Ltd., Maddiston, near...

Page 47

Arestern. Hauliers Alleged to Gain Licences More Easily than Welsh

S UGGESTIONS that Western Area operators were obtaining steel traffic from South Wales at the expense of Welsh hauliers,...


Bus Depot Plans: Southend Transport Department is proceeding with plans for the early erection of a bus depot at London Road,...

Page 48

"Ridiculous Proposition " B.R.S.

Advocate : Authority "Misled " A RIDICULOUS heavy haulage proposition was how Mr. A. W. Balne " described the operation of a...

Take-over, Will Not Affect Production

T HE announcement last week' tha Jaguar Cars, Ltd., are to purchase th Daimler Co., Ltd., which includes Trans port Vehicles...

Page 51

Flard Fight in Harris Lebu s Application

Bid by Furniture Group to Place Fleet Under A-Licence Meets Stiff Opposition IF the Harris Lebus furniture group were allowed...

Second Car Transporter Refused

A N application by an Aberdeen haulier for a second licence to transport new cars and tractors north from English factories was...

Page 52

Racing Transporter "for Scots *Team

A . TRANSPORTER capable of carrying three racing cars, spare parts and full - complement of mechanics has been Presented to the...

Preparing for Polish Exhibition

P REPARATIONS are being made by Dansk Automobil Byggeri, . the Danish concern associated with Leyland Motors, Ltd., for the...

New Transport Companies

• P. G. Wilson, Ltd. Cap. £3,000. Dirs.: Mrs.I. Wilson. Orchard House, 89 Rochdale Road East, Heywood, Law, and J. Holden, 467...

• Rise in Charges in. . Northern Ireland

R OAD and , rail rates and fares .wil undoubtedly be increased ir Northern Ireland if wage increase 'offer from the Ulster...

Page 53

"Pirate" Operator Pays Fines at Maryport

A LLEGED to have operated a tn. " pirate " bus service with a minibus, Ian Logan, Church Street, Maryport, taxi proprietor, was...

Fire Appliance With • Gas Turbine

T HE world's first gas turbine-powered fire truck has reeently been built by the American LaFrance Corporation, Elmira, New...

All-round Rise at Coventry

R EVENUE, passengers and mileage had all increased during a satisfactory trading year which ended on March 31, said Cllr. W....

Page 54

Progressive Ideas Kee] urniture Moving

By Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. F ROM local cartage to removals on a national (or even global) basis—that, iri a - nutShell,...

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TENANCE "As Required" E BEST

A RIGID system of preventive maintenance of major components, based on time and mileage intervals, was discontinued by the...

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By JANUS T HE chances that the Channel Tunnel will ever be built are very slender, in spite of the opinions of the eminent...

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S.U.T. Win Outright at Nice Rally

L'OR the first time since the event was I begun 12 years ago, a British coach gained the Grand Prix in the Nice International...

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H AVING travelled some 3,400 miles in a Thames-Duple coach during the record breaking London-Moscow run last year, I can claim...

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Hand-brake performance was even more unexpected, as I was able easily to achieve a Tapley-meter reading of 42.5 per cent. from...

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WIRMmor Go Slow Pays

Dividends T OO rapid expansion has been detrimental to the continued independence of many hauliers since denationalization....

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Hammer Action

-r-w() Blackhawk tools are now available in this I country from E. P. Barrus (Concessionaires)1 Ltd., 12-16, Brunel Road,...

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Three-tier Cattle Trucks ARE THEY LEGAL?

A HAULIER has inquired whether the mounting of threedeck cattle-carrying bodies would be legal on four-wheel chassis. There is...

Page 76

End of Seller's Market Hits Contract-A Lorries

A BANDONMENT of the coal allocation system, in April, 1959, had r-k ended the seller's market and made the operation of...

Toll Charges to Be Assessed

A SURVEY of traffic using crossings Arv of the River Thames from Tower Bridge to Gravestnd-Tilbury ferry is to be made to...

Tippers for Lime and Coal

T t WO tippers, to transport agricultural I. lime for their parent company and solid fuel for Thomas Silvey, Ltd., Bristol,...